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Simulation and Analysis of Wireless Mesh Network In Smart Grid / Advanced Metering Infrastructure

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Simulation and Analysis of Wireless Mesh Network In Smart Grid / Advanced Metering Infrastructure Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Outline of the Talk. Introduction Related work

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Simulation and Analysis of Wireless Mesh Network In Smart Grid / Advanced Metering Infrastructure

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  1. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Simulation and Analysis of Wireless Mesh Network In Smart Grid / Advanced Metering Infrastructure Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  2. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Outline of the Talk • Introduction • Related work • Real-time Smart Grid Meter Data Collection using Hybrid WiMAX/Wi-Fi Networks • Smart Grid Wireless Infrastructure Planning (SG-WIP) Tool. • Simulation Results of SG-SIM • Lessons Learned • Future Direction • Conclusion Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  3. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Introduction • What is the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)? • The need to collect metering data in real-time • Save the material usage for the electric power generation by correctly predict the load demand and build the load profile Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  4. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Wireless Mesh Network for AMI • Low cost installation and maintenance • Can deploy on the large service areas: urban, suburb • Scalable, high performance technologies • Secured standards: IEEE802.16, IEEE 802.11s Wi-Fi mesh networks with WiMAX backhaul Wireless technologies (source: Intel) Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  5. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CSU AMI Infrastructure Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  6. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Related Work • “Wireless Mesh Networks: A Survey” [AWW05] The author presented many open research issues needed to be solved such as scalability, self-organization and self-configuration, security, network integration. The critical factors influencing protocol design were discussed for improvement objectives. • “The Nominal Capacity of Wireless Mesh Networks” [JS03] The authors shown that for WMNs the throughput of each node decreases as O(1/n), where n is total number of nodes in the network. Moreover, for a given topology and the set of active nodes, the upper bounds on the throughput of any node can be exactly calculated. • “Capacity of Grid-Oriented Wireless Mesh Networks” [ANMK08] The author presented an analytical framework for determining the nominal capacity of multi-radio multi-channel Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). As the research conclusion, the effects of WMN design parameters such as network topology, network size, routing methods, channel assignment schemes etc. are interlinked and a judicious selection is essential to maximize capacity. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  7. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Related Work (2) • “Architecture and Algorithms for an IEEE 802.11-based Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Network” [RC05] The author proposed a novel multi-channel WMN architecture that effectively addresses the bandwidth problem by fully exploiting non-overlapped radio channels that the IEEE 802.11 standards make available. • “Multi-Channel Mesh Networks: Challenges and Protocols” [KSCV06] The authors considered the use of multi-channel to improve the throughput of Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). The main challenges were highlighted and two link-layer protocols were presented for utilizing multiple channels • “Coverage and capacity of a wireless mesh network” [HWC05] The authors proposed a scalable multi-channel ring-based WMN architecture and developed an analytical framework to evaluate the capacity and coverage of such a network. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  8. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Related Work (3) • “The IEEE 802.11s Extended Service Set Mesh Networking Standard” [CK08] The author presented how the developing IEEE 802.11s ESS Mesh Networking Standard draft addresses technical challenges of the pervasive development of wireless mesh networks (WMNs), the efficient allocation of mesh resources (routing and MAC layers), the protection of network resources (security and power savings), and the elimination of spatial bias (congestion control). • “An Improved IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Module for the ns-3 Simulator” [IPGT10] The authors presented the new features and enhancements that were integrated within the ns-3 WiMAX module. These proposed features can make easier and more realistic the evaluation and design of WiMAX systems. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  9. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Challenges & Approach • Challenges in Design and Deployment AMI Network using WMN • How to evaluate the network performance: hundred thousands of smart meters, complicated architecture • How the scalability affects to the performance • Approach • Develop a Network Topology Planning Tool • Develop a Network Simulator for AMI Communication Network • Simulate the network model and Analyze the results • Goals • Develop techniques and tools to evaluate the performance of AMI WMN. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  10. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Hybrid WiMAX/Wi-Fi Network Model (a) (b) Hybrid WiMAX/Wi-Fi Network Model (a) Example of WiMAX network (WAN) (b) Example of Wi-Fi mesh network (NAN) Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  11. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs SG-WIP Tool • A mashup that overlays the wireless infrastructure and GIS data (street light poles, housing units) on the Google Maps • Visually planning the Antenna mounting place for the WiMAX/Wi-Fi network • Export the network topology as XML file for further research • Can be integrated to the network simulator Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  12. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs SG-WIP: GUI GUI includes components: Main Menu, Network Topology Overlay, Google Maps, and Topology Information Panel. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  13. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs SG-WIP: Navigating Topologies MAN: Grid 10x10, 10 km x 10 km (WxH) NAN: Grid 10x10, 1 km x 1 km (WxH) Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  14. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs SG-WIP: Exporting Topology LAN: Square, 100 m x 100 m (WxH) Exporting the LAN topology as an XML file Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  15. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs SG-WIP: Changing Antennae Position (a) (b) WiMAX base station’s antennae: (a) Before changing, location at (5, 5); (b) After changing, location at (6, 9) Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  16. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs SG-WIP: Code // Handle the Click event on the network topology google.maps.event.addListener(polygon, 'click', function(event) { var lat = event.latLng.lat(); varlng = event.latLng.lng(); Network.clickEvent(lat, lng); } // Geographical coordinates helper functions • //This uses the ‘haversine’ formula to calculate great-circle distances between • //the two points – that is, the shortest distance over the earth’s surface – • // giving an ‘as-the-crow-flies’ distance between the points (ignoring any hills!). • function distance_between(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2){ • vardLat = (lat2-lat1)*degrees_to_radians; • vardLon = (lon2-lon1)*degrees_to_radians; • var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + • Math.cos(lat1*degrees_to_radians) * Math.cos(lat2*degrees_to_radians) * • Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2); • var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); • var d = earth_radius * c; • return d; • } }); // Calculate the center point of the ColoSprgs boundary house/building units // Show the map of Colorado Springs varcsCenter = getCenter(new GeoRectangle(csSW, csNE)); varlatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(csCenter.Latitude, csCenter.Longitude); // Map's options varmyOptions = { zoom: startZoom, center: latlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, mapTypeControl: true, navigationControl: true, scaleControl: true }; // Map object instance map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), myOptions); // Add the network topology as an overlay object on map polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: paths, strokeColor: FillColor, strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWeight: LineWeight, fillColor: FillColor, fillOpacity: 0.01 }); polygon.setMap(map); overlaysArray.push(polygon); Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  17. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs SG-SIM Simulator • Implements the proposed hybrid WiMAX/Wi-Fi Network Model on NS-3 platform • The network simulator NS-3 is • Open source project • Popular and accepted by network research community • Parameters of the Simulator • Network types: WAN, MAN, NAN, LAN • Number of nodes, Transmission Rate • Others: network initialization time,… Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  18. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs SG-SIM: Code // Install the app on the SS nodes for (inti=0; i<nbSS; i++) { // build the application Ptr<SgOnOffApplication> sgOnOff = CreateObject<SgOnOffApplication>(); sgOnOff->SetAttribute ("Protocol", StringValue ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory")); sgOnOff->SetAttribute ("OnTime", RandomVariableValue (ConstantVariable (1))); sgOnOff->SetAttribute ("OffTime", RandomVariableValue (ConstantVariable (0))); sgOnOff->SetAttribute ("DataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate (m_packetDataRate))); sgOnOff->SetAttribute ("PacketSize", UintegerValue (lenPacket)); sgOnOff->SetAttribute ("Remote", remoteAddress); sgOnOff->SetStartTime (Seconds (start + 0.000001*i)); ssNodes.Get (i)->AddApplication(sgOnOff); } // Install node location for WiMAX base station, gateways MobilityHelper mobility; mobility.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::GridPositionAllocator", "MinX", DoubleValue (0.0), "MinY", DoubleValue (0.0), "DeltaX", DoubleValue (1000), "DeltaY", DoubleValue (1000), "GridWidth", UintegerValue (5), "LayoutType", StringValue ("RowFirst")); mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel"); mobility.Install (bsNodes); mobility.Install (ssNodes); // Create a packet sink to receive these packets Address sinkLocalAddress (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), 50000)); PacketSinkHelpersinkHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", sinkLocalAddress); ApplicationContainersinkApp = sinkHelper.Install (serverNode); sinkApp.Start (Seconds (start)); sinkApp.Stop (Seconds (duration)); Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  19. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Simulation Experiments • Experiment Design Vision • Evaluate the performance of AMI Infrastructure • How the scalability affects to the performance • Measure the performance of network with many source nodes at the specific Constant Bit Rate (CBR) • Confirm to smart meter density analysis (using SG-WIP) Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  20. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs LAN Simulation Results • Tx packets = Rx packets • Total processing delay increases linearly with the number of smart meter Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  21. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs NAN Simulation Results • Tx packets = Rx packets • Total processing delay increases rapidly with the number of mesh routers. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  22. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs MAN Simulation Results • Tx packets = Rx packets • Total processing delay converges to 930 msecs. It caused by 5 msecs fixed frame time in IEEE 802.16 standard. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  23. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs MAN Simulation Results (2) Impact on the network performance by aggregating meter data at the gateway • Tx packets = Rx packets when number of meter packets < 16 • Tx packets > Rx packets when number of meter packets >= 16 (caused by UDP packet fragmentation) • Total processing delay increases slowly with the number of meter packets Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  24. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs WAN Simulation Results • Tx packets = Rx packets • Total processing delay is independent from the number of base stations (BSs). However, it is affected by the distribution of BSs around the data centers. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  25. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs WAN Simulation Results (2) • The total processing time was linearly increased with the length of the optical cables. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  26. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Lessons Learned • Development of SG-WIP Tool • Challenges in testing and debugging source code for Web application (used PHP/JavaScript) • GIS Information Acquisition: time consuming process • Development of SG-SIM Simulator • Found the bug in NS-3 WiMAX module that can affect the simulation results and reported to NS-3 community at: http://www.nsnam.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1025 • Simulation Experiments in NS-3 • The initialization phase of wireless networks • Bugs in Wi-Fi Mesh, WiMAX modules Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  27. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Future Direction • Fully integrate the SG-WIP tool with SG-SIM simulator • Improve the antenna placement algorithm • Increase availability of wireless networks • Database systems for storing the real-time meter data Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  28. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Conclusion • The proposed WiMAX/Wi-Fi WMN can transport the meter data from 160,000 smart meters in the CSU service areas to the data center in one second. • The high scalability property of WiMAX/Wi-Fi WMN helps flexibly extend the coverage area of the AMI wireless infrastructure without degrading the network performance. • The proposed WiMAX/Wi-Fi infrastructure allows the utilities deploying an AMI wireless communication infrastructure not only at low cost of installation and maintenance but also with high performance, scalability, and security. Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  29. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Demo • Illustrate network topology planning with SG-WIP Tool http://scad.eas.uccs.edu/sgwip/wan.html • Some demonstrations of SG-SIM simulator Masters Thesis Philip Huynh Spring 2011

  30. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs References • [DoE01] U.S. Department of Energy, “Smart Grid”, <http://www.oe.energy.gov/smartgrid.htm> • [DoE02] U.S Department of Energy, “Smart Grid: An Introduction”, <http://www.oe.energy.gov/SmartGridIntroduction.htm> • [Wiki01] “Smart Grid”, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_grid> • [NIST10] National Institute of Standards and Technology, “NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 1.0”, Jan. 2010. • [NETL08] National Energy Technology Laboratory, white paper “Advanced Metering infrastructure”, February 2008. • [Chow09] Edward Chow, Lecture “Secure Smart Grids”, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 2009. • [IEEE11] IEEE Standard 802 Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, 2007. • [IEEE15] IEEE Standard 802 Part 15.1: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Personal Area Networks (WPANs), 2005. • [IEEE16] IEEE Standard 802 Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems, 2009. • [IEEE11s] IEEE, “Draft amendment: ESS mesh networking”, IEEE P802.11s Draft 1.00, November 2006. • [Moh01] PrasantMohapatra, Lecture “Wireless Mesh Networks”, Department of Computer Science University of California, Davis. • [AWW05] I. 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