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Selma H. Doyran Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme

WTO Workshop on Transparency 15 October 2012 Access to current Codex standards and related information. Selma H. Doyran Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. Transparency aspects - CODEX. Procedures Transparency in the standard-setting process

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Selma H. Doyran Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme

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  1. WTO Workshop on Transparency15 October 2012Access to current Codex standards and related information Selma H. Doyran Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme

  2. Transparency aspects - CODEX Procedures • Transparency in the standard-setting process • All Codex Committees and Task Forces are open to all members and observers • Comments are requested at all steps of the procedures standard development and prior to final adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission Access to standards: publications and Codex website Use of standards: no notification process in Codex, the use of standards – harmonisation of national standards with international standards isconsidered in the regional FAO/WHO CoordinatingCommittees

  3. Access to documents - Codex website Several types of documents • Standards and related texts, codes of practice, guidelines..(adopted Codex texts) • Working documents used in the elaboration of Codex standards : • Documents on which comments are requested • Other working documents • Electronic distribution lists to Codex contact points and observers

  4. Codex Standards - information • Publication of printed documents islimitedSpecial Publications by thematic area: hygiene, labelling, inspection and certification, biotechnology,) • CD ROM • Main media: • Codex website: www.codexalimentarius.org • or through the FAO and WHO websites: standards, data base of pesticide and veterinarydrugsMRLs

  5. Working Documents • Distribution of documents is mainly electronic since 2006 • Codex website: www.codexalimentarius.org or through FAO and OMS www.fao.org or www.who.org • All reports of Codex sessions • Agendas and working documents for Codex sessions Codex (drafts of standards under discussion) • Circular Letters asking for comments from governments

  6. Publications (on website) collection of standards, guidelines etc

  7. Codex website – Content General information on Codex Schedule of “meetings and events” Links to relevant websites (FAO/WHO expert bodies, Codex Trust Fund etc.)

  8. Codex website: general information List of Committees Commission Members, Codex Contact points in countries International Organisations Procedural Manual - Strategic Plan Sites of Regional Committees

  9. Codex website: link to risk assessment and scientific advice JECFA JMPR JEMRA FAO/WHO consultations

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