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;****************************************************************************. ;* Locate, New Files and Zippy Search across all available Conferences. *. ;* Written by: Steve Morris Version: 2.0 Date: 02/01/95 *.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ;****************************************************************************;****************************************************************************

  2. ;* Locate, New Files and Zippy Search across all available Conferences. *

  3. ;* Written by: Steve Morris Version: 2.0 Date: 02/01/95 *

  4. ;****************************************************************************;****************************************************************************

  5. String PCBFunction, FileLang, ConfName, PPE, Second, Str, YN

  6. String Which, NextLine

  7. int NumOfConf, Record, OldConf, Start, End, Loop

  8. declare function CmdType(int, string) string

  9. ;****************************************************************************;****************************************************************************

  10. ;* Initialize the variables *

  11. ;****************************************************************************;****************************************************************************

  12. PCBFunction = lastans()

  13. PCBFunction = left(PCBFunction, 1) ; Set PCBFunction to only one character

  14. While (tokcount()>0) do

  15. Str = gettoken()

  16. PCBFunction = PCBFunction + " " + Str

  17. endwhile

  18. ;****************************************************************************;****************************************************************************

  19. ;* This next section will find out what command they would like to execute. *

  20. ;* Also updates the PCBTEXT file to allow for scanning accross conferences *

  21. ;* without prompting for certain questions. *

  22. ;****************************************************************************;****************************************************************************

  23. NumOfConf = readline(pcbdat(), 108) ; Highest number of conference on system

  24. if (!exist(string(ppepath())+"lnz.cfg")) then

  25. fopen 1,ppepath()+"lnz.cfg",o_wr,s_dn

  26. fput 1,"0-"+string(NumOfConf)

  27. fclose 1

  28. endif

  29. fopen 1,ppepath()+"lnz.cfg",o_rd,s_dn

  30. fdefin 1

  31. if (len(PCBFunction)<2) then

  32. if (left(PCBFunction, 1) = "L") PCBFunction = CmdType(71, "L")

  33. if (left(PCBFunction, 1) = "N") PCBFunction = CmdType(72, "N")

  34. if (left(PCBFunction, 1) = "Z") PCBFunction = CmdType(70, "Z")

  35. endif

  36. ;****************************************************************************;****************************************************************************

  37. ;* The main code of the program. This will start with the MAIN BOARD *

  38. ;* conference and loop through all the conference to scan. The rest of the *

  39. ;* code in PPE is to jazz up the display and operation. To make this work *

  40. ;* this section is all you need. *

  41. ;****************************************************************************;****************************************************************************

  42. OldConf = curconf()

  43. Record = u_recnum(u_name())

  44. fdget Which

  45. while (!ferr(1)) do

  46. fdget NextLine

  47. Which = replace(Which,"-"," ")

  48. tokenize Which

  49. Start = gettoken()

  50. if (tokcount() > 0) then

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