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Jelgavas 4. highschool

Jelgavas 4. highschool.

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Jelgavas 4. highschool

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  1. Jelgavas 4. highschool

  2. Jelgavas 4. Highshoolisourschool. It’s a goodschool. ManypopularandfamouspersonsinLatviahasgraduatedourschool. Andweareproudaboutthat. Thisschoolisconnectedwithmusic. Wehave a differentgradesinourschoolandoneofthemaremusician. Childrenarelearninghow to sing, playmusic instruments from first class. Everybodyhave a chance to be a partnerindifferentchoirslikeboyschoir, girlschoir, mixedchoirandalsoinorchestra. Therearealso a chance to be a solist. Thesechoirsandorchestraarebringingtheschoolnameinallworld. Thesecompaniesaretraveling to manycountriesinallworld to somecompetitionsandnotrarelycamebackhomewithvictory. Forexampleourgirlschoir „Spigo” haswonthe grand prixinSpain, Netherlands, Finlandandothercountries. Thatmakesourschoolwellknowninworld. Butmusicisnottheonlythinginourschoolthatwecanbeproudof. Wehavemanygoodathletes. Sportisverypopularinourschoolbecouswehave a sports centresalmostforeverysport. BMX track, icehall, tenniscourts, footballpitch, basketballfieldsandswimmingpooland a skateparkofcoursewheremany students fromourschoolarespendingtheirfreetime. Everyyearin first septemberwhenthenewschoolyear starts moregood students chooseourschoolastheirschool. Wearehappythattheychooseourschoolandhopetheywillbring Jelgavas 4. Highschoolas a goodschool.

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