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a. DgSTP1 AtSTP1 AtSTP12 AtSTP4 AtSTP9 AtSTP10 AtSTP11 AtSTP2 AtSTP6 AtSTP8 AtSTP7 AtSTP14 AtSTP13 AtSTP3 AtSTP5 outgroup. b. AtSTP3 Mtr.38595.1.S1_at AtSTP5 DgSTP1 MtSTP1 AtSTP1 AtSTP12 Mtr.14810.1.S1_at Mtr.51183.1.S1_at AtSTP9 AtSTP10 AtSTP11 AtSTP4
a DgSTP1 AtSTP1 AtSTP12 AtSTP4 AtSTP9 AtSTP10 AtSTP11 AtSTP2 AtSTP6 AtSTP8 AtSTP7 AtSTP14 AtSTP13 AtSTP3 AtSTP5 outgroup b AtSTP3 Mtr.38595.1.S1_at AtSTP5 DgSTP1 MtSTP1 AtSTP1 AtSTP12 Mtr.14810.1.S1_at Mtr.51183.1.S1_at AtSTP9 AtSTP10 AtSTP11 AtSTP4 Mtr.47843.1.S1_at AtSTP14 AtSTP7 Mtr.433.1.S1_at Mtr50247.1.S1_at AtSTP13 Mtr.434.1.S1_at Mtr.435.1.S1_at AtSTP6 AtSTP8 AtSTP2
Supplemental Fig. S1 Monosaccharide transporter amino acid sequence comparisons. aPhylogenetic tree of the Arabidopsis STP family and DgSTP1.AtSTP1, Sauer et al. (1990); AtSTP2, Truernit et al. (1999); AtSTP3, GenBank Accession number CAA05384; AtSTP4, Truernit et al. (1996); AtSTP5,GenBank accession no. CAC69071; AtSTP6, GenBank accession no. CAC69073; AtSTP7, GenBank accession no. CAC69067; AtSTP8, GenBank accession no. NM_122526; AtSTP9, Schneidereit et al. 2003; AtSTP10, GenBank accession no. NM_112884; AtSTP11, Schneidereit et al. 2005; AtSTP12, GenBank accession no. CAC69069; AtSTP13, GenBankaccesion no. CAC69074; AtSTP14, GenBank accession no. CAC69070. The sequences were aligned using ClustalW (Thompson et al. 1997). The phylogenetic trees were estimated by neighbor-joining analysis using the software PAUP* 4.0b10 (PPC/Altivec) for Macintosh (Swofford 1998). Bootstrap analysis with 1000 bootstrap replications using the neighborjoining search option of the program PAUP* 4.0b10 was carried out to test the robustness of the internal branches. A hexose transporter sequence from Piceasitchensis (GenBank accession no. ABK24474) was used as outgroup. bPhylogenetic tree of the Arabidopsis STP family, DgSTP1 and the Medicagotruncatula STP family as far as full size sequences are available. MtSTP1, Harrison et al. (1996); other gene names are from the M. truncatula Gene Expression Atlas at http://mtgea.noble.org/v2/. The STP1 subgroup (AtSTP1, DgSTP1, MtSTP1) is boxed. • Schneidereit A, Scholz-Starke J, Sauer N, Büttner M (2005) AtSTP11, a pollen tube-specific monosaccharide transporter in Arabidopsis. Planta 221:48-55 • Swofford DL (1998) PAUP*: Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (and Other Methods) Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates. Florida State University, Miami, FL, USA • Thompson JD, Gibson TJ, Plewniak F, Jeanmougin F, Higgins DG (1997) The CLUSTAL_X windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucl Acids Res 25:4876-4882 • Truernit E, Schmid J, Epple P, Illig J, Sauer N (1996) The sink-specific and stress-regulated Arabidopsis STP4 gene: Enhanced expression of a gene encoding a monosaccharide transporter by wounding, elicitors and pathogene challenge. Plant Cell 8: 2169-2182 • Truernit E, Stadler R, Baier K, Sauer N (1999) A male gametophyte-specific monosaccharide transporter in Arabidopsis. Plant J 17:191-201