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3.3, 3D laser profiler analysis. No. 7# sample, 0.48 GW/m 2 , 5 ms, 100 shots. No. 10# sample, 0.66 GW/m 2 , 5 ms, 100 shots. No. 15# sample, 1.5 GW/m 2 , 5 ms, 1 shots. Conclusions
3.3, 3D laser profiler analysis No. 7# sample, 0.48 GW/m2, 5 ms, 100 shots No. 10# sample, 0.66 GW/m2, 5 ms, 100 shots No. 15# sample, 1.5 GW/m2, 5 ms, 1 shots Conclusions A kind of Chinese high purity beryllium, namely CN-G01 grade beryllium has been developed by means of vacuum hot press, its chemical composition and thermo-mechanical properties basically satisfied the ITER’s specification. A heat load experiment of Chinese vacuum hot press beryllium CN-G01 was performed in a scanning electron beam facility JUDITH-1 (Germany) in order to investigate the damage behavior under fusion plasma disruption conditions. Experimental results indicated that cracking was the characteristic damage of CN-G01 beryllium, and round cracks appeared in most cases, which might be due to the relatively low elongation rate and tensile strength of CN-G01 beryllium compared with S-65C grade beryllium made by Brush Wellman Inc. USA, in particular the performance at high temperature. In addition, in some cases, cracks along machining direction was found, the reason was still unclear. Crack transportation behavior was a critical issue, which will be closely related to ITER’s acceptable standard. The metallography observation was under way, it was expected that the surface cracks could not penetrate into deep layer, otherwise necessary modification of beryllium fabrication techniques have to be considered. Fig.2, Surface topography of No. 9# sample after one shot at a heat flux of 0.55 GW/m2, 5 ms. Fig.3, Surface topography of No. 6# sample after 1000 shots at a heat flux of 0.5 GW/m2, 1 ms. Fig.4, Surface topography of No. 12# sample after one shot at a heat flux of 0.8 GW/m2, 5 ms. 3.2, Scanning electron microscopy observation Fig.5, Cracks originate after one shot of 0.33 GW/m2, 5 ms pulse (No. 2#). Fig.6, Surface roughening after 100 shots under a heat flux of 0.33 GW/m2, 5 ms (No. 3#). Fig.7, Intergranular cracking after 1 shot of a heat flux of 0.48 GW/m2, 5 ms (No. 4#). Fig. 8, Cracks along machining direction. (No.8#, 0.55 GW/m2, 5 ms, 1 shot) Fig. 9, Surface melting and cracking creation at severe heat load. (No.15#, 1.5 GW/m2, 5 ms, 1 shot) Fig. 10, A clear view of Surface melting zone (No.15#, 1.5 GW/m2, 5 ms, 1 shot) 核工业西南物理研究院 第十三届全国等离子体科学技术会议 2007, 8, 20-22, 成都 中国高纯铍作为ITER候选的面对等离子体材料的热负荷评估 刘翔,谌继明,张年满,潘传红,刘永 王站宏,王莉 核工业西南物理研究院 (xliu@swip.ac.cn) 宁夏东方有色金属集团公司 Jochen Linke, Manfred Roedig Institute for Materials and Processes in Energy System, Forschungszentrum Juelich Gmbh, Germany Abstract 铍,特别是美国Brush Wellman公司生产的真空热压高纯铍已被选定为ITER第一壁包层的保护材料。中国作为ITER的成员国之一,正在发展ITER级的真空热压铍材。为了能够被ITER所采用,我们的铍材还必须通过ITER国际组(IT)的资格认证。 经过国内几家单位的联合攻关 ,目前一种高纯的真空热压铍材CN-G01已经被成功开发,其氧化铍的含量小于1 wt. %,总的延伸率在3 %左右。. 按照ITER的要求,我们测量了铍材的热力学性能,如成分、密度、比热、热导率、热膨胀系数,泊松比,抗拉强度等,它们都基本满足了ITER的要求。 除了材料的热力学性能外,ITER最终的认证标准是高热负荷性能。为了能够顺利地通过ITER-IT的严格测试,在铍材样品送检之前,有必要对我们的铍材进行预评估。由于铍的毒性,实验设备和环境都有严格的要求,因此该评估实验在德国FZJ研究所的电子束热负荷实验装置JUDITH-1上进行。在这次实验中,我们主要考察了铍材料在等离子体破裂条件下的损伤行为。实验样品的尺寸是10 10 5 mm3,电子束辐照面积是4 4mm2,样品的吸收能量密度为0.22-1.5 GW/m2,脉冲宽度为1-5 ms,单次和多次热冲击实验被采用。实验后样品表面的损伤通过光学和电子显微镜观察,热腐蚀特征由三维激光形貌仪(laser profiler )进行测量。通过与美国S-65C级铍的比较实验,发现我们的铍材料在某些方面还需要进行改进。 1, Experimental 1.1 Basic properties of CN-G01 beryllium 1.2 Experimental facility Main parameters: Power: 60 kW, 150keV, 400 mA. Scanning frequency: up to 20 kHz Thermal fatigue: 10s pulse duration (typical) Disruption simulation: 5-1000ms, Disruption: 5 ms, 44 mm2, VDE: up to 1000 ms, 1515 mm2. Measurements: online absorbed beam current and fast pyrometry. 2, Experimental condition and main results 3, Results and analysis 3.1, Optical microscopy observation 刘翔,等. 第十三届全国等离子体科学技术会议2007, 8, 20-22, 成都