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Glasses Gallery is an American online glasses destination for designer eyeglasses and exclusive boutique brand glasses. We specialize in high-quality lenses that offer function, protection, and comfort. Our glasses collection ranges from toddlers' glasses, fashion eyewear and reading glasses, to glamorous sunglasses, cool sports glasses and blue light filtering optical lenses. We offer a complete eyewear solution for customers of all ages and interests. Whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, we have just the right pair for you.
9/20/2018 About Glasses Gallery - Online Eyewear Specialist Free Progressive Lenses Free Transitions Lenses Free High Quality Lenses 100% Money-back Guarantee Home / About Glasses Gallery My Favourites RegisterSign In About Us Glasses Gallery is an American online glasses destination for designer eyeglasses and exclusive boutique brand glasses. We specialize in high-quality lenses that offer function, protection, and comfort. Our glasses collection ranges from toddlers' glasses, fashion eyewear and reading glasses, to glamorous sunglasses, cool sports glasses and blue light ?ltering optical lenses. We offer a complete eyewear solution for customers of all ages and interests. Whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, we have just the right pair for you. ★ REVIEWS OUR GLASSES Men THE LENS SPECIALIST Menu Our glasses are sourced from, bringing you over 2,000 frames from over 100 well-known and exclusive eyewear companies. You can ?nd your favorite pair of glasses online here at our site. Choose from different frame materials including acetate and titanium, then make them your own with your unique glasses prescription. Relieve eyestrain with a pair of computer glasses, or stay protected from harmful UV with polarized prescription sunglasses or polarized mirror sports glasses. SERVICES & ADVICE As lens specialists we offer an extensive choice of lenses to meet our customers' optical needs. Our specialty lenses range from single vision lenses to ultra-thin progressive lenses coated for additional protection. We aim to go beyond expectations to provide the best optical solutions for every customer. Glasses Gallery's state-of-the-art production center is equipped with modern optical production equipment, applying the utmost precision on even the most complex of lenses. Teams of expert craftsman work around the clock to produce high-quality lenses to ful?ll our customers' online glasses orders. Women Kids Sunglasses Brands Sale Our Lenses ABOUT Account Settings SPORTS LENSES Search FUNCTIONAL LENSES All our lenses are scratch resistant and impact resistant, and go above all FDA requirements to ensure safety. Our extensive lens collection features a wide range of tinted sports lenses designed for speci?c outdoor activities including golf, tennis running, cycling, and hunting. These sports lenses are ?nely crafted to offer the best possible visual experience, even in harsh direct We aim to take care of your eyes by offering functional optical lenses that provide both comfort and protection. Our high- quality lenses are crafted from premium materials and ?nished with a ?ne polish using precise technology and methods. From single vision prescription glasses to progressive polarized sunglasses, we have all the eyewear bases covered. https://www.glassesgallery.com/about-us 1/3
9/20/2018 sunlight, providing contrast and brightening the details. About Glasses Gallery - Online Eyewear Specialist Glasses Gallery's kids' lenses are speci?cally made for the eyes of growing children and teenagers. We ?t specially designed children's and teenagers' eyewear with lenses that block harmful high energy blue light, and protect young eyes from destructive UV rays. Our lenses come with Impact resistant coating layer to ensure the safety of wearing; an amazingly lightweight and durable anti-re?ective coating that cut all the disturbing re?ection from front and back surface of the lenses improves vision and reduces eye strain. Glasses Gallery offer right lenses for children Eyeglasses, Sports glasses and Sunglasses. We aim to offer a full range of non-prescription and prescription glasses, sunglasses and unique lens packages to protect and care for children's and teenagers' eyes. Find your new pair of glasses today! Contact us at cso@glassesgallery.com if you have any questions, our eyewear experts and lens specialists will be happy to help. ★ REVIEWS BACK TO TOP ABOUT Menu About Glasses Gallery Men Why buy glasses online? Women Af?liate program Kids Blog Sunglasses FAQ Brands CE Mark & FDA Sale Our Lenses SERVICES & ADVICE ABOUT Promotion Terms and Conditions SERVICES & ADVICE Special Deals Shipment Account Settings Search Track Order Measure your PD Online Eye Exam Help Site map CONTACT US Got questions? Get in touch! https://www.glassesgallery.com/about-us 2/3
9/20/2018 About Glasses Gallery - Online Eyewear Specialist Mon-Fri | 3pm - Midnight W.T. 1-888-215-6587 cso@glassesgallery.com STAY IN TOUCH Sign up for Glasses Gallery news FOLLOW US ★ REVIEWS TERMS & CONDITIONS Terms and conditions Privacy Statements Disclaimer Statements © 2018 Glasses Gallery Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Menu Men Women Kids Sunglasses Brands Sale Our Lenses ABOUT SERVICES & ADVICE Account Settings Search https://www.glassesgallery.com/about-us 3/3