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5-hour ENERGY: Does it actually work?

5-hour ENERGY: Does it actually work? . Fego Galvan KINE 628 Summer 2012 . Infallible Logic ?. 5-hour ENERGY. Became available in 2004 In 2011: $1 Billion in retail sales $600 Million in gross profit 5-hour Energy owns 90% of energy shot market Next closest competitor has 3%

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5-hour ENERGY: Does it actually work?

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  1. 5-hour ENERGY: Does it actually work? Fego Galvan KINE 628 Summer 2012

  2. Infallible Logic ?

  3. 5-hour ENERGY • Became available in 2004 • In 2011: • $1 Billion in retail sales • $600 Million in gross profit • 5-hour Energy owns 90% of energy shot market • Next closest competitor has 3% • Claim: “hours of energy now - No crash later”

  4. Contents • 5-hour ENERGY: 6 Hour Power: Natural Goji Juice:

  5. B Vitamin Function • Niacin (B3): • Needed in more than 200 enzymatic reactions • Glycolysis • oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate • oxidation of acetyl CoA in the TCA cycle • β-oxidation of fatty acids • fatty acid synthesis • B6: • Needed in more than 100 enzymatic reactions • Mainly involved with amino acid metabolism • 1st step in heme synthesis • Glycogen degradation • Folate (B9): • Serves as donor of one-carbon units in amino acid metabolism, and purine and pyrimidine synthesis • Needed for DNA synthesis and cell division • Cobalamin (B12): • Conversion of homocysteine into methionine • Conversion of L-methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl-CoA (TCA cycle intermediate) • Needed for DNA synthesis and cell proliferation

  6. Energy Blend • Glucuronic acid and malic acid: • Not known to play role in energy metabolism • Taurine: • Involved in modulating muscular contraction • Studies suggest increased reaction time, alertness, and improved information processing • These studies did not investigate the effects of taurine and caffeine independently • Citicoline: • Transitional compound in choline metabolism • Interrelationship with B12 and folate metabolism • Tyrosine: • Synthesis of adrenaline and noradrenaline • Thyroid hormone • Caffeine: • Central nervous system stimulant • Thwarts drowsiness and promote alertness

  7. Do we have a winner? • Role of B vitamin and energy blend are extensive • For example, niacin and B6 are involved in hundreds of reactions • Attempting to manipulate one specific function is nearly impossible • Little evidence that B vitamin supplementation will increase performance, unless deficiency is present

  8. Deficiency • Niacin: • In developed countries, deficiency is rare • Deficiency most likely from absorption problem • Alcoholism and certain medications used to treat tuberculosis • B6: • Rare in the U.S. • Results in fatigue and hypochromic, microcytic anemia (impaired heme synthesis) • Folate: • Prevalence of deficiency has decrease since 1998 • Folic acid food fortification program • Megaloblasticamenia(after 4 – 5 months of low folate intake) • At risk: excessive alcohol intake, malabsorption disorders, and those on certain medications • B12: • Megaloblastic anemia • Vitamin retained in body, insufficient intake has to last for years to cause clinical symptoms of deficiency (Nielsen et al., Gastoenterology and Hepatology, 2012) • Inadequate absorption, rather inadequate intake causes most of the deficiencies seen in the U.S.

  9. B Vitamins Sources • Niacin (B3): • Fish: tuna and halibut • Beef, chicken, turkey, and pork • Enriched cereals, bread products, whole grains, seeds, and legumes • B6: • Steak, salmon, chicken • Whole-grain products, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fortified cereals • Folate: • Mushrooms • Spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, okra, turnip greens. • Peanuts, lima beans, pinto beans, kidneys beans • Strawberries and oranges • Cobalamin (B12): • Only animal products: meat and meat products, poultry, eggs, shellfish, milk and milk products • If found in plants, probably contaminated with manure

  10. Caffeine and cognition • Effects of caffeine on cognitive performance during sleep deprivation in U.S. Navy Seals • Measured: • reaction time • working memory • motor learning • Consumed: • Placebo • 100 mg • 200 mg • 300 mg • Those who receive 200 and 300 mg performed better than 100 mg and placebo group • No difference between 100 mg and placebo group

  11. Should be renamed 5-hour ENERGY: Hours of energy now – No crash later Lots of money now – no energy later (unless you’re deficient)

  12. Any questions?

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