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Prefixes . 1- Numbers 2-Colours 3-Time 4- Direction or Position 5- Condition 6- Comparison 7- Negative Prefixes. 1- numbers. 2-Prefixes pertaining to colour:. * * Chromo= Colour eg. Chromo protein. 3-Prefixes Pertaining to Time. 1-Before, in front of:

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  1. Prefixes 1- Numbers 2-Colours 3-Time 4- Direction or Position 5- Condition 6- Comparison 7- Negative Prefixes

  2. 1- numbers

  3. 2-Prefixes pertaining to colour: * * Chromo= Colour eg. Chromoprotein

  4. 3-Prefixes Pertaining to Time 1-Before, in front of: Ante,Antenatal (before birth), Antecubital (in front of ! elbow) Pre,Preprandial (before meal), Prevesical (in front of ! bladder) Pro,Prodromes (Symptoms before), Procordal (in front of !spinal cord)

  5. 2- After, behind: Post, Post natal (After birth), Postpartum (after labor) Retro, Retroperitoneal (behind the peritonium)

  6. 3- At the same time (together): Co, Coadministration (Administered together) Con, Congenital (Conditions present since birth) Syn, Syndrome (Symptoms that appear together) Sym, Symbiosis (Living together) 4- At night : Noct,Nocturia (Excessive urination at night) 5- During the day: Di, Diurnal (Active during the day)

  7. Above (epi-, supra-) Away from (ab-) Toward (ad-) below (sub-, infra-) 4-Prefixes Pertaining to position or direction

  8. Suprarenal glands: supra = above, renal = kidney infraocular: infra = below, ocular = eye

  9. Towards, near (af-) afferent efferent Organ Away from (ef-) Dextro- (right) Inter- (Between) levo- (left)

  10. Afferent vessels Efferent vessels

  11. Circum- (arround) Peri- (surrounding) Per- (through): Percutaneous (Through the skin) Perforate (To make a hole through)

  12. Trans- (through), Transdermal Sub- (under), Subcutaneous Intra- (in, inside), Intramuscular Routes of injection

  13. Retroflextion retro= back (bending to the back) Lateroflextion Latero= side (bending to one side)

  14. Re-cuperate: recover Re-hydrate:To replenish the body fluids) Opistho-tonos: A tetanic spasm in which the body is bent backwards Retro-gression: The act or process of deteriorating or declining. Contra-ception:prevention of conception Anti-toxic:Counteracting a toxin or poison

  15. Out & In

  16. Eccentric: ec = outside Extracellular: Extra = outside intracellular: intra = inside

  17. Ecto = outside, Endo = inside, Meso = in between Pseudo= false coelom (cavity)

  18. Abnormal • Normal • (Normo-), (Eu-) • Normotensive • Eupnea(Easy breathing) • Euglycemia: (Normal blood glucose) 5-Prefixes Pertaining to condition low (hypo-) hypotensive high (hyper-) hypertensive

  19. 5-Prefixes Pertaining to condition (cont.) Oligotrophy (poor nutrition)

  20. Multiple: • pluri-, Pluripara, A woman who has borne several children • pleo-, Pleodactylia, Many fingers • multi-, Multicellular, Composed of many cells • poly-, Polymorphic, Having many shapes

  21. 5-Prefixes Pertaining to condition (cont.)

  22. Amphibians(lives on both water and land Amphi- = both Amphibolic: (anabolic & catabolic) Xerostomia (dry mouth) Xero- : dry

  23. Neonate: neo- = new, -nate = infant Pseudopregnancy: pseudo- = false Malnutrition: Mal- = bad, poor 5-Prefixes Pertaining to condition (cont.)

  24. Dysuria: Dys-= painful or difficult, urination Xenobiotic: xeno-, strange or foreign, biotic= organic substance Autoimmune: Auto- = self 5-Prefixes Pertaining to condition (cont.)

  25. Ultra-:beyond, Ultrasonic, above the range audible to the human ultrafiltration ultraviolet. • Crypto- : hidden, Cryptogenic: of unknown origin.

  26. malaco-, soft, Malacotomy (Incision of soft parts) • sclero-, hard, Sclerodactyly, Hardness of fingers

  27. flat Platy- Platyglossal (flat tongue) kyphoscoliosis: backward and lateral curvature of the spinal column.

  28. Long Dolich(o) Dolichocephalic (long head) Brachygnathia: abnormal shortness of the lower jaw.

  29. 5-Prefixes Pertaining to comparison Unequal (Different, other) Hetero- Allo- Equal (same, identical) Equi- Iso- Homo- Homeo-

  30. Equilateral & Equiangular triangle Isomers

  31. Homogeneous Heterogeneous

  32. K+ Homeostasis (stability of a system)

  33. Amorphous: a =no, morphous = shape Anoxia: an = no, oxia= breathing 6-Negative prefixes

  34. Incompatible: not compatible Immature: not mature Unconscious: not responding

  35. Detoxify: removal of a poison (no poisoning) Decomposition: separation into parts (not in one part)

  36. Disinfetant: removes infectious substances • Disagree: not agree • Disarrange: not arrange

  37. Antibiotic: against the growth of another m.o Antipyretic: reduces fever

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