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The Mother of the Nicaraguans. Doña Violeta and the UNO’s Gender Agenda. Doña Violeta Chamarro. Widow of Pedro Joaquin, who was assassinated in 1978, which helped spark a revolution Won 1990 presidential election with 57.4% of the vote
The Mother of the Nicaraguans Doña Violeta and the UNO’s Gender Agenda
Doña Violeta Chamarro • Widow of Pedro Joaquin, who was assassinated in 1978, which helped spark a revolution • Won 1990 presidential election with 57.4% of the vote • Ran on a platform of traditional gender roles and family values
Political Divides Union National Opositora (UNO) Sandinista National Liberation Front 1979 Sandinistas overthrew Somoza dynasty Their government included many political reforms in favor of women including Equal chance of being drafted More employment opportunities outside the home • Sought to reunite the warring nation • Presented itself as the ‘moral option’ • Urged for “reunification” of Nicaragua
Doña Violeta as a Loyal Wife and Widow • Wife of Pedro Joaquin, a heroic figure • “I am a woman dedicated to my home, as Pedro taught me” • Completely inexperienced in politics
Doña Violeta as a Reconciling Mother • The 4 Chamarro children were politically divided and politically active • But despite this they were all very close • Doña Violetapromised to unite all of Nicaragua • By recovering traditional family structures • It would be a painless process with no winners or losers
Doña Violeta as the Virgin Mary • She often wore white • She suffered the lose of a great savior • Like Mary she was portrayed as • Compliant • Impotent • Asexual
Policies of the Administration • Education- new books called “Morals and Civics” with discussion of correct gender relations that includes • Pictures of women cooking and men working • 10 pg explanation of the 10 commandments • Child Development Centers (government funded daycares) have been cut and underfunded
Policies of the Administration • Curtailed trend of women being employed outside the home • Used government buyout called “economic conversion” which resulted in • Fewer Sandinistas in the government • Women returned to their housewife roles
Modern Conservative Divides Social Conservatives Laissez-fair Conservatives Wish to undo revolution's economic policies There are few natural differences between the sexes Very individual • Side with Sandinista in economics • Doña Violeta is part of this group • Men have natural authority over women
Hope for an Alliance • “Opportunity Space”-Klatch (1987) • 1991 law to enforce paternal child support • Laissez-fair Conservatives and women’s groups work together to pass this legislation • Lots of grassroots support
Road Blocks • Article 204 • Anti gay legislation • Not just legality of marriage • Took many by surprise • Article 208 • No abortions for rape victims • Catholic Church pressured the president immensely