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Best Polyurethane Foam Liquid Suppliers In India

Polyurethane is basically composed of two raw materials: isocyanate and polyol, which is derived from crude oil. After mixing these two ready-to-use liquid components of the system and various auxiliary materials, such as catalysts, foaming agents and stabilizers, a chemical reaction begins. For More Visit - https://bit.ly/35dkS2z<br>

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Best Polyurethane Foam Liquid Suppliers In India

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  2. AboutUs Shakun Industries is an ISO 9001:2015 and ozone certified chemical company,whichwasfoundedin2001 by Late.Shri Ram Niwas Goyal. The companyiscurrentlyunderMr. PraveenGoyalandMr.KeshavGoyal. Company offices and production facilities are located at Reliance Model Economic Township, Haryana, India.

  3. CompanyFounder A leader with a strong legacy in the polyurethane industry.Withmorethan20yearsofexperience,he plays an important role in Shakun Industries, as a guideandasamentorcruisingtheflightofsuccess. PraveenGoyal FounderandManagingDirector

  4. PolyurethaneFoamLiquid Polyurethane is basically composed of two raw materials: isocyanateandpolyol,whichisderivedfromcrudeoil.After mixing these two ready-to-use liquid components of the system and various auxiliary materials, such as catalysts, foamingagentsandstabilizers,achemicalreactionbegins.

  5. OurProduct Rigid Blended Polyol System Flexible Blended Polyol System Shoe Sole Blended Polyol System PackagingBlendedPolyolSystem Aromatic Polyester Polyols Aliphatic Polyester Polyols Isocyanates(MDI)

  6. Vision Ourvisionistomaketheworldawareaboutthetruepotentialofpolyurethanes and its impact on our daily lives. Polyurethanes are an essential part of our lives, without us knowing about it. Be it your insulated walls, roofs, water jugs, tiffin boxes, or your flexible sofa sets, mattresses, cushion seats; polyurethane polymersareeverywhere.

  7. Mission Ourmissionistomanufactureeasytouseandinnovativeproductsfor thepolyurethaneindustry. From the beginning, our mission has been to identify potential markets andcatertodifferentpolyurethaneapplications.We,withourimpeccable research team, are equipped with the necessary machinery and subject expertisetomanufacturehighqualitypolyurethanepolyols.

  8. ContactUs PhoneNumber :+919810035661 EmailAddress : info@shakunindustries.com Website : www.shakunindustries.com :P-09,Street-12,Sector-3RelianceModelEconomic TownshipDadriToe,JhajjarHaryana-124105 Address

  9. ThankYou www.shakunindustries.com

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