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This week we are talking to Jay Salinas from Eco Wash Hawaii, Kaneohe, Hawaii, on the beautiful windward side of Oahu.Visit us: http://waterlesspro.com
Hey Everyone Welcome to Episode #3 of the Waterless Pro ZoneThis is where we help you create, grow and monetize your waterless car wash & car care business. Brought to by Pearl Waterless Car Wash & Luxury Detailing Products + Free Waterless Car Wash.com Last Episode, we talked to Cameron Johnson of Drive in Hi Definition and he had over 500 downloads on junes. I want to thank you for tuning in. We are just getting started here.This week we are talking to Jay Salinas from Eco Wash Hawaii, Kaneohe, Hawaii, on the beautiful windward side of Oahu. But Before we jump into my conversation with Jay, let’s first talk about what we are doing here. As you know, this is a community of like minded, hard working men and women that are out there building their businesses, one client/ one car at a time.I am here to help you grow your business. The information I present here is carefully selected for you. They are resources that I feel will help you on your journey to success.I admit that don’t have all of the answers, but after 15-20 years of working with tons of people just like you, I am certain that I can help, and I hope that you would take my advice, methods and mindset with you on your journey.
Today I want to talk about MindsetHaving the right is super important. Some of you may know what I am talking about and others will not.It has taken me many years of continually learning/ reading and listening to audiobooks/ podcasts and programs to be able obtain the mindset of entrepreneurism and of success.This is one of the reason why I created this podcast and community. I want to help people develop this mindset.I believe that listening/ learning and reading about successful people and their journey from the tough times to the good times, can greatly improve your chances for success. Listening and learning is only one part of the equation. There is still the action phase to successThis is the part you have to do on your own. My advice is to focus on the one thing that will get you closer to where you need/ want to go and do it.Don’t get distracted by all of the shining objects (Facebook, drinking, smoking and TV/ Video Games) Turn that stuff off and focus on Action!I struggle with way too many projects and distractions myself, but I chip away at the most important things first and get things done. You should too.
I am here to help, so Please send me your comments and suggestions on how I can help you. Dave@WaterlessPro.comLastly, It would really help me out if you could head on over to iTunes, do a search for the waterless pro zone, subscribe to the podcast and then leave a review and an awesome comment there. It helps us rise in the ranks of the iTunes Store. Thanks On to the show: We already talked about developing a rock solid business mindset. Again, I believe this is vital to your success.Talking about it one thing, but knowing what you should have in your toolbox is another.This is why I like to present to you a very quick list of Marketing Tactics, Online Tools, Awesome Books and inspiring Podcasts that you should consider taking advantage of. 1. Marketing Tactic: Testimonials! These are comments made by people who you have served in one way or another. For some reason, 3rd party credibility goes much further than you telling people how go your services are. You should collect testimonials from your website, over the phone, on Skype or even on video. They are very powerful assets that can help you out-shine the competition and boost your business to the next level. Once you get them, be sure to use them. Put them on your blog/ website sidebar. Post them on your Social Media channels and anywhere else.
2. The Book of the week – The Four Hour Work Week – TimmothyFerriss – 2007 and revised 2010 – It is the book about outsourcing/ traveling/ building a sustainable business that can run without you and much much more. It was a major shift in the traditional business mindset. It created a wave of location independent / digital nomads that set sail to work & run their companies from anywhere in the world. Tim’s blog: The four our work week/ blog is one of the top 100 blogs in the world and now he has 2 other books and a world class podcast.Please Pick this book up and read it – It is well worth it. Head on over to WaterlessPro.com/audio to see this book and more. 3. Marketing Tool – Its an Old one but a vital one – Facebook – Yes, Facebook. 1.3 Billion people on FB. 3/4 of all of the people online use Facebook every day. You need to have your Facebook business page and post to it 2-10 times per day about things people want to hear about. Information/ specials/ tips/ quotes/ pictures/ videos and much more. 1 to 10 Rule – 1 offer to 10 posts or more. Unfortunately, only 2-4% of your posts are getting to your fans. You may want to consider Facebook Ad’s. They are very popular and they can pin-point and narrow down your target demographic so only this select group has your ad shown on their Facebook feed. It is a Pay to Play world on Facebook now, but it is a game that is still worth the time, money and effort. 1.3 Billion can’t be wrong.
4. Podcast – www.FreedomFastlane.com – Ryan Daniel Moran – Inspire – Educate & Empower Extraordinary Lives – This is my new favorite Podcast – Ryan went from making millions in information products then closed it all down and switched to selling physical products. He steps you through the entire process… his wins and losses and he does not hold back. He is only 27 years old but is very wise for his young age. He gets very personal as he shares his journey and he gives you the information that you don’t hear other places. His business advice and investment strategies are rock solid. Check Ryan out at FreedomFastlane.com 5. Now to today’s guest – Jay Salinas from the Kaneohe, Hawaii.Know him for many years. He is doing great work detailing cars at the windward mall on the windward side of Oahu.Please welcome my friend Jay Salinas, and we will see you on the other side.
Next week we will have Bob Bender from Fresno, California on the Waterless Pro Zone podcast – Bob has proven me wrong with his incredible success working car dealerships. He is knocking it out of the park in the central valley of California. I am looking forward to sharing this interview next week.Until then, please be sure to check out out sponsors, Pearl Car Care and Free Waterless car Wash.com.We all need car care products to do our work. Please consider the Pearl products as the solution in your business. Thanks
About the Author David Elliott Since 1998, I have been involved with waterless car wash product & car cleaning business ventures. I have cleaned many cars and have sold millions of dollars worth of waterless/ car care products…to companies in over 100 countries. Today, my team and I manage the Online Visibility and Content Marketing for companies. Some of those companies are in the Eco Car Care cleaning and/ or product realm. This Website, Blog and Podcast is apart of a Professional Car Care Community that is dedicated to helping other like-minded people create, grow and monetize their businesses.– David Elliott, Chief Visibility Officer – Waterless Pro Zone Podcaster – WaterlessPro Community LeaderEmail: Dave [at] Davesurf.com or Dave[at]WaterlessPro.com