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TPC (1). 2. 10. 1. 18. 216. 18. 1. 2. 2. 1. 6. 12. 1. 1. 1. 16. 72. 2..4. 108. 288. 500. 216. 23/01/07. Database(s). CR3. Control room (ACR). 1. User interface. WTS PVSSII. Ethernet. CR3. CR3. CR3. CR3. CR4-Z08. CR3. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12. 6. PVSS II. PVSS II.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TPC(1) 2 10 1 18 216 18 1 2 2 1 6 12 1 1 1 16 72 2..4 108 288 500 216 23/01/07 Database(s) CR3 Control room (ACR) 1 User interface WTSPVSSII Ethernet CR3 CR3 CR3 CR3 CR4-Z08 CR3 2 3 4 5 12 6 PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II OPC client Modbus/TCP OPC client OPC client DIMclient Virtual Serial ISEG OPCserver Wiener OPCserver ELMB OPCserver E E E CR3 [FED] U U DIMserver 9 10 E CR4-Z08 Systec USB-CAN DIMclient PEAK USB-CAN PLC C E C C ACC S CR4-Y08 CR4-Z08 ISEG Heinzinger ACC ACC UX-A/C Eth.-RS232 UX-A/C UX-A/C PS Calibr.pulser Wiener Ethernetswitch Gatingpulser E HV LV ELMB HV ELMB DDL Chambers Chambers Chambers,detector RCU HVrod HVrod Chambers DIMsrv Low Voltage Temp. Monitor FEE Very High Voltage VHV Curr. Monitor Pulser system High Voltage

  2. TPC(2) 4 16 1 2 2 40 4 18? 29/01/07 Ethernet CR3 CR3 CR3 CR3 7 8 PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II PVSS II DIMclient Modbus/TCP DIMclient DIP E E E E SG2 CR3 CR3 11 [Vision] DIMserver/filesystem [Motion][Laser] DIMserver [Goofie] DIMserver 13 [GWG] 11 GasPVSS DIMcl V.Ser. FrameGrab [TS/CV] E E SG2 PLC SG2 Drift velocityanalysis TS/CVSCADA SG2 Video Gas LHut UX-C UX-C LHut Eth.-RS232 PLC DCS board PLC DIMsrv LHut Mirrorcontrol CR5 Gas LHut CoolingPlant (ch) CoolingPlant (TS) Laser PicoMotor PicoMotor Videocameras Chambers,detector HVrod ThermalScreen(s) Detector Laser calibration system. Chamber Cooling VHV rod Cooling Thermal Screen(s) Gas system Drift velocity mon.

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