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Explore state-specific achievement gaps between Hispanic and White students in math and reading at grades 4 & 8 since 1990. Accessible summary and comparison of state and national data.
NAEP Achievement Gaps Location Date
Overview • Highlights state achievement gaps between Hispanic and White students • Provides an accessible summary of gap statistics • Presents a more complete portrayal of student performance than national results alone
State trends at grade 4 since • 1992 in mathematics • 1992 in reading • State trends at grade 8 since • 1990 in mathematics • 1998 in reading • National trends since • 1990 in mathematics at grades 4 and 8 • 1992 in reading at grades 4 and 8
Percentage of grade 4 Hispanic students varies National Public, 21% National Public, 21% National Public, 21% 4
2009 Hispanic White achievement gap NOTE: Group that comes first has the higher score. White includes ELL and non-ELL White students
National trends in gaps and scores NOTE: Trends are from the earliest comparison year to 2009. Eligible refers to eligible for free or reduced price lunch. Comparison year for National Public is 1990 for mathematics and 1992 for reading; NSLP comparisons are made to 2003.
Gaps narrowed for students eligible for the National School Lunch Program
Reading gaps vary for 8th-graders by English language learner status
2009 State gaps compared to Nation NOTE: The state counts were based on statistically significant differences when only one state is compared to the nation at a time.
States with largest Hispanic population compared to Nation at grade 4 mathematics in 2009
States with largest Hispanic population compared to Nation at grade 8 reading in 2009
Florida grade 4 mathematics score gap SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various years, 1990-2009 Grade 4 Mathematics Assessments.
Mathematics 14
Reading Location Date 17
Summarizing National and State results - 1 • National scores increased for both groups in both subjects and grades; the gap remained unchanged. • States showed improvement, gap narrowed: • in 3 states at grade 8 in mathematics and reading • in 1 state at grade 4 in reading • Gap widened in two states at grade 4 mathematics • in 1 state, Hispanic students’ scores decreased, while in the other state, White students’ scores increased
Summarizing National and State results - 2 • The gap between White and non-ELL Hispanic students is smaller than the gap between White and Hispanic students. • Scores for NSLP eligible students are increasing over time, narrowing the gap in grade 8 mathematics and grades 4 and 8 reading.