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S&T Activity of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: an overview

S&T Activity of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: an overview. Knowledge-based society: the European vision General information on the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institutes of the Academy International cooperation FP7, WSF II. Lisbon strategy ( March 2000).

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S&T Activity of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: an overview

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  1. S&T Activity of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: an overview • Knowledge-based society: the European vision • General information on the Hungarian Academy of Sciences • Institutes of the Academy • International cooperation • FP7, WSF II

  2. Lisbon strategy (March 2000) European Research Area (2000, Commissioner Busquin) Vision: make the EU the most developed knowledge-based society by 2010, and preserve/modernise the social welfare model and reduce environmental damage. S&Thave priority (Barcelona, March 2002 investment should approach 3% of GDP) Assets: traditions,scientists,intellectual potential Hungary wants to harmonize national interests and priorities withEuropean vision and interests but also wants to cooperate with the US, Japan, China, India etc.

  3. S&T intensity (GERD as % of GDP), 2003 Sweden 4,27 3,49 Finland Japan 3,15 2,62 Denmark US 2,59 Germany 2,51 Austria 2,37 Belgium 2,37 France 2,15 Spain 1,05 EU-25 1,93 Hungary 0,95 1,89 UK Portugál 0,79 Estonia 0,77 Netherlands 1,80 Lithuania 0,68 1,71 Luxembourg Greece 0,61 Slovenia 1,54 Slovakia 0,58 Poland 0,56 China 1,31 Latvia 0,38 Czech Republic 1,26 Cyprus 0,32 Italy 1,16 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 Ireland 1,12 0 1 2 3 4 5

  4. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences Functions: Scientific workshop The nation’s counsel Public body, representing researchers www.mta.hu

  5. The Regional Committees of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Regional Committee in Debrecen Regional Committee in Miskolc Regional Committee in Pécs Regional Committee in Szeged Regional Committee in Veszprém Regional Committee in Kolozsvár Kolozsvár

  6. Publication activity and performance of HAS institutes vs world average 2001-2005

  7. Institutes for life sciences Agricultural Research Institute Balaton Limnological Research Institute Biological Research Centre (BRC) Institute of Ecology and Botany Institute of Experimental Medicine Research Institute for Plant Protection Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Veterinary Medical Research Institute

  8. Institute of Experimental Medicine Pharmacology Endocrine neurobiology Cellular and network neurobiology Gene technology Behavioural neurobiology Medical gene technology

  9. Agricultural Research Institute

  10. The Martonvásár research institute applies for patents for all the varieties and hybrids developed by the breeding departments in order to protect variety rights. This patenting system is compatible with European Unions’s practice, and is also becoming increasingly accepted in non-EU countries, thus promoting the efficient protection of Martonvásár varieties and of the intellectual property rights of their breeders.

  11. International cooperation Bilateral: scientific agreements with 67 academies in 47 countries Membership: in about 120 international organisations ESF, ICSU, IAEA, ALLEA, IAP, etc. Taking part in research programmes of the EU, NATO etc. Organizing European and world conferences

  12. Framework programmes in Europe ~ 4% of EU budget ~ 6 % of overall civil expenditure of EU ~ 25 % of „free” project money

  13. Hungarian participation in EU research Full participation with „entry ticket” International Cooperation + all scientific activities except mobilitiy Budget of Framework Programme (Billion €) 1992 , 1993, 1994 dedicated actions for Central and Eastern Europe „PECO” EU Membership 2004 FP1 FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5 FP6

  14. WSF-III Investing in science – investing in the future 8-10 November 2007 www.sciforum.hu

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