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Demonstrating Conservation Tillage Methods and Benefits Under Furrow Irrigation and Dictatorship

Demonstrating Conservation Tillage Methods and Benefits Under Furrow Irrigation and Dictatorship. A Collaborative Project with University, Conservation District, Producer, and Industry Participation . Conventional, Minimum, and Strip Till Plots, replicated twice, 4.8 acres per plot.

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Demonstrating Conservation Tillage Methods and Benefits Under Furrow Irrigation and Dictatorship

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Demonstrating Conservation Tillage Methods and Benefits Under Furrow Irrigation and Dictatorship A Collaborative Project with University, Conservation District, Producer, and Industry Participation

  2. Conventional, Minimum, and Strip Till Plots, replicated twice, 4.8 acres per plot

  3. Some Preliminary Data

  4. Strip Till Spring 2011 Min. Till Spring 2011

  5. Irrigation Management

  6. Water Quality Impacts

  7. Field Operations and Fuel Cost

  8. Yield Monitor Data • % Savings with yield and operating costs

  9. After harvest, before chopping and baling

  10. Field Complications

  11. Project Goals and Outputs • Field demonstration and evaluation of conservation tillage systems • Documentation and comparison of cropping inputs, including energy, fertilization requirements, weed control, labor, and equipment costs between tillage systems • Comparison of water quality (N, P, and sediment) in runoff between systems • Monitor crop, water, and soil conditions in each system • Economics of conservation tillage systems • Utilization of dynamic and innovative outreach mechanisms

  12. Field Day July 21, 2011 • Over people in attendance • John Deere Water displayed CropSense Moisture Sensor Technology • On-field display of Strip-Till at Seaworth Farms • Industry, CSU faculty, local producers, Conservationists, and students present • Group discussion, Ideas shared, and recommendations given

  13. Research Plots and Equipment Demonstration

  14. Visit to Troy Seaworth’s Strip-Till field

  15. Comments/Questions • Website • Residue cover • Field day next year

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