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Prevalence of transmissible infections, chronic illnesses, socio-demographic and behavioural risk factors amongst prison inmates in Mexico City: A cross-sectional study of 17,084 inmates.
Prevalence of transmissible infections, chronic illnesses, socio-demographic and behavioural risk factors amongst prison inmates in Mexico City: A cross-sectional study of 17,084 inmates Sergio Bautista-Arredondo, Edson Serván, Fenella Beynon, Ruy López, Andrea González, Juan Sierra-Madero, Carlos Conde, Luis Juárez, Patricia Volkow National Institute of Public Health Mexico
Health in prisons • Most people serving prison sentences come from the poorest and most marginalized sectors of the population • Many of them in a poor state of health and with untreated diseases • Many of them engage with higher frequency in risky activities • The living conditions in most prisons of low- and middle-income countries are unhealthy and inadequate • Overcrowding, lack of light, fresh air and clean water, poor food, suboptimal care and services and violence • Globally transmissible infections such as HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis and Tuberculosis much higher in prison
Prison health and public health • The vast majority of people in prison eventually return to society • Most of them receive visits while in prison • Prison staff have contact with inmates every day • Diseases contracted in prison and conditions that worsened during the confinement can become public health issues
Incarceration and HIV in the US • Causal link between male incarceration rate and HIV prevalence in the US • Incareration rates among africanamerican population explain most of the disproportionate HIV prevalence among africanamerican women
Mexico • One of the biggest prison populations in LAC: incarceration rate 182 per 100,0001 • Mexico City, around 40,000 inmates (>400 per 100,000)2 • High levels of overcrowding, poor living standard conditions, limited access to water, sanitation and medical care, drug use, corruption3 • Similar conditions have been documented in other countries in LAC 4
Objective • Document health status of infeccious diseases, cronic conditions, sociodemographic and risk behavior characteristics in penitenciary centers in Mexico City • Unique in size and scope
Methods • 4 penitenciary centers in Mexico City: from June to December, 2010 • Approximately 20,000 men and 2,000 women • Voluntary and confidential participation, with informed consent • Blood samples and antrhopometry to measure HIV, HVB HVC, syphilis, gloucose, lypids, hipertension and obesity • For a representative sample (10%): sociodemogrsaphics and risk behaviors using ACASI • All results where delivered to participants and for the positive follow-up for treatment or referrals to health care
Distribution of population by age Less than 30 30 to 40 More than 40 Men Women
Schooling Men Women * Prisons General Population
Infectious diseases Women Men * Prisons General Population
Syphilis, by age Women Men
Findings • Prevalence of HIV, HVC and syphilis higher than general population • Chronic conditions, compared with national figures: • Obesity: similar among women, lower among men • Previously diagnosis: similar to GP • Sociodemographic and behavior: • Lower levels of education • Higher use of drugs, tobacco, unsafe tatoos • Violence, sexual risk behavior and drug use
Thankyou sbautista@insp.mx
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