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Welcome to Room 28! *Please make sure you signed in. ** Please indicate “yes” or “no” on the sign-in sheet letting me know if you have internet access. ☺ *** If you would like me to email you the power point, please write Y or N next to the number by your name. :). Welcome Back Letter.
Welcome to Room 28! *Please make sure you signed in. ** Please indicate “yes” or “no” on the sign-in sheet letting me know if you have internet access. ☺ *** If you would like me to email you the power point, please write Y or N next to the number by your name. :)
Welcome Back Letter • “Super StarStudent of the Week” : Forms, sharing, special skill/talent, treats (light green paper on your desk) • Birthdays • Toys • Email: As soon as the parent group is set up I will be sending out a test email to everyone. :) - look at the rolodex I’m sending around and let me know if you use a different email than the one listed. Thanks. • I will be going over Homework, Friday Folders, spelling, volunteers , and the Remind App later in the powerpoint.
Friday Folders • The red Friday Folders will go home on Fridays. • They have corrected work, office & district notes, and announcements. • Please sign, makes comments, and return on Monday.
Arrivals and Dismissal • Students should not arrive before 8:00 • 8:00-8:20 Go to the multi • 8:20-8:25 Go directly to the playground-do not drop your backpack off at the classroom. Closed campus is starting Monday, August 26th • Students will be dismissed at 2:37 from our classroom unless it’s a minimum or super minimum day
Fire Drills, Evacuation, & Disasters • Fire drill practices happen monthly and students are taken out to playground. • We practice what happens if there was a disaster at our school. • If we need to evacuate Russell Ranch, we walk the students to Vista Del Lago.
RRE Fundraising:Jog-a-thon, box tops, Crab Feed, & Palladio Awards Program • Russell Ranch’s big fundraiser is the Jog-a-thon • PTA’s goal is $25 per student • It is scheduled for October 11th, we would love a cheering section!☺ • Box Tops are usually counted monthly • Just turn them in with your child and I will drop them off at the office *Restaurant Nights: First one is Red Robin on August 21st. :) Crab Feed: Scheduled for March 7th, there will be more information on this activity to come. *Direct donations can be made to school or trustee account if don’t want to participate in fundraising
Daily Schedule Arrival & Dismissal Class begins at 8:25, Students dismissed at 2:37 Instruction & MTSS -8:25-10:20 (MTSS 8:35-9:15- Monday-Thursday) P.E. • Days: Monday & Wednesday Time: 9:50-10:20 Please sure your child wears appropriate PE attire on those days Recess • 10:20--10:40 Instruction -10:40-12:15 (math and ELA) • Library • Yet to be determined. It most likely be during the 10:40-12:15 time slot. :) • Buddies (once a month) • Tentative- Fridays from 10:45-11:15 Lunch • 12:15-12:55 Rotations: • 1-1:45 on Monday-Friday Instruction -1:50-2:37 (Student of the week, ELA, math, music, art, cursive) Centers/Workstations • I’m Hoping to have Centers /Workstations from 1:50-2:30 on Tuesday or Thursday * There is a Tentative Daily Schedule with your BTSN materials- it’s light blue
Discipline Plan* This is in your packet Classroom Behavior Plan • “Caught You Being Good” Board • -”Caught You Being Good” Jar • Silver Horseshoes • Treats from the teacher • Stickers • Pats on the back and verbal praise • Awards/certificates • Phone calls home • Marble activities Consequences • Move pin on “Swimming to Success” board • Separate from group/ class -Writes a note home to parents (or “Today I was NOT on My Best Behavior” sheet) to be signed and return the following day. • Phone call home or visit principal * There was a contract for you to sign. We already went over it in class and your child has signed it. It is on your child’s desk)
Grades/Scores *This is in your packet • Test/Quiz scores • Daily assignments • Assessments • Homework • Writing samples • Teacher observations/ pupil participation & demonstration • Extra Credit and Enrichment ( enrich pages, extra credit science pages, additional presentations/reports) • The report card is aligned with Common Core State Standards • I will be using Powerschool, but this is simply a snapshot. There is quite a bit of other assessment that is taken into consideration when completing the report card. :)
Organization - Textbooks stay at school (unless discussed with teacher in advance) * Folders and notebooks are kept in desk • Folders (extra folders stay at school in desk) • Homework Folder goes home on Monday and comes back daily (black) • Notebooks *Kept at school on the right side of their desk • Pencil bag kept on top shelf of desk
Homework • Daily assignments ( kept on the right side of Homework Folder, returned the next day) • Reading/Vocabulary Log is kept in Homework folder and initialed nightly • Enrich math pages are extra credit (students’ responsibility to collect) • Spelling List, these will go home in the Homework folder (when there is a new list) and stay in the folder until the next list is sent home. These are for you to review with your child. Most spelling activities and assessments will be done in class. • When we start a new topic in math, a Home Connect page & the Vocabulary words will go home. Please leave these in the folder until we take the Topic test. • The night before the Topic Test in Math, the students will take home the math book and take the test in the book. This lets you know that there will be a math test the next day. I try and send home the answers via email. * Fun (Hot Dog) Fridays- If student finishes all the homework for the week, he/she gets to “relish” in the Fun Friday activities. If the homework was not completed, he/she needs to “ketchup” during this time (unless parents have otherwise specified). • Homework is ALL review, and it is designed as extra practice and reinforcement. • Please communicate with me any questions or concerns • Excellent opportunity for teaching responsibility!
Scholastic Book Orders • Great way to get books with rich academic language at appropriate reading levels. • Inexpensive (order online: HL3FQ) • Go home monthly or bimonthly • First orders are on your desk and are due Friday, Aug. 23rd • Write checks out to Scholastic, not Russell Ranch. ☺ • Fantastic opportunity to build your AR library. (5 books or 15 points for 1st trimester)
Volunteers • Please fill out the forms on the table (I will pass it around for you to fill out as I am talking) • Centers/Workstations, math help, work in classroom or at home, Friday Folders, Homework/correct papers, Yearbook,room parents/ & class parties • We will be having a Volunteer Meeting, next Monday, Aug. 19th, at 2:40 in our room. • This year all volunteers must be cleared of Category 1 & 2. Check with me or Amanda in the office if you need to know your current status.
Math Program • Our math program is: Envision Math Common Core • * It narrowed the scope of concepts taught and focuses deeper on what is emphasized within the standards. • *The program connects the learning within and across grades so that students are more easily able to build on and expand their knowledge. • * A rigorous program that fosters student understanding of important concepts from different perspectives. Through rigor a balance is found in real world problem solving when a student has both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. • - Conceptual understanding: “Do you understand?” • - Procedural fluency: “Do you know how?” • * Topic and DPAs (District Performance Assessments) will be done online (eventually, this may take a couple Topics of scaffolding). In 4th grade students will be doing their homework online as well. We need to prepare our students for this change.
Math Continued • *Five Domains are taught: • 1) Number and Operations in Base Ten (Topics 1-3) • 2) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Topics 4-8) • 3) Number and Operations- Fractions (Topics 9 & 10) • 4) Geometry (Topic 11) • 5) Measurement and Data (Topics 12-16) • *The Eight Practices within our common core math program are at the core of FIGURING OUT! The practices are highly interconnected. • 1) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • 2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively • 3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • 4) Model with mathematics • 5) Use appropriate tools strategically • 6) Attend to precision • 7) Look for and make use of structure • 8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning • * The practices can be applied in other subjects as well. • Practices Core Ideas/concepts
Language Arts (L/A) • Our Language Arts program is Benchmark Advance. There are 10 units in our reading series. Emphasis is placed on comprehension, fluency, vocabulary development, phonics, and reinforcing and encouraging a love and desire to read. • In third grade the focus in reading changes from one of learning to read to one of reading to learn • Storyworks: bi-monthly the students will be reading Storyworks. This provides rich academic language in all subject areas and exposes the students to nonfiction in an interesting form. The students will learn the importance of text organization (graphics, pictures, charts, diagrams, headings, and subheadings) and how to gather information about real world topics • We will be reading a variety of novels (the first one is Muggie Maggie) this year. • Writing activities will include daily language sentences which focus on correct sentence structure and punctuation, journal writing, report writing, creative writing, narrative writing, instructions, stories, descriptive writing, opinion writing, informative/explanatory writing, and poetry. We will be using the six traits of writing in our writing process. • Accelerated Reader: At least 5 books or 15 points per trimester. This may change due to your child’s need for enrichment or modification • It is your child’s responsibility to keep track (they will have a special bookmark to help him/her with this activity)** AR Points Club is an additional motivator. ☺ • Renaissance Home Connect was suppose to be on your child’s desk. Still waiting for the site to be up and running.
MTSS (MULTI-TIER SYSTEM OF SUPPORTS) • Students are grouped to meet their instructional needs • Reading assessments will be given during the first two weeks of school • Third grade will meet to group the students • Starts Aug. 26th (8:35-9:15-Monday-Thursday)
Science & Social Studies • Our district uses Social Studies Alive! California’s Communities and is published by Teacher’s Curriculum Institute (TCI). The units that will be covered this year are: Understanding the Geography of the World, Finding Places in California, Geography and the Way We Live, American Indians in California, Settling in California, Making Communities Better, Government in the United States, Citizenship and Participation, Protecting the Environment, Making a Difference, Understanding Our Economy, Choices in a Free Market, Using Money Wisely, and Citizenship Throughout the Day. Quite few of the topics overlap with our Benchmark language arts program. :) • Our Science program is Amplify.Science California. The four units are: Balancing Forces, Inheritance & Traits, Environments & Survival, and Weather & Climate. • I will also be teaching the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). These are in your packet. ☺ • STEM & Project Lead The Way (PLTW) • We will be utilizing our Innovation Stations lab as well this year.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) • There are Common Core Standards on your child’s desk • The information on the previous slides is in your Back-to-School Packet • There is “Key Ideas for Parents about Common Core” in your packet • If you would like additional information; you can go to the FCUSD website: Go to “Parents” then “Common Core State Standards” (CCSS)- this has a great deal of information. ☺ • i-Ready is a great program to reinforce & practice CCSS There is an i-Ready Parent Training Guide with your child’s username and password glued to the bottom. **** Please have your child use this program at home!!!! :)
Common Core • *Students will be going more in depth within standards; focusing on critical skills and practices to ensure students are career and college ready. • *Students will be using collaboration, inquiry, problem solving, balancing knowledge and skill, models, interactive learning/activities, coaching & teaching one another, and real life examples and lessons to take information and make sense of it. • There are two forms of instruction: • 1) Information frame for instruction • *This type of lesson is centered in an information frame for instruction. • *Students are focused on knowing information. • 2) Sense-making frame for instruction • *This lesson is centered in a sense-making frame for instruction. • *Students are focused on understanding something. We often use the language: “figure something out”. • * When you are trying to figure something out, you are trying to make sense of it. You are engaged in the process of sense-making.
Common Core Continued • INFORMATION VERSUS SENSE-MAKING • * So both an information frame for instruction and a sense-making frame for instruction represent an aspect of learning that are important. • Common core wants students to know “stuff.” • * But it also want students to make sense of that “stuff.” • *The interesting thing is, you need to know some “stuff” in order to make sense of other “stuff. “ • * But the converse is not true, because you can know stuff without making sense of it. • There is an example of knowing “stuff” in science, but not making sense of that “stuff” on the next slide.
Information Vs. Sense-Making While both frames for instruction are important, research shows us that teachers in the past have primarily focused on the information frame for instruction. * The shift within common core is we need to address the sense-making frame for instruction as well!
Second Step • AB9 Law: effective July, 1, 2012 (all California schools need to be preventing bullying) • There are handouts that go along with these lessons • This program will be used with our Caring School Community & BEST (Building Effective Schools Together) programs
Field Trips • We are hoping to offer the following fields trips: Folsom Zoo Outreach, ReCreate, IMAX/Capitol Park, & Holiday Tapestry. • * We are asking for a $60 donation per student to cover the costs of these activities and provide enrichment to our classroom. Please write the check to our Russell Ranch and in the memo section write “Third Grade Trustee Account” Thank you. :) • *This is a donation, all students will participate in every activity and event! • There is a green colored letter on your child’s desk with more information regarding field trips.
Supplies for the Classroom • Thank you for the beginning of the year supplies. **** Quite a few students still need to bring in his/her headphones/earbuds & computer mouse. These will be returned at the end of the year. We use these for quite a few assessments, in language arts, math,i-Ready, and PLTW. Thanks! :) • Other needed items will be mentioned in the newsletters or on the Remind app. ☺ • All supplies for our classroom are simply donation. If you are unable to donate, your child will be given everything he/she needs for the year. • There are few sticky notes of other items are classroom could use. If you would like to donate any of those items; it would be very much appreciate. :)
Other Items • Communication: ssapata@fcusd.org : Please email me!!! I will create my parent group using these emails. I do all of my newsletters via email unless specified otherwise. • There is a “A Note to School” on your desk if you would like to write me a note instead of email • I am a HUGE communicator. Please contact me with any questions or concerns and know I will always try my hardest to answer or address them. • CCSS bookmark/Reading At Home page • Key Ideas for Parents about Common Core/Learning Websites • “I Can” Common Core! 3rd Grade Reading • Summary of Standards for Mathematical Practice Powerschool Parent Portal: Only for parents who have never created an account or have NOT logged in recently. -Your child’s Renaissance Home Connect is not available yet, I will keep you posted on when the site is up and running and send the paperwork home via the Friday Folder. ☺ • Remind application: follow along with me! * This is a GREAT and easy way to communicate with me. It’s on the next slide. :)
Remind Application *Another way for me to communicate with you- via text message -Two options to join the group: Install the Remind App on your phone • text the number 81010 message: @sapata2 or email 2) sapata2@mail.remind.com
Thank you for coming! • Please leave the forms you filled out on your child’s desk. (“It’s Showtime”, Behavior Contract,Parent Information Sheet,Field Trip Form, library/handbook acknowledgement form/Google Chromebook Rules, and PTA membership). Or you can put them in your child’s homework folder. It is checked daily. • I am so excited to teach your child and work with you this year. (It takes a village). ☺ • Message paper (heart dye cut- Please write a note to child) • Questions or comments • Thank you so much! ☺