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ABEDELRAZZAQ Alawneh. Dr. Najeh Jisrawi. CLUSTER COMPUTING 1] Definition and concept of cluster. 2] Illustrations examples 3] The need of clusters. 4] Advantages 5] Beowulf system as an example. CLUSTER COMPUTING. To be familiar with the concept of cluster
ABEDELRAZZAQ Alawneh Dr. Najeh Jisrawi
CLUSTER COMPUTING 1] Definition and concept of cluster. 2] Illustrations examples 3] The need of clusters. 4] Advantages 5] Beowulf system as an example
CLUSTER COMPUTING • To be familiar with the concept of cluster Computing, think about work division in industry revolution, and what happened in Europe and the world in increasing of products high quality of these goods. I believe that they are equivalents, and have the same concept despite of the difference Between the input and output.
Cluster Computing is not anew field in computer science. RajkumaBuyya, who is one o scientists work in this scope, said “If you have not heard of cluster computing by now perhaps have been away on mars. The truth is that every one is doing it, not just computer geeks in university computer science departments”
The parallel computing concept refers to the idea of speeding-up the execution of a program by dividing the program into multiple fragments that can execute simultaneously, each on its own processor, such that a program being executed across n processors might execute n times faster than it would using a single processor.
Illustrations Examples: suppose that one of students or researchers make a good project and this project has much Of calculations that need so more time say two months. If we use ten computers connected by a network and use it to • Implement the whole program by dividing the program to • ten parts such that every computer used for a part of • Calculation, this will reduce the time to five hours,
then we arrive cluster computing. And this the idea that used in Beowulf Project that I will talk about later as excellent example. So simply, cluster computing is more than one connected Via a network.
why we need cluster computing or why it is so important Cluster computing has many powerful Applications in our life computational fluid dynamics commercial and financial Nuclear simulation computational chemistry data mining
. For example, scientists using cluster computing to Predict life threaten situations such as earth quake or hurricanes that require enormous computational power in small time permit us to take our attention and to preserve our selves and this will be impossible by using single personal computers, and one can get result after it had occurred. Supercomputers can be used for these applications, but they cost million of dollar
Advantages: clusters are important For scientific computing since they are used for applications that require supercomputers or highly reliable Systems. And the applications may be scientific or commercial that needs more computing resources.One of most interesting advantages in my opinion for clusters are that they are highly scalable and up gradable. In other meaning, addition more nodes for the system is possible at any time to increase its overall ability The ability of changing failure node with a good one.
Example of cluster system : This example is an experiment of building system consist of five computers, one master and four nodes
Clearly, as we add more nodes The time will decrease, but not by the same rate. This means that at some point adding another node will not decrease the time The most efficient size for the cluster will depend on the task, the speed of the cluster network, and the speed of the individual systems.
Beowulf Cluster • Beowulf is an interesting example of cluster computing under Linux • Beowulf was built by Thomas Sterling and Don Becker in 1994 . The first Beowulf was built to address problems associated with the large data sets that are often involved in ESS (earth and space science) community applications.
Beowulf’s concept • Beowulf system concept’s as parallel computing system concept with the power and ability,but with low prices of PCs and the availability of 100 Mb/s Ethernet interconnect and this combination build high performance computing and parallel computing environment. Besides the development of publicly available software, in particular, the Linux operating system,
About classification Beowulf class cluster computers range from several node clusters to several hundred node clusters. Some systems have been built by computational scientists and are used in an operational setting; others have been built as test-beds for system research and others are serve as an inexpensive platform to learn about parallel programming.
The first Beowulf cluster, called Wiglaf, was built with DX4 processors and 10Mbit/s Ethernet. The processors were too fast for a single Ethernet and Ethernet switches were still too expensive. • second cluster, Hrothgar, was built in 1996. It was a 16-node cluster based on 100MHz Pentiums and switched Fast Ethernet .In 1997, a balance system was 16, 200MHz P6 processors connected by Fast Ethernet and a Fast Ethernet switch.
Important Characteristics • an important characteristic of Beowulf clusters is that these sorts of changes processors type and speed, network technology, relative costs of components do not change the programming model. Another component to forward compatibility is the system software used on Beowulf of Linux, software and message passing via PVM and MPI, these have a guarantee that the programs they write will run on future Beowulf clusters regardless the networks.
Important Note: Despite of these properties, the previous does not mean that Beowulf clusters are supercomputers, it just means you can build a Beowulf that is big enough to attract the interest of supercomputer users. For example in 1996 both NASA demonstrated clusters that achieved greater than a gigaflop/s sustained performance. And in 1997, NASA combined two clusters for a total of 199, P6 processors and ran a PVM version of a PPM (Piece-wise Parabolic Method) code of 10.1 Gflop/s.
What cluster differs from workstation A Beowulf class cluster computer is distinguished from a Network of Workstations by several characteristics but significant: - 1] the nodes in the cluster are dedicated to the cluster. 2] since the interconnection network is isolated from the external network, the network load is determined only by the application that running on the cluster 3] all the nodes in the cluster are within the administrative control of the cluster.
4] operating system parameters can be tuned to improve performance. For example, a workstation should be tuned to provide the best interactive as instantaneous responses, short buffers, etc. But in cluster the nodes can be tuned to provide better throughput for hard jobs because they are not interacting directly with users.