How Emergency Plumbers Can Help You Are you experiencing plumbing problems but not sure what the best thing to do is? Perhaps you’re just researching to learn what to do in the event of an emergency or know exactly what it is that an emergency plumber can do for you. Well, look no further, in this article we’re going to be discussing emergency plumbers, what they do, if they’re needed for your problem or if it’s something you could try fixing yourself along with finding the right plumber and discussing home insurance. Contents ● What Does an Emergency Plumber Do? ● When Should I Call Out a Plumber? ● What to do if You Need an Urgent Repair ● Can You Fix it Yourself? ● Finding the right plumber for you ● Is an emergency plumber covered in your insurance? ● Summary
What Does an Emergency Plumber Do? When it comes to plumbing, many different components make this up. It could be anything from your boiler breaking to a burst pipe in the plumbing system. Whatever the problem is, it can sometimes need urgently looking at and in this case, you would need an emergency plumber. In the case of an emergency, you can call out a plumber to have a look at the problem and possibly provide a solution. The best thing to do would be to contact the plumber you usually use or try out local plumbers that may be able to come out last minute to have a look. It’s best to use someone local to you as it will take them less time to get to you, rather than using someone an hour away.
Once you’ve found a plumber that can come out and see you urgently, they will come and have a look at the issue and advise you on what is needed. They may be able to temporarily put something in place before properly sorting the problem. In some cases, it may be that equipment and parts are needed so you may find that you sometimes have to wait for the actual problem to be resolved. In the case of a leaking pipe that may cause damage to your house, this will be seen to as an emergency and they may get the local water company to have a look at this and put something in place to stop it. As the pipes run from house into a system, it may be that the water company can do something rather than a plumber. Either way, whatever the problem is, if you think it is urgent then you should ring around different plumbers and find someone who can come and have a look as soon as possible. When Should I Call Out a Plumber? Some cases may not be an emergency and might be something that you can put up with for a while. However, some problems may be a lot worse and can also cause damage to your house, so it’s important to make sure these are dealt with as soon as possible. It is down to your own decision as to if you feel like it’s an urgent problem that calls for an emergency plumber. This can be judged by whether you can temporarily live with the problem until you can get a plumber booked in to have a look at it, that isn’t an emergency visit. It may just be that your water pressure isn’t quite right or a problem with the heating. These are smaller things that can probably be left for a little longer. However, other cases may be a much bigger problem and do need looking at as soon as possible. This may be a burst or cracked pipe, causing water to leak out and this can cause
damage to your property and therefore is something that needs to be urgently looked at. In this scenario or something similar to this that may put your property at risk, you should always call out an emergency plumber. It may be that they can’t fix it straight away, however, they may be able to put something in place for the time being. It is completely down to you if you call out a plumber. Some things you may be able to resolve yourself and find that they are not an emergency and can wait a bit longer for someone to look at, whereas, other problems may be a lot worse and something that you can’t live with. What to do if You Need an Urgent Repair
In the case that an urgent repair is needed but you have to wait for someone to come out to look at it, you will need to do some things yourself to try and stop the problem whilst waiting. In the event of a plumbing issue, you can turn the stop cock off. This is a valve that is used to control the flow of water to your house. By turning this off, you will stop the flow of water coming into your house and avoid any leaks or flooding, as the supply is turned off. If the problem is in your property and has caused any leaking or flooding, then it’s important to get this dried up as much as you can to prevent it from damaging the building. Grab lots of towels to try and mop up any water and leave some on the floor around the affected area so it can soak up any additional water. You can also use buckets and put these under the leaks so all water goes into these, rather than onto the floor. Another thing to turn off is the water heater, as this needs to be turned off to prevent any damage to the unit. If it is a gas heater then you also need to turn the gas off first. The most important thing is to stop the water supply coming into the house as this should stop any further damage. You don’t want to cause any additional damage to your house so move anything out the way that can be moved to prevent that being damaged and start to mop the area. When you call a plumber to come and look at it, they may advise you on what to do but these are the most important things. Can You Fix it Yourself? As discussed previously, there may be some things that you can fix yourself. Things such as blocked gutters, pipes or drains can be a job that you can do yourself. However, our advice would be to always call a plumber, explain the problem and get their advice. They may be able to advise you on what to do or tell you it’s something a bit more serious that need looking at.
Depending on the nature of the problem, depends on whether you can fix it yourself. You may find that it’s useful to research what the problem is that you’re experiencing and see if there are any tips and recommendations online as to what other people have done in the past. From this, you should be able to judge if it is something that can be fixed yourself or not. For little things such as a blocked drain or gutter, these can easily just be cleaned out and unblocked if there are obstructions in the way. You may find it useful to get a member of your family or a neighbour to help you out with this. You can normally judge if it is something you can fix yourself by looking at the problem and see what is causing it. If you are ever unsure, the best thing to do is call your local plumber and get their advise. It might be that they call out to have a look at it and can tell you what to do to resolve it, or they may find that it needs some serious work doing on it by a professional. They are the best people to go to for problems like this, so no matter how big or small it might be, it’s best to always double-check with them. Finding the Right Plumber For You In the event of an emergency, you still want to make sure that you find the right plumber. Although it is an emergency and needs looking at urgently, you want to make sure that the plumber you use is reliable and fully certified and insured. We’re going to take a look at some of the key things to look for when finding a plumber. Firstly, when finding a plumber, you want to make sure they’re reliable and legitimate. As they will be dealing with a problem at your house, you want to ensure you can put your trust in them to resolve it and make your home safe again. When looking for a plumber, make
sure to check that they are certified and insured for the job, as this will help protect you if anything does go wrong with the work they have done. Experience is another thing to look out for when finding a plumber. Sometimes people with more experience have more knowledge and may complete the job better. You can trust a plumber who has years of experience so that you know that they know exactly what they’re doing and that they’ve probably come across the problem before. Even in an emergency, you want to make sure you’re not being ripped off. Some people may take advantage of the fact you require someone urgently and use this for their financial gain. Make sure to have a look at different plumbers and their prices and make sure that they are all at a similar price as you can trust this. As well as making sure you’re not going to spend lots of money unnecessarily, you also need to make sure you’re not paying too little. You may find that some are fairly cheap but this may raise a slight red flag and highlights why you should always compare with competitors. Someone cheap may not do the job as well or be that reliable so sometimes it is worth paying that little bit more money, to ensure you’re getting the right plumber. If you’re unsure on the plumber you’ve chosen, you can always have a look at reviews of them online. By searching them on Google, should show their company or they may even have a Facebook page. On here, there should be reviews from previous customers and this, you can judge what they’re like. If you find that a plumber has no reviews, it is probably best to dig a little deeper to make sure you’re getting the right person. Some plumbers are new, and have no reviews, however some have no reviews as their reviews wouldn’t be positive. You’ll be able to get a good idea from what other people have
said about their experience and whether it is someone you can rely on and trust to do the job. Reviews are often very truthful so it’s always good to have a quick read up on them. A good thing to look for when in an emergency is the plumber’s availability. You want to make sure that the plumber can come out as soon as possible to take a look at it and won’t take hours to get to you. It may be worth having a ring around different plumbers to check first who is available for the job, and then from this, you can narrow it down as to who you’ll use. Our last tip as to what to look for when choosing a plumber is to check what their warranty is. Plumbers often offer a warranty with the work they do, so that you’re covered if any work they carry out, goes wrong or doesn’t work. It’s always good to choose someone who offers a warranty on the work, just so you can be ensured that if the work they do, doesn’t work or make the issue worse, you’re covered by the warranty. This means that you shouldn’t have to pay out if they have to come out again to deal with that problem, as you will be covered and it is their fault as to why it wasn’t fixed correctly in the first place. Although it can be hard to spend time researching when there’s an emergency happening that needs to be looked at as soon as possible. However, it doesn’t take long to go online and find some plumbers in your area and have a look at their website or page. You can even ring around and explain your situation and gather some prices and availability first, so then you can choose a bit more easily, who to go with. Even in a rush, you want to make sure you’re choosing the right plumber for you that is reliable and trustworthy to do the job properly. You may find that you have a local plumber that you have used previously and they will be your go-to in situations like this. It is good to go with someone you have used before that you know does a good job and also go off other recommendations that you can trust. It may be that a family member or friend can
recommend someone and sometimes it’s good to go off what other people have used and experienced. However, it is still important to have a quick check over of the plumber before going ahead and using them. Is an Emergency Plumber Covered by Your Insurance? You may find that the insurance you have will cover you for any emergencies, however, it depends on the insurance you have. Always have a check as to what you are actually covered for when it comes to choosing your insurance. A plumbing emergency could leave a lot of damage to your home and therefore need repairing. However, if you are covered by insurance, you won’t have to pay out as much. Often with home insurance, it doesn’t cover for things such as emergencies and this is something that is added on as extra cover. It may
be worth contacting your home insurance company to see what the offer, just to give yourself and your home some extra protection in the case of emergency. The last thing you want is for damages to be caused and not being able to afford to fix it. So, to answer the question, not necessarily. Basic home insurance does not cover emergencies, however, you can add this on as an extra cover. As discussed, it is something you can look into when purchasing home insurance, or something that can be added on a later date. It’s always worth doing your research on what your insurance covers exactly, so you know what you’re protected against. Although it costs more money for this cover, it can save you a lot of money if the case of an emergency did occur. In the end, it’s often worth taking out that extra cover. Summary In this article, we’ve discussed exactly what it is that an emergency plumber does and when you should call one out. You may feel that this is when you can’t live with the problem and that it needs to be fixed immediately, which in this case, you would call out an emergency plumber. We also looked at things you can do to stop the problem yourself. The best thing in this situation is to turn the water off completely to stop the flow of water coming in and out of the property. This won’t fix the problem, but it will help it and is one of the most important things to do in that situation. In the event of flooding or leaking in your property, this can be helped by putting towels and buckets out to help catch the water and soak any up. This will help to prevent any damage to your property and furniture. We then had a look at how to find the right plumber for you in terms of knowing what to look for when finding one. When it’s an emergency, you just want someone to come straight away to fix it, but it’s always good to make sure that who you’re getting to look at it, is the right person. You might find that you have a plumber you have
used previously and call them to check their availability, as this is someone you can rely on. However, you may not have needed a plumber much in the past so don’t know who to contact. We talked through some key things to look out for when finding a plumber to make sure you’re getting someone who is trustworthy, reliable and will get the job done. Finally, we had a look at if your home insurance covers you when it comes to emergencies on your property. For most insurances, you won’t be covered in an emergency but it is something you can add on onto your existing insurance. Make sure you do plenty of research when looking for this, as even with extra cover, it may not cover you in an emergency. It’s important to properly read what it is that it offers to make sure it’s something you need and that will protect you. You can also get advice on this from your insurance company as they will be able to advise what the best cover is, for what you’re wanting. At the end of the day, it’s most important to protect yourself, family and house so it’s worth paying out that little extra money. We hope this article has been useful to you and you’ve learnt more about emergency plumbers and when you might need one. As well as this, we covered some tips and advice when it comes to an emergency and the best way to deal with this as well as knowing what you can try doing yourself, whilst waiting for someone. The most important thing to remember is to make sure you protect yourself and your home against emergencies by taking out the correct insurance and using a reliable plumber, who you know can fix the problem and help protect you in the future.
ABOUT US? Perfect Plumbers are dedicated to bringing value and assisting with any plumbing needs. We’re a leading team of expert Plumbers based
in Surrey with many years of combined experience, able to undertake any maintenance, installation or assist with any problems involving heating and plumbing. We want to help when things go wrong. We’re here for you whenever there’s a problem with your heating or your plumbing to help get things back to how they should be. Perfect Plumbers are highly-trained in every task our staff. We’ll be able to assist with anything from a dripping pipe to a full central heating system replacement, and anything in between. As a company, we continuously strive to be the best we can. We’re always on the lookout for ways we can improve our services, so whether we’re making our service faster for your or we’re finding ways to guarantee a better job completion, Perfect Plumbers aim to be the best. We’ve put together lots of useful information about our company, but we know there may be other questions that you may have. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you!
0800 246 1375 SERVICES To help us be your trusted plumbing and heating company, we offer a large range of services. Some of them include: EMERGENCY PLUMBING REPAIRS WATER PIPE REPAIRS
CENTRAL HEATING INSTALLATION EMERGENCY BOILER REPAIR EMERGENCY CENTRAL HEATING REPAIR BOILER INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE And many more. Whatever you need, plumbing and heating related, we’re here to help you. Get in touch today and see why so many people in Surrey love our services! 24/7 WE’RE HERE 24/7. We’re here whenever you need us, any time of day. That’s why we’re available 24/7, 365 days a year. There’s no time of day that you won’t be able to get hold of us, helping to get things back in working order quickly. We know that in times when something goes wrong, you’ll just want it all back to how it should be. That’s where we’ll there, our team are available at any time of the year to come and rectify any problems. We understand that there’s no right time for your boiler to stop working or for a pipe to burst. We’re here to get things back in working order as quickly as possible, which is why we’re always available for when you need us. So, whether it’s lunchtime in the summer or it’s in the middle of the night in winter, we’ll be at the end of the phone when you need us. Having a company you can trust is essential, and that’s exactly what we’ll be. Put your trust in us, and we’ll make sure to get things right when the plumbing goes wrong. PRICE WE OFFER COMPETITIVE PRICING.
When something goes wrong, we understand that the first thought is ‘how much is this going to cost me?’. We make this worry disappear, as we offer competitive pricing for the job in hand. We promise there are no hidden fees with us, so you’ll know the cost of the job upfront, as soon as possible. We make sure that we’re always transparent and open with you. Our pricing model completely depends on what the job is, therefore the costs can vary depending on what we’re needed for. We use this to help be as competitive as possible with our pricing for you. By providing a price for each job, it means you’ll only pay for that job in hand and not pay any additional costs that aren’t necessary. We’re dedicated to keeping our services as affordable as possible to make things as easy as we can for our community. BENIFITS WE PROVIDE LONG-LASTING BENEFITS. What sets us apart is we make sure that we’re only using trusted companies for all the parts that we use. We feel that a reliable company is a much better investment than the amount that could be saved on using cheaper parts. Because of this, all of the work we do lasts much longer than using any cheaper parts. We want you to trust us. We only use the most reliable products available, so you can put your trust in us to get the job done properly. WHY US
WHY CHOOSE US? There are many reasons that we’re the right company for you. With every job that we do, with us, you’ll get guaranteed satisfaction every time. We take the time to complete the job properly and we aren’t satisfied until the job is completed to a high standard. We make sure to use energy-efficient parts, so if you’re looking for a new boiler or a new radiator we’ll make sure that the ones we use will save you energy, subsequently saving you money in the long run. We also make sure that all the parts we use are from trusted companies to guarantee a long-lasting lifetime, preventing any additional costs for the foreseeable future. Through the years we’ve been operating, we’ve worked hard to ensure that the service we offer is exactly what you need. We make sure to use a very rigid set of guidelines to ensure everything is done properly and there is no risk of anything being missed, guaranteeing a successful result every time WE OFFER: GUARANTEED SATISFACTION PROFESSIONAL & TAILORED SERVICES ENERGY-EFFICIENT PARTS HIGHLY-SKILLED ENGINEER LONG-LASTING BENEFITS
TRUSTED EQUIPMENT. LICENSED & INSURED Perfect Plumbers hold all the necessary licenses to carry our their work and are insured to the value of £5,000,000. PLUMBING PROS We are professional plumbers with many years of experience who deliver a high quality services to each and every customer. BEST PRICES AROUND Our company is commited to providing an affordable service without compromising on the high standards we deliver. Call: 0800 246 1375 SEND A MESSAGE