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Mr. Weiss. International Relations- Syllabus. International Relations- 2013-2014-Mr . Weiss Email Address: School: brettweiss@u-46.org Home Email Address: brettteach@gmail.com School Phone – 630-372-4700 ext. 4737; Cell Phone: 630-248-5405. Mr. Weiss.
Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus International Relations- 2013-2014-Mr. Weiss Email Address: School: brettweiss@u-46.org Home Email Address: brettteach@gmail.com School Phone – 630-372-4700 ext. 4737; Cell Phone: 630-248-5405
Mr. Weiss International Relations Syllabus Welcome to International Relations! This is a Social Studies elective open all students who have expressed an interest in better understanding the global issues we all face in this world. The goals of this course are: 1. Cover in some depth most of the key issues/problems the world faces today, to give each student a good understanding of the issue/problem, and the opportunity to search for some possible solutions.
Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus 2. Provide each student in the class with the ability to learn how to use the tools available to explore these global issues both during this semester, and for the rest of your lives. These tools will include, newspapers, the internet, hand-outs, TV, Radio, books, DVD’s/Videos, etc. 3. Create a student who will forever make it a point to remain aware of key global issues/problems, and use his/hers ability to help the world come up with a solution. 4. Create a student who will learn that the truly educated person of world issues gets his/her information from a variety of sources from around the entire world.
5. Study the issue of genocide over the last 100 years and several specific genocides. This study will help you to better understand some of the worst events in the last 100 years of world history. It is the hope then with that increased knowledge that you will be understand the serious issues facing the world today, and have a much better idea of what the world can do to solve these problems, and for you to have an idea of what you can do in your life to make our world a better place for all to live in. I want to change each of you from “bystanders” to “UPSTANDERS” Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus
Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus Weekly Article Work Each Friday (or the last day of the week), you need to turn in one article from a reputable newspaper, magazine or web site that deals with the topic of the week. Print out or cut out the article and staple it to the back of this form. The article must be about the topic of the week. Be sure to answer all questions that apply to your article! The article will be collected at the beginning of class, so it must be done before you get to the classroom. To receive full credit the form must be used, completely filled out and turned in on time.
Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus Weekly Article Work You must be prepared to verbally summarize & discuss your article each Friday. An article that you have complete answers for & is turned in on time will be given the full 25 points. Late articles will only get partial credit unless you will absent on the due date and are turning it in the next school day. (You MUST use this form or your will not get credit!)
Recommended sources are places like The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, CNN.com, ABCNEWS.com, MSNBC.COM, CBS.com, Foxnews.com or Reuters.com. If you use another source, I recommend you ask me first and get my approval. There are many places on the web you can get articles, but they are not very credible. Articles from non-credible sources will not be accepted. Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus Weekly Article Work
Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus Weekly Article Work Quiz Several times during the semester there will be a take home quiz on the articles you have done. To be successful on these quizzes you will need to really understand your articles and really listen when we talk about them.
We will cover units on the following topics: China; Islam; Genocide; Armenian Genocide; Ukrainian Genocide; The Holocaust; Cambodian Genocide; Rwandan Genocide; Sudan Genocide; • You will have tests periodically on these units. In order to be ready for these tests you will need to review notes you have taken in class, review all handouts and packets for movies or documentaries you have watched in class. Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus Units Covered
Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus Presentation Project You will each be given an assignment to put together a presentation on an important International Relations issue. You will work with a couple of other people on this. This will be fully explained a separate handout. It will be worth 200 points, or about two tests.
Weekly Participation Points: You will get 25 points each week for doing what you are supposed to do: Be on time; Listen; Do your work; etc. etc. If you do not do the things you are supposed to be doing each week, then you will get something less than 25 points per week. BE SURE TO CHECK HOW MANY POINTS YOU ARE GETTING EACH WEEK. THIS WILL BECOME A LARGE PART OF YOUR GRADE!! Final Exam – (If required) Worth about 200 points. Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus
Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus • Your final semester grade will be made up of the following: • Weekly Article Work • Participation Points • Article Quizzes • Unit Tests & Final Exam • Group Presentation • Various kinds of packet and classroom work Weighted categories will be passed out on a separate sheet of paper.
Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus • Excellence: It is expected that each of you will strive for excellence each and every day in this class. Success will come from hard work and pushing yourself harder than you thought you could. • Honesty: It is expected that at all times in this class you will be a person of honesty and integrity. Nothing less than 100% honesty and integrity will be tolerated.
Mr. Weiss International Relations Syllabus One of the main lessons I have learned from working in schools in Kenya and Rwanda is how committed each of the students in these countries are to their education. None of them would ever consider being late for a class; missing a class; talking while someone else is talking; being disrespectful in any way. It has made me realize that I should expect nothing less from my students here at Bartlett High School. Maybe they are just luckier than you that they live in absolute poverty!!
It is expected that you will be in class every day, on time, and working hard. It is expected that you will do all assignments to the best of your ability and on time. If you have questions, problems, issues, etc, please do not hesitate to come and talk to me, email or call me. Do not wait if you have an issue…let’s talk right away! I expect and want each of you to be very successful in this class. I will work very hard to help you to be successful; the rest will be determined by how much work you want to put in. Good Luck….learn a lot…..open your mind…..and be very successful! Mr. Weiss International Relations- Syllabus