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Capacity Builders. 1.Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Aligned to State Standards. 2. Effective Data Driven Education Plans. 3. Shared Decision Making Model. 4. Professional Learning Communities. 5. Fiscal Responsibility.
Capacity Builders 1.Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Aligned to State Standards 2. Effective Data Driven Education Plans 3. Shared Decision Making Model 4. Professional Learning Communities 5. Fiscal Responsibility 2003 Kevin McDonald MPS MUSI Science Support Teacher
Based on Sound Research: Effective Schools Curriculum Alignment Formative Assessment Standards-Based Teaching and Learning 2003 Kevin McDonald MPS MUSI Science Support Teacher
Learning Targets The Vehicle to Transform the Process of Teaching and Learning • Effective implementation of Learning Targets will • focus equitable learning opportunities. • Linking all aspects of teaching and learning to the • Learning Targets will facilitate a systemic and coherent • curricular process. • Clarity about student learning and desired outcomes • facilitates improved planning and implementation of • instruction, professional development, and continuous • feedback.
Curriculum Alignment Content Focus r Categorical Concurrence I N S T R U C T I O N M P S Balance of Representation Learning targets: What do we want students to know and be able to do? Depth-of-Knowledge Consistency Curriculum & Instruction: (Teaching and Learning) How do we develop learners? C U R R I C U L U M W I S C O N S I N Goal: High Student Achievement S U M M A T I V E F O R M A T I V E Assessment: What will count as evidence, from multiple sources, in a balanced assessment system? Structure of Knowledge Comparability Range of Knowledge Correspondence Content Focus
Community Stakeholders CH2MHILL 2003 Kevin McDonald MUSI Science Support Teacher
Science Learning TargetsInternal Review Groups Learning Coordinators MUSI Principals Science Department Chairs Title One Coordinators Literacy Coaches Teacher Mentors MPS Website Parent Groups MUSI Contact Teachers Teaching and Learning Curriculum Specialists Teachers in MUSI / UWM Courses 2003 Kevin McDonald MUSI Science Support Teacher
Next Steps Now Writing Classroom Assessments & Collecting Student Work Samples • Formulate Specifications • Specify Leveled Benchmarks • Align to Individual School Curriculum • (Curriculum Mapping) • Communication and Professional Development: • Staff, Parents,Community Partners, Media • Evaluation and Improvement • SDIS (Self-Directed Improvement System) 2003 Kevin McDonald MPS MUSI Science Support Teacher
Learning Targets are Now Available on the MPS Website http://www.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/pages/MPS/Teachers_Staff/Learning_Targets_Info/Documents
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Authentic Intellectual Work and Standardized Testing “The fears that students will score lower on conventional tests due to teacher demands for more authentic intellectual work appear to be unwarranted. To the contrary, the evidence indicates that assignments calling for more authentic intellectual work actually improve student scores on conventional tests.” Chicago Annenberg Research Project