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TITLE? My family and other animals

TITLE? My family and other animals. AUTHOR? Gerald Durrell. Question p.7. Was all the family ill ? The eldest brother wasn’t 2. Where did they go ? They went to Corfu . 3. How did they get the money ? The father sold the house in England. Question p. 8. 4. Their names are

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TITLE? My family and other animals

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  1. TITLE?My family and otheranimals AUTHOR? Gerald Durrell

  2. Question p.7 • Wasallthefamilyill? Theeldestbrotherwasn’t 2. Wheredidtheygo? TheywenttoCorfu. 3. Howdidtheygetthemoney? Thefathersoldthehouse in England

  3. Question p. 8 4. Theirnames are • MARGO, LESLIE, LARRY 5. TransporttheyusedtoCorfù Train, boat and horse 6. Whatdid he taketoCorfù? A bookaboutnature, caterpillars, a net and a dog 7. Whatisthename of thedog? Roger

  4. Page 11 8. Whathappenedthere? Therewasanepidemy 9. Whatdidthehousesnothave? Theydidn’thave a toilet 10. WhowasSpiro? He wasthe taxi-driver

  5. Chapter 2 11Write downanactivity he did in the villa Anyactivity in thegarden Chapter 3 • Whowas Rose? A beetleman

  6. Page 14 • Whois Achiles? A tortoise 14. Whois Quasimodo A pigeon

  7. p. 19 15. Didtheygotoschool? No, theydidn’t. Larry wastheteacher 16. Whatsubjectdidtheyhave? Geography, English, French and Maths

  8. Chapter 5 17. WhowasTheodore? He wasGeorge’sfriend. 18. Whatdid he givehim? He gavehim a microscope 19. Whathappensonchapter 6? They moved toanother villa/ house

  9. Chapter 7 19. Whatwasthe new villa like? Ithadyellowwalls, greenshutters and a red roof 20. What’sthegardener’swifename? HernamewasLugaretzia 21. Writethename of one of theguests and job Zapotec, a poetfrom Armenia Jonquil and Michael, painters

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