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A Mediterranean Resource Efficient Region By Raymond Van Ermen

A Mediterranean Resource Efficient Region By Raymond Van Ermen European Partners for the Environment (EPE) Raymond.vanermen@epe.be. Let’s take a new approach. Addressing Pollution as an opportunity to become more  Resource Efficient Competitive

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A Mediterranean Resource Efficient Region By Raymond Van Ermen

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  1. A Mediterranean Resource Efficient Region By Raymond Van Ermen European Partners for the Environment (EPE) Raymond.vanermen@epe.be

  2. Let’s take a new approach. • Addressing Pollution as an opportunity to become more • Resource Efficient • Competitive • Using the Ground Water Directive as “guide” • (presented by P. Quevauvilled, DG Env.)

  3. Risks of pollution from diffuse/point sources (incl. landfills, wastes, contaminated soils, agriculture) Prevent / Limit? Interactions with aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems? Links with SW status and EQS Quality standards / thresholds? Issues tackled by the proposal Run-off Construction Products, Urban wastes Drinking water abstraction

  4. Not to forget: integration of parent legislation! POLICY Seveso, IPPC POLICY Env. Impact assessment INDUSTRY POLICY Birds, Habitats URBAN SECTOR AGRI- CULTURE DRINKING WATER POLICY Drinking water POLICY Sewage sludge landfill POLICY UWW, CPD POLICY groundwater POLICY Pesticides, Nitrates, biocides POLICY Bathing water POLICY WFD

  5. How to become SMART ? 1. Positive efficiency gains are still too slow. 2. A better use of resources is needed to be more competitive on the global market 3. Still efforts to be made to move from ‘niche markets’ to ‘mainstream markets’. 4. Investors Community not convinced by EU Companies’ efficiency performances 5. “Commission College” and Member States still ‘to be convinced’ that Resource Efficiency is a competitiveness driver.

  6. The Potential A better use of resources is needed to be more competitive. As an example, the EU stated in its Green Book on energy efficiency from June 2005, that Europe can safe up to 60 billion Euro every year through efficiency measures which represents 20% of the European energy consumption The New Global Scene Eco-technologies and eco-innovation to face global ecological and security threats - such as climate change - are now addressed as drivers in China, India, Japan, the USA, Brazil. The Resource Efficiency challenge in Europe and internationally is a key for sustainable growth, our competitiveness and trust.

  7. A Resource Efficiency Alliance. Its Objectives: 1. An alliance of champions and leaders supported by a network of networks. 2. Creating a critical mass to accelerate the transition to a renewable/clean/low carbon energy and resource efficiency economy through co-ordinated innovation 3. A “Multi-stakeholderAccelerator of Progress’, engaging synergies between Investors, Companies, Public Authorities, Civil Society Organisations and Media. 4. Identify and make use of the levers for change. New promising synergies and improve linkages between for instance information technology, banking services, supply-chain guidelines, technical assistance, advertising, EU, Member states and regional funding schemes, rural and urban management and development schemes. 5. Joint Plan of Action to move from niche market to mainstream market

  8. Method: The Alliance is a place to meet and co-operate for Investors, the Financial Industry, Suppliers and ‘Buyers’, public and private, European, Regional and Cities Authorities and other interested parties, aiming at voluntary co-ordination towards resource efficiency in its triple dimension: (i) market opportunities (ii) regional/local strategic land use and economic development plans, (iii) responsible citizenship and media. Use the concept of knowledge cluster * Design together a voluntary, open, multi-stakeholder method of coordination ‘using tools as: (i) market practice (procurement and supply chain guidelines) operational practice (e.g. management within companies) policy frameworks urban and rural land use schemes and economic development programs reporting on efficiency by companies investment practice (capital risk, venture, financial services) * Pooling knowledge * Co-operating with other regions of the world Make use of the investment and purchasing power of Public Authorities and Companies

  9. Networks participating in the Champions and Leaders Alliance Engineering EREF - European Renewables Energy Federation EREC - European Renewable Energy Council EUBIA European Biomass Industry Association Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst AECC Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe EUROCITIES European Partners for the Environment (EPE) EUCETSA - European Committee of Environmental Technology Suppliers Associations EUROSIF - European Social Investment Forum Regional Environmental Centre - REC European Federation of Magazine Publishers (FAEP) International Association of Public Transport (UITP) Other Networks having Champions expected to join.

  10. How to mobilise financial Resources in support to Resource Efficiency within the framework of NAPS?

  11. A Public – Private Partnership in view of an Enhanced Co-operation for Sustainable Investment in the field of Eco-technologies & eco-innovation Sponsors In Support of E.T.A.P. Environmental Technologies Action Plan Developed by www.epe.be/sustinvestments

  12. The platform is a place of dialogue and co-operation on the ways and means to cultivate a demand and tailor products meeting the needs in terms of eco-innovation, eco-efficiency and sustainable management of natural resources.

  13. Objectives: - New “tools”, new "products" and "services" put at the disposal of the clients in the field of green and/or sustainable investments, including in it, the people now excluded from the banking structure New "levers" at the level of the Mediterranean Region: new initiatives to be taken by some Ministers of Finance, the European Investment Bank, the Commission… A strategy to create a ‘mass critique’ effect due to the new synergies at Euro-Mediterranean level An initiative with local governments and local banking agencies to support the "greening" of investments

  14. Invitation to host a Mediterranean Briefing on Green Investments. Objectives: Pooling knowledge in view of the launching of “The Competitiveness and Innovation Program (Budget 2007-2013 - 4,213 billion €) which will address persistent recognized market gaps leading to poor access to equity, venture capital and loans for SMEs in relation with eco-innovation and eco-technologies Mapping existing financial instruments

  15. A third of EIB’s individual loans in Europe are to go towards environmental projects. In 2003, 149 environmental projects were directly financed by the EIB with € 12.3 billion of individual loans. The EIB is giving increased support to encourage renewable energy investment as a contribution to the EU energy policy and the Climate Change program. The European Commission is sponsoring the development of an innovative public-private mechanisms to enhance access to affordable risk capital by renewable energy business and project developers. The GREFF should help closing the financing gap for developing renewable energy markets and services world-wide. A first closing of € 75 million is targeted for 2006.

  16. Raymond Van Ermen EPE Executive Director Raymond.vanermen@epe.be T: +32 2 771 15 34 Further information www.epe.be www.raymondvanermen.org

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