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Purdue University Winter Hydrology and Erosion Research

Purdue University Winter Hydrology and Erosion Research. Keith A Cherkauer, Dazhi Mao, Tushar Sinha Agricultural and Biological Engineering Jeff Evans Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology. Outline. Field measurements Historical analysis Watershed scale simulations

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Purdue University Winter Hydrology and Erosion Research

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  1. Purdue University Winter Hydrology and Erosion Research Keith A Cherkauer, Dazhi Mao, Tushar Sinha Agricultural and Biological Engineering Jeff Evans Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology

  2. Outline • Field measurements • Historical analysis • Watershed scale simulations • Basin scale simulations • Land use change • Climate change

  3. Field Observations Spring 2000, Vermillion River, Minn.

  4. Spatial Variability

  5. Time Series of Observations:Winter 1998-1999

  6. 5 cm Soil Thaw Dates:Winter 1998-1999 Last Day of Frozen Soil, 1999

  7. Current Field Measurements • Self contained units • 10 locations – 2 per field type • 10 and 20 cm depths • Temp and Moisture • Field surveys • Wireless sensor network

  8. Sensor Network Deployment Diagram

  9. Location: ACRE

  10. Historic Analysis • Soil temperature observations from mid-1960’s • Early records must be digitized

  11. Pinney-Purdue Agricultural Center (PPAC) near Wanatah Soil – Tracy sandy loam Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) near West Lafayette Soil – Russell silt loam Study Area Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center (SIPAC) near Dubois Soil – Zanesville silt loam Soil temperature data collecting station (since 1966)

  12. Annual Average Statistics *SIPAC average statistics estimated from 1985 - 2004

  13. Average statistics for selected soil frost variables. PPAC – Annual snowfall (107.8 cm), Soil – Tracy sandy loam ACRE – Annual snowfall (53.9 cm), Soil - Russell silt loam SIPAC – Annual snowfall (23.2 cm),Soil – Zanesville silt loam

  14. Selected Surface Variables PPAC ACRE SIPAC

  15. Bare soil at 5 cm soil depth ACRE PPAC SIPAC

  16. Watershed Scale Simulations Distributed Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model (DHSVM) • Physically based hydrologic model that represents the effects of • Topography • Soil • Vegetation • Solves the energy and water balance at each grid cell at each timestep

  17. Q Qsed Erosion and Sediment Transport Module MASS WASTING Soil Moisture Content Sediment Channel Flow Sediment DHSVM Precipitation Leaf Drip Infiltration and Saturation Excess Runoff CHANNEL ROUTING Erosion Deposition HILLSLOPE EROSION ROAD EROSION

  18. Current land holdings: 80% Yellowwood State Forest 20% - 55 private owners Legacy of intensive agriculture “experiment” in early 1900’s Highly eroded hill-sides Large alluvium storage? Yellowwood Lake Watershed Source: National Land Cover Data (NLCD) 2001

  19. Cumulative Erosion Erosion/Deposition (m)

  20. Basin Scale Simulations Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Hydrology Model • Mosaic Type Land-use • Variable Infiltration Curve • Arno Baseflow Curve • Full surface energy balance • Full water balance

  21. VIC Model Snow Algorithm • 2 Layer Ground Snowpack • Full Energy Balance with Thin Surface Layer • Heat Exchange with Ground Surface • Canopy Interception • Wind Profiles From DHSVM

  22. VIC Model Frozen Soil Algorithm • Heat and moisture fluxes solved independently • Bottom boundary • Constant Temperature • Constant Flux • Permafrost capable Cherkauer and Lettenmaier, 1999

  23. Distributed Frozen Soil Temperature Distribution Ice Content Distribution

  24. WEPP model 30 arc-sec DEM ArcGIS Daily climate forcing 30m DEM Soil & vegetation Hourly precipitation Slope profile Adjusted erodibility, friction factors, & random roughness VIC Precipitation & runoff output WEPP-HE Code Soil loss - original input data - intermediate data - data for WEPP-HE - data processing Iterated for sampled slopes - iterated process VIC-WEPP Coupled Model

  25. Point Simulation: Rosemount, MNWinter 1993-1994

  26. Upper Mississippi River:Average Annual Mean Frost Depth Spring Winter

  27. Upper Mississippi River:Annual Average Spring 10 cm Soil Moisture

  28. Upper Mississippi RiverAnnual Average Spring Runoff Totals

  29. St. Croix River: Flood of Record Spring 1960

  30. West Lafayette – Bare Soil (10 cm) Damping Depth = 10 m No. of Nodes = 8

  31. West Lafayette – Grass Site (10 cm)

  32. Stelle – Grass Site (10 cm)

  33. Land Use Change

  34. Annual Average Differences

  35. Climate Change Simulations • Three models • Gfdl • Hadcm3 • Pcm • Two senarios • A1fi – rich and poor equalize, intensive fossil fuel use • B1 – Disparity between rich and poor increases

  36. Precipitation Change

  37. Evapotranspiration Change

  38. Runoff Change

  39. Change in Number of Days with Snow Cover

  40. Change in Number of Days with Soil Frost

  41. Change in First Day with Soil Frost

  42. Change in Last Day with Soil Frost

  43. Soil Frost Simulation Profiles: Spring

  44. Soil Frost Simulation Profiles: Winter

  45. Upper Mississippi River:Winter Sensible Heat Flux

  46. Bare soil at 10 cm soil depth ACRE PPAC SIPAC

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