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Graphing Polygons & Finding Side Lengths Lesson Overview

Engage in the “Polygon Initials” activity to graph polygons on a coordinate plane and calculate side lengths. Review key vocabulary terms, explore graphing initials, and discuss findings. Enhance spatial reasoning and coordinate plane skills.

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Graphing Polygons & Finding Side Lengths Lesson Overview

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  1. Graphing Polygons & Finding Side Lengths

  2. Lesson Overview (1 of 3)

  3. Lesson Overview (2 of 3)

  4. Lesson Overview (3 of 3)

  5. Warm Up OBJECTIVE: SWBAT graph polygons on a coordinate plane and calculate the side lengths by engaging in the “Polygon Initials” activity. On the “6.G.3 Warm-up” sheet, answer the following to get your brain ready for today’s activity: 1) What is a polygon? Explain using mathematical vocabulary and draw an example. 2) a. Make a coordinate plane and graph the points (0, 2), (4, 2), (0, -3), and (4, -3). b. Connect the points to make a shape.c. Is this shape a polygon? Explain why/why not! Agenda

  6. WARM-UP: Review/Solutions A polygon is a closed shape that is formed by line segments. 1) What is a polygon again? How did you describe a polygon? Raise your hand to share out!

  7. WARM-UP Review, Cont. Y Raise your hand if you would like to volunteer to show your work here on the board! How can we find the side lengths of the rectangle we made? Solution! 2) X

  8. Agenda: OBJECTIVE: SWBAT graph polygons on a coordinate plane and calculate the side lengths by engaging in the “Polygon Initials” activity. 1) Warm Up – (Partners) then review (ALL) 10 mins 2) Launch – Key Vocab & Intro (Teacher/ALL), 10-15 mins 3) Explore – “Polygon Initials” (Independent, Pairs), 35-40 mins 4) Summary – Identify your peer & Discussion (ALL), 5 mins 5) Practice – Homework 6.G.3 6) Assessment – Exit Ticket (Independent), 5 mins

  9. Launch During today’s activity, you will be graphing polygons andfinding the side lengths of the polygons. Then you will use given coordinates to graph objects and decipher what they are. To prepare us better, let’s briefly review some key vocabulary terms! Agenda

  10. Key Vocabulary • Polygon • Vertex (s.) / Vertices (pl.) the “corners” of any polygon,where the line segments meet. • Coordinate PlaneA 2-Dimensional graph with anx-axis and y-axis. Pointscan be plotted on theplane. Figures or shapes too!*Let’s review how to use coordinate planes:http://www.mathopenref.com/coordplane.html

  11. Vocabulary, cont. • Quadrant:One of the FOUR equal sections of a coordinate plane! Y Quadrant II Quadrant I Do you notice a pattern with the signs in each quadrant? (–, +) (+, +) X Quadrant III Quadrant IV (–, –) (+, –)

  12. Explore  ACTIVITY INTRO Graphing “Polygon Initials” Agenda

  13. Explore  ACTIVITY SET-UP You will need these tools to graph your “Polygon Initials”: • pencil & eraser • ruler • handouts - 2 sheets graph paper - 1 coordinate log - checklist Agenda

  14.  LOOK AT YOUR CHECKLIST to Follow along!

  15. Explore: Graphing “Polygon Initials” During this activity, you will… --------------------------------- 1st HALF of Activity -----------------------------------------1) Graph your initials as polygons on the coordinate plane using only horizontal and vertical lines. (3 mins) 2) Label the coordinates of each vertex and find all side lengths. (10 mins) 3) In order, write only the coordinates for all vertices in your initials on the Coordinate Log—DO NOT write your name on this sheet! (3 mins) ---------------------------------- 2nd HALF of Activity ---------------------------------------4) Randomly choose a coordinate log of an unknown peer and graph their initials to reveal their identity! (10 mins) 5) Use the graph and coordinates of your peer’s initials to label the LENGTHS of all sides of their initials polygons. (5 mins) Agenda

  16. Explore: KEEP IN MIND as you work… > Use only the initials of your first and last name > Draw each letter so that both fit onto the one coordinate plane on one sheet of graph paper & use all 4 Quadrants > Use ONLY perfectly horizontal and perfectly vertical line segments to form your polygon initials. NO diagonal lines! Example: a student named “Theresa Alvarez” may graph her initials like this  Agenda

  17. Need an exemplar? Take a look! (-4, 4) (4, 4) (-2, -4) |––––––– 6 un.–––––––| Agenda

  18. Let’s Begin! Do theFirst 3 Steps On this Sheet!

  19. NEXT STEP… On your Coordinate Log  -3 3 0 3 Write each vertex’s coordinates IN ORDER, as you ‘trace’ around one initial, then the next. You may use any vertex as the starting point for each letter. (-3, 3) (0, 3)

  20. FREEZE! Please pass in your completed “COORDINATE LOGS”

  21. LAST STEPS! Do these 2 Stepsusing a peer’s “Coordinate Log” On this Sheet!

  22. Summary: Let’s wrap up and discuss! • If you have not already, please identify whose initials you graphed, and compare your graph and measurements with theirs! Does your work and your peer’s work match? Why or why not? • What did you find difficult during the “Polygon Initials” activity? What was easy to you? • How can you find the side lengths of polygons using only the coordinates of the vertices? Explain and/or show! Agenda

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