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BIROKRASI. PERKEMBANGAN. Negara Hukum Formil legalitas Negara Hukum Materiil Freies Ermessen Negara menurut Weber: “the state is a human society that ( successfully ) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory”. BIROKRASI.
PERKEMBANGAN • Negara HukumFormil legalitas • Negara HukumMateriil FreiesErmessen • Negara menurut Weber: “the state is a human society that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory”
BIROKRASI • Alatkekuasaanbagi yang menguasainya. • Alatkekuasaanuntukmenjalankankeputusan-keputusanpolitik. • RuangLingkup: • Sebagaitipeorganisasi yang khas; • Sebagaisuatusistem; • Sebagaisuatutatananjiwatertentudanalatkerjapada organ negarauntukmencapaitujuannya.
ASAS • ASAS LEGALITAS • peraturantertulis, penyebaranataupenggunaanperaturan, tidakberlakusurut, peraturanbisadimengerti, tidakbertentangansatusama lain, tidakmenuntutdiluarkemampuan orang, tidakseringberubah-ubahdansesuaiantaraperaturandanpelaksanaannya. • FreiesErmessen • Kebebasanbertindak, tidakbolehmenolakmembuatkeputusandenganalasantidakadadasarhukumnya.
OTORITAS DALAM ORGANISASI • Otoritatradisionalmendasarkandiripadapolapengawasan di manalegimitasidiletakkanpadaloyalitasbawahankepadaatasan. • Otoritakharismatikmenunjukkanlegimitasi yang didasarkanatassifat-sifatpribadi yang luarbiasa. • Otorita legal rasionalkepatuhanbawahan di dasarkanataslegalitas formal dandalamyurisdiksiresmi.
BIROKRASI IDEAL WEBER(LEGAL RATIONAL) • a hierarchical system of authority • a systematic division of labors • a clear specification of duties for anyone working in it • clear and systematic disciplinary codes and procedures • the control of operation through a consistent system of abstract rules • a consistent applications of general rules to specific cases • the selection of employees on the basic of objectively determined qualifications • a system of promotion on the basis of seniority or merit, or both
KECENDERUNGAN • The management style is authoritarian, and there is a high degree of control. • There is little communication, and the management is usually an univocal, top-down one. • Individuals search for stability, have limited scope for initiative, and are oriented towards obeying orders. • The decision-making process is repetitive and centralized. • There is reluctance to start innovative processes. • There are high degrees of conformity. • These beliefs are highly reluctant to change.
Civil Service • Permanent • Unity in diversity • Sufficient Independent • Ability • Experience to advice, assist, and influence the decision.
FUNCTION • To advice ministers upon policy matters. • To manage the use of government resources. • To make decision in individual cases under powers coffered by particular statutes. • To carry out the day-to-day administration of government department.