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SOUL TRAVAIL Inspiration: The Approach to GOD. Scriptures: Psalm 42: 1-3 Psalm 65: 4 Luke 16: 16 Jeremiah 29: 11-13 Matthew 26:38. 31 st July 2013. Brother Kingston Koraheng.
SOUL TRAVAILInspiration:The Approach to GOD Scriptures:Psalm 42: 1-3 Psalm 65: 4 Luke 16: 16 Jeremiah 29: 11-13 Matthew 26:38 31st July 2013 Brother Kingston Koraheng
E-70 You don't seek God; God seeks you. You said, "I sought and sought." No, no. It was God seeking you. Just you wouldn't turn loose; that's all. See? That's all. God seeks man, not man seeking God. The very nature of man showed in the garden of Eden. When he sinned, instead of coming out and confessing it, he run.? WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS VICTORIA.BC FRIDAY_ 62-0727
It wasn't Adam running through the garden hollering," God, God, where are You?" It was God saying, "Adam, Adam, where art thou?" See? Same thing today. See? It's God seeking man. "No man can come unless My Father draws him first." See WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS VICTORIA.BC FRIDAY_ 62-0727
E-34 Now, notice. Then when you get that, what God said to Abraham... He called Abraham, and if you ever was called, it wasn't you doing the seeking; it was God sought you. And by God's grace He saved you, not because you did something, not because that you're worthy of it, but because God's grace to you did it. Everybody understand that say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen"--Ed.] Now, we're getting started. ABRAHAM.AND.HIS.SEED.AFTER.HIMBLOOMINGTON.IL SUNDAY_ 61-0416
E-4 The first place, we should find out what faith is. The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for; and it is the evidence of things not seen. This little word "faith" gets mixed up, lot of times, with "hope," and "hope," "faith." They are just as much difference as day is from night. FAITH.BY.EXPERIENCE MIDDLETOWN.OH TUESDAY_ 58-0325
Faith is the substance and hope is what you're hoping for, faith delivers. Faith, being the substance of things hoped for, then it would not be just a thought. It would not be a thought; it is a substance. Now, a substance is something that you can--you have. FAITH.BY.EXPERIENCEMIDDLETOWN.OH TUESDAY_ 58-0325
E-5 Now, the human body is controlled by five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, hear. But faith is the sixth sense. Faith is something that you do not feel, taste, see, smell, or hear. For instance, there's a lady setting here at the organ. Would you just give us a little chord of some familiar hymn, just a little chord. FAITH.BY.EXPERIENCE MIDDLETOWN.OH TUESDAY_ 58-0325
The old saying has been, "Seeing is believing." How many's ever heard that remark? There's music playing. How many believes it? Well, how many seen it? Thank you. Music was playing and you never saw it; then seeing is not believing. I believe it just as much as if--if I saw it. FAITH.BY.EXPERIENCE MIDDLETOWN.OH TUESDAY_ 58-0325
E-6 All right. I want you to come here, sir, the usher. There is a man standing before me with a brown coat on; kind of a purple looking shirt; he has dark hair; brown trousers. How many believes that? I see him. My sense of sight is the only thing that declares that he's there. Just a little closer. Now I do not see him, but he's still there. FAITH.BY.EXPERIENCE MIDDLETOWN.OH TUESDAY_ 58-0325
Would you like to argue with me that he isn't there? You'd have a hard time convincing me. But I know he's there just the same as if I was looking at him, because I have another sense and that is feeling. It's just as active as sight is. I know it; they didn't change men on me. FAITH.BY.EXPERIENCE MIDDLETOWN.OH TUESDAY_ 58-0325
You know why? He had a wrist watch on his left hand and there it is. See? I saw it with my eyes, now I feeled it with my hand. So it is not an evidence that you cannot... Or the sight evidence is not the only evidence that there is. Thank you, sir. FAITH.BY.EXPERIENCE MIDDLETOWN.OH TUESDAY_ 58-0325
E-3 The outside man is governed by five senses: see, taste, feel, smell and hear. The inside man is governed by two senses: either faith or unbelief. If you believe it, it's just as real to you as if any of the natural senses of the body declare it. And truly, these senses of the body can be fooled, but faith is absolutely infallible. TAKING.GOD.AT.HIS.WORD OWENSBORO.KY TUESDAY_ 53-1103
57 And the super Sense is the Holy Spirit, the faith of God that dwells in you. And if you'll let the five senses be yielded to the sixth sense, it'll guide you and bring all the other five senses under control of that super sense. For it's so far above the natural sense, as the spiritual man is above the natural; it's as far and as high as the heavens is above the natural man and his five senses. A.SUPER.SENSEJEFF.IN V-20 N-7 SUNDAY_ 59-1227E
It makes you believe things that you cannot see. It makes you act where you do not think the five senses would ever think about it. The devil can get into these five senses and lie to you, but he cannot touch that super sense. That's far beyond his reach. That come from God. It's called faith. Faith is that great thing. A.SUPER.SENSE JEFF.IN V-20 N-7 SUNDAY_ 59-1227E
95 One time One come to die for the rest of us, and God raised Him up on the third day. And five hundred men stood there and seen Him being taken up into the clouds, with a Voice saying, "I will come again." COUNTDOWN JEFF.IN V-11 N-3 SUNDAY_ 62-0909M
An Angel come back and said, "This same Jesus that was taken up, the Master Astronaut, will return again in like manner, in the same kind of an apartment that He's in, a body, immortal." Hallelujah. "And we'll have a body like His Own glorious body, for we shall see Him as He is." Oh, hallelujah. COUNTDOWN JEFF.IN V-11 N-3 SUNDAY_ 62-0909M
He broke all the sound barriers, all the reasoning barriers, and went beyond reasoning, went beyond anything else. 96 And any man that ever lives for God will have to go beyond any five senses, he will have to go on any education, any achievement that man's been able to do, and believe God, break everything and lay it aside, and sweep up into the heavens. Amen COUNTDOWN JEFF.IN V-11 N-3 SUNDAY_ 62-0909M
112 "I got the baptism, the Holy Spirit." That still has nothing to do with it. That's just only a temporal gift for you. The real gift is your soul down in there, see, that was born of God, and that controls the whole thing to the Word of God and the will of God. And there you grow up, see, then you're a son and daughter of God. THINGS.THAT.ARE.TO.BE RIALTO.CA V-4 N-6 SUNDAY_ 65-1205
72 Like you women claiming you got Holy Ghost, and going out here and wearing shorts and things, how could you do it? How could the Spirit of God in you ever let you do such a thing as that? It just can't be so. Certainly, it can't be. He's not a filthy spirit; He's a holy Spirit. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E
73 And then when you become subject to that Spirit, it throws your whole being subject to that Spirit. And that Spirit is nothing in the world but this Seed Word made manifest, or quickened, hallelujah, made alive. And when the Bible said, "Don't do this," that body quickly turns to It. There is no question. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E
100 Notice, we find today that people... There's many people just can't believe It, even Spirit-filled people. I'm going to give you one that'll choke you. The baptism of the Holy Ghost don't mean you're going in, not at all, not on that, don't have anything to do with your soul. That's the baptism, see. Remember, in that spirit you can be baptized with the genuine Spirit of God and still be lost. It's the soul that lives, that was ordained of God. MODERN.EVENTS.ARE.MADE.CLEAR.BY.PROPHECYSBD.CA V-7 N-6 MONDAY_ 65-1206
E-12 You, would you like to know what I think the greatest need of the church today? Would you like... What I think... Where I think the lacking is? Is a no soul travail. The people are not broke up enough. They're... There--there's no burden seemingly. THE.INSIDE.MANCHICAGO.IL SATURDAY_ 53-1212
And you give me someone that's just so tore up about lost souls that they just cry and are--are wanting a revival so bad till they can hardly eat, just simply can't. If you'll read the history of the world and the religious history, you'll find out it always taken that kind of a spirit to bring a revival. THE.INSIDE.MAN CHICAGO.IL SATURDAY_ 53-1212
That's right. See? When Zion travailed or traveled (I think's a better word), why the--then she brought forth children. See? You--you have to be tore up. It's the atmosphere of anything. THE.INSIDE.MAN CHICAGO.IL SATURDAY_ 53-1212
74 We know it is true that God will meet a desperate soul. Now, we all know that. But it usually takes something to drive us into that, to that despair, to the desperation. It takes something to do it. We find out, in James 5:15, that the Bible said that. "The effectual fervent," that's desperation, "effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. DESPERATIONS JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 SUNDAY_ 63-0901E
When a righteous man, a good man, gets in travail," or soul travel, or travail, either one. I--I think "travel" is a better word. Travail, or travel, either which one you want to call it. But when a--a--a soul gets in--in desperation, in travailing, an effectual fervent prayer of a man that can show the Token, it does something. See? DESPERATIONS JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 SUNDAY_ 63-0901E
E-36 Little, old fellow, one time, didn't have much of an experience, yet, he just knowed he was an Israelite. His name was Shamgar. He was found over in Judges. Very little is knowed about him, a little--little, bitty verse like that. Little Shamgar had perhaps raised a good crop that year and the year before the Philistines come right in and get it. DESPERATIONS JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 SUNDAY_ 63-0901E
And his wife and kiddies standing around; said, "Well, maybe we can eat this winter. What's that coming?" Listens, coming up the road. "What is it?" Tromp, tromp, tromp, tromp, six hundred Philistines, armed men coming. "My, my. Here it is again. Only thing we can do is set back and let them take it again WITNESSESPHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 54-0303
E-38 Little Shamgar looked. And you know what? I say this to you holiness people: His righteous indignation got up. You know what I mean, yes. E-39 Old Shamgar stood there and his righteous indignation got up, and here they was, tromp, tromp, big, heavy armor. What did he do? He said, "I am a--I am an Israelite. I'm--been circumcised. WITNESSES PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 54-0303
(In other words, received the Holy Ghost) I'm not a warrior. I'm not a fighter. And there's nothing I can do. Only I know one thing, that God's with me. That's all I know." WITNESSES PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 54-0303
E-82 Shamgar got enough of it. He said, "I am convinced that He's God. I am concerned with my family." You know what he did? He taken that ox-goad, and jumped out there in the middle of the road, and slew six hundred Philistines. CONVINCED.THEN.CONCERNEDTEMPE.AZ THURSDAY_ 62-0118
You know what an ox-goad is? Why, it's a stick about, oh, I guess about six, seven foot long, maybe not that long, with a little piece of brass on the end of it, or something, or iron. And that one little Jew... He never only routed, but he slew. Amen. How did that stick hold up? The first rap he took across a Philistine's head with armor on about like that, that ox-goad went in fifty pieces. CONVINCED.THEN.CONCERNED TEMPE.AZ THURSDAY_ 62-0118
But he knocked one one way, and one the other, like that, until he knocked the whole bunch of them down and killed them. Why? Because he was convinced. Amen. And he was concerned. A man would fight for his family like that, under circumstances like that, what ought the church of the living God to fight with the baptism? Shamgar had a ox-goad. You've got the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Oh, my. All right. Yes, sir. CONVINCED.THEN.CONCERNED TEMPE.AZ THURSDAY_ 62-0118
98 Hannah, a barren woman in the Bible, she wanted a son, and she got to fasting for him. And she fasted and prayed until even the priest at the temple thought she was drunk. DESPERATIONSJEFF.IN V-4 N-1 SUNDAY_ 63-0901E
She was in such desperation! With the rest of the women watching what kind of a bonnet the other one had wore; and you know how it goes; and the other one seeing what kind of clothes they had on, and talking about the things going on on the farm. But not Hannah; she stepped right through the whole crowd and went to the altar. DESPERATIONS JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 SUNDAY_ 63-0901E
114 And so when a man lives by faith and walks by faith, I mean substance faith, he is isolated from the entire world and becomes a new creature in Christ. There, now you're getting into Bride material. See? See? See? You're getting into rapturing condition, now. That means for each one of us; not just the pastor, deacons, trustees. That means for the laity, every individual walks in a world with God alone. PERFECT.FAITH JEFF.IN V-6 N-11 SUNDAY_ 63-0825E
You're baptized into this Kingdom, and there's nobody in there but you and God. See? He gives the orders, and you pack them out. Whatever He says, there's not a shadow of doubt nowhere, you walk right on. If the Lord says this, there's nobody in the world can talk you out of it, you go right on just the same. PERFECT.FAITH JEFF.IN V-6 N-11 SUNDAY_ 63-0825E
Now you're coming into Perfect Faith, perfect perfection that cannot fail. That faith never fails. Yes, He was a mystic to them with His Perfect Faith; and so is it now with those who have Perfect Faith, are a mystic to others. PERFECT.FAITH JEFF.IN V-6 N-11 SUNDAY_ 63-0825E
85-165 Now, I'm going to... I'll give you my estimation of what I think that the closest thing to an evidence that a man is a Christian, than anything I know of. You know what it is? It's travail of soul, a person that's always so hungering and thirsting for God. They just simply... Day and night they--they just can't stand it. They--they--they got to do something for God.. QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.1JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_ 54-0103M
They--they're full of love and they're just a soul-travail, just travailing all the time. The Bible said, "He that goeth forth sowing in tears will doubtless return again, rejoicing, bringing with him precious sheaves." Is that right? All those things QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.1JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_ 54-0103M
E-36 You know, that's what's the matter with the Church today; it don't get in the Spirit enough. We're too much in ourselves. My, if you'll just get out of yourself long enough. You say, "Well, you know, our church is... We have a regular routine." Oh, who cares about your routine? I wish you'd get out of the routine long enough to get saved anyhow. Amen. THE.POWER.OF.DECISION CHICAGO.IL FRIDAY_ 55-1007
Get saved. Get out of the routine. We don't care about the routine. Get in the Spirit, then you can see things done. An old prophet one time got all stirred up, because somebody come to him; it wasn't right for him to come. THE.POWER.OF.DECISION CHICAGO.IL FRIDAY_ 55-1007
He kind of got his righteous indignation up, and you know what he did? Before the Spirit come on him, he had to go sing some good spiritual songs. Then he got in the Spirit and he begin to see things. He saw some visions. I tell you brother, life will look a lot different when the Church gets in the Spirit (That's right.), and gets out of itself, and the routine that you're in. Amen THE.POWER.OF.DECISION CHICAGO.IL FRIDAY_ 55-1007
E-37 Lay aside those weights. You got to find out the Ladies Aids Society has got their dinner next week and what you got to do. Lay aside those things. Give time to old fashioned heartfelt, pouring out to the Lord Jesus Christ, until the Holy Ghost pours down upon your soul. You'll get beside yourself. THE.POWER.OF.DECISION CHICAGO.IL FRIDAY_ 55-1007
Maybe you can get with Jesus if you get away from yourself once. Amen. You can't be with yourself and Jesus; you find out you're the biggest enemy you got. If I can get William Branham out of the way, Jesus can have a wonderful time. But you got to get him out of the way. THE.POWER.OF.DECISION CHICAGO.IL FRIDAY_ 55-1007
E-48 Faith is the only direct and positive sense, and it's the sixth sense. Faith is more than sight. Faith is more than feeling. You do not feel faith. You don't taste faith. You don't smell faith. You don't see faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. FAITH.IS.THE.SUBSTANCE OAKLAND.CA SATURDAY_ 47-0412
E-49 Here, see this Bible? Now, I want that Bible. Now, I'm looking at it. Now, I want it. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things I do not see. See what I mean? Here, in my pocket, I think there's an old Barlow knife I've carried for years. Now, I do not see that knife. FAITH.IS.THE.SUBSTANCE OAKLAND.CA SATURDAY_ 47-0412
I do not feel that knife. I do not taste that knife. I do not smell that knife. But I know that knife is in there. How do you know? Because I believe it's in there. Now, if it is not in there, faith will put it in there, if it's not there. That chokes you, I know. But--but that's true. FAITH.IS.THE.SUBSTANCE OAKLAND.CA SATURDAY_ 47-0412
If you believe, all things are possible. You're afraid to take God, friends. You're scared. Now, I might've left that knife laying on the dresser where I changed clothes awhile ago. But just as sure if that knife is on the dresser right now, if I believe it with all my heart, it'll be in my pocket. That chokes you. But God is able to put it there if you believe it. FAITH.IS.THE.SUBSTANCE OAKLAND.CA SATURDAY_ 47-0412