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Web Technologies and System Dynamics for Community Sustainability. Gordon Keating, Donatella Pasqualini, & Gary Geernaert Los Alamos National Laboratory Larry Barnett Epiphanet, Inc. February 6, 2009 Applied Solutions Workshop, Rohnert Park, CA. Funding: SCWA and IGPP. The Challenge.
Web Technologies and System Dynamics for Community Sustainability Gordon Keating, Donatella Pasqualini, & Gary Geernaert Los Alamos National Laboratory Larry Barnett Epiphanet, Inc. February 6, 2009 Applied Solutions Workshop, Rohnert Park, CA Funding: SCWA and IGPP
The Challenge In order to meet the goals of carbon footprint reduction outlined in AB32 and Sonoma County’s GHG reduction targets… • Develop a web portal that will • build community among sustainability-minded communities in the U.S. • interest, inform, enlist, and retain input from Sonoma regional citizens • Map out a course towards energy sustainability and resilience, carbon neutrality, and economic vitality, given projections of future climate change • Define solutions to serve as an example for the state of California, the U.S., and international organizations “Change in energy use and GHG emissions must begin with local efforts.”
Approach • Develop an understanding of the interrelationships among important natural, built, and social systems, and ways to enhance their collective resilience, • Engage public and build community through social networking features • Collect and analyze public ideas to inform decision making Stakeholders: Sonoma County public, Business community, Environmental community, Municipal and County governments, External counties and regions
Content Management System (CMS) • Example: Drupal • Information • Interactivity • News feeds • Presence & Social networking • Content awareness • Surveys • Interactive models • Data animation • Consensus building • ……
Mindmap (undirected graph) Gathering User Input – Survey Example from a study of potential new directions for a scientific organization: “What are core capabilities of the organization that have been important in your work?”
Tag Cloud (http:\\tagcrowd.com) Gathering User Input - Blogs Tagclouds are useful for providing a gestalt of blogs, discussions, comments, tags
Interactive Graphs http://www.creativesynthesis.net/recycling/graphgeardemo/ Tag Cloud http://tagcrowd.com/ http://www.scwa.ca.gov/water_conservation/ User Input Analysis Goal: provide actionable understanding of changing attitudes and priorities of site users (citizens) Mindmap (undirected graph) Statistics User comments, blogs, and survey responses can be analyzed and visualized in a variety of ways
System Dynamics Model Investigate non-intuitive interrelationships among important systems that affect energy-water sustainability and resilience • Policy selection • Scenario comparison • Nonlinear feedbacks Expect complex interrelationships among component systems
Mental model The model is designed to track the CO2 flow across sectors Total CO2 emissions In this first version of the model, we considered two CO2 emissions sources CO2 emissions from transportation CO2 emissions from electricity generation Renewable Policy: wind Hybrid-cars Policy residential transportation industry/commercial transportation residential electricity industry/commercial electricity electricity for water treatment Demand Public Transp Policy Renewable Policy: wind population climate change water demand Renewable Policy: PV population Economics Exogenous drivers climate change population