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Promoting Learner Autonomy through using EPOSTL and Insights from Student-teachers’ Feedback. Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, PhD Candidate Prof. Dr Vilma Tafani, “ A Xhuvani” University, Elbasan, Albania.
Promoting Learner Autonomy through using EPOSTL and Insights from Student-teachers’ Feedback Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, PhD Candidate Prof. Dr Vilma Tafani, “ A Xhuvani” University, Elbasan, Albania
„A. Xhuvani“ University Elbasan, Albania Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
City of Elbasan Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani 3 Prepared by: Merita Hoxha & Vilma Tafani
European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL), A reflection tool for language teacher education • The Self-Assessment part has two functions: - The reflection function, by means of which students think about and discuss specific competences - Self-assessment function, which requires students to make a qualitative judgment about their developing competences and to chart their growth and progress … (Newby, 2011) Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
Topics to be discussed: • How beneficial EPOSTL is? (illustrated with examples, ideas from student-teachers) • How does it promote learner autonomy? • What parts of EPOSTL do they think are more related to learner autonomy? • What is the role of the teachers and mentors regarding EPOSTL? • How is EPOSTL helping our students change the way they evaluate and self-evaluate? • Students’ perceptions and insights on EPOSTL (based on two questionnaires) • Conclusions, limitations, suggestions • Literature consulted Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
What we have done. • July 2012. Participation in the EPOSTL Conference in Graz. • Workshops with the students attending their master’s studies and those under probation. • Distributed EPOSTL to student-teachers before teaching practice, November, 2013 • After the survey, this school year, we spread EPOSTL to the students of the first year of master studies. • Encouraged our students to continue using EPOSTL even during the probation period. • Debates and discussions with our student • We have also conducted two surveys to get feedback and insights from our students. • Once a week discussions (during their teaching practice). • Impressive result and feedback. Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
Here are the results of the first survey • Before EPOSTL have you used any other portfolio? • NO. (100%) • What was your first impression of the EPPOSTL? • The answers were different but almost 80% of the student teachers said that they found it difficult at the beginning. • I thought it was like an “invisible supervisor”. • When I first started using it, I thought “there are some aspects of teaching here which I hadn’t thought of before” I also thought it was a good way to measure the extent of my own abilities. • It was very interesting. • I like EPOSTL. It is something new for us, something we had no idea that could exist. • It was a very important tool for reflection and self-assessment. • What do you expect from EPOSTL? • At this point most of the students, almost 100 % wrote that they expected EPOSTL to help them in all the teaching process. • I really hope that EPOSTL would work for me as a mentor or a supervisor. • I expect EPOSTL to help me identify my strong and weak points during the teaching process. Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
What is learner autonomy? • “Autonomy is the ability to take charge of one’s own learning” (Henri Holec, 1979 cited in Benson & Voller, 1997) • “Learner autonomy is a capacity for detachment, critical reflection, decision making, and independent action” (Little, 1991) • “Autonomy is a situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all the decisions concerned with his/her learning and the implementation of those decisions” (Leslie Dickinson, 1992) • “Learner autonomy is the capacity learners have to take charge of their own learning. This implies choice of aims, content, approaches, and /or forms of evaluations based on reflection related to individual needs and interests. (EPOSTL; Council of Europe,2007) Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
How can EPOSTL promote learner autonomy? • EPOSTL is a tool to promote professional growth through reflection and dialogue. As such it is seen as a means of enhancing autonomous learning (EPOSTL 2008). This doesn’t mean that the teacher’s role is abandoned, the teacher guides the whole process by giving instructions about ‘when’ and ‘how’ to use EPOSTL. • Learner autonomy has to do with independent learning as part of self-assessment. • It also has to do with home-works, projects, portfolios, extra-curricular activities, etc. • It moves the focus from teaching to learning. Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
Following are some of the ideas students gave about how EPOSTL promotes LA 1. How can EPOSTL promote LA? • By completing the tasks • By giving a chance so that students express themselves • It is efficient on giving the student the space he needs to put into practice everything he knows • Help learners reflect on their capacities, learning styles. Help them develop their strategies and skills 2. In your opinion which part of EPOSTL promotes most LA? • Grammar exercises. They test their own grammar skills • Self and peer assessment. You can assess and evaluate your knowledge, your capabilities and also learn how to become a teacher by assessing peers. 3. How independent did you feel while working with it? • Very independent. 40% • Independent. 55 % • Not very independent. 5% Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
Question: How useful did you find EPOSTL? Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
Question: Which category of EPOSTL was more useful to you? Prepared by: MeritaHoxha, VilmaTafani
As a student teacher do you agree or disagree with the following statements:The EPOSTL made me think of different aspects of teacher education.The EPOSTL helped me to understand what competences a teacher of foreign languages should have.The EPOSTL made me aware of the competences I have developed, on learner autonomy as well as those I still need to develop.The EPOSTL helped me trace my progress.The EPOSTL is a good instrument for the self-assessment and peer assessment.The EPOSTL is a useful teaching and learning device.The Albanian student teachers will benefit by using EPOSTL regularly. Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
Conclusions and recommandation • Students found it difficult to work with EPOSTL at the beginning. This might be as a result of the fact that they have not used any other portfolio before. • Once they got familiar with it they started using it regularly and found it very useful and helpful • The mentors have no or little knowledge about EPOSTL. • Our students have difficulties about understanding the concept of learner autonomy, they find it hard to connect theory to practice, consequently using EPOSTL independently • EPOSTL should be distributed at the beginning of master studies. • Workshops and training sessions should be organized with mentors to make them familiar with EPOSTL and how to use it. • It should be spread even for teachers, mentors and for other students that have some knowledge of English and are able to use it. Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
Literature consulted: • Council of Europe, (2007). European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages,http://www.coe.int • Holec, H. (1979); Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning; Strasburg: Council of Europe • Holec, H. (1981); Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning; Oxford: OUP • Little, D. (1991). Learner Autonomy: Definitions, Issues and Problems. Dublin. Authentik • Little, D. (2000). Why focus on learning rather than teaching: Council of Europe • Little, D. (2002). The European Language Portfolio and learner autonomy: Council ofEurope • Newby D. et al. (2011), Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages; Council of Europe, Austria, ECML Publications (A collection ofarticles) • Yang, N.-D. (1998). Exploring a new role for teachers: promoting learner autonomy. Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, Vilma Tafani
Questions? Thank you for your attention! Prepared by: Merita Hoxha, VilmaTafani