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View of BNL Nuclear and Particle Physics . Peter Bond Interim Associate Director for Nuclear and Particle Physics RHIC/AGS/NSRL User Meeting June 21, 2007. Background.
View of BNL Nuclear and Particle Physics Peter Bond Interim Associate Director for Nuclear and Particle Physics RHIC/AGS/NSRL User Meeting June 21, 2007
Background • You have heard and will hear a lot detailed talks on science so I will focus on some recent events and proposed future directions in NPP • Sam Aronson will cover the Lab-wide perspective User input has been and will be key
Recent Changes • Steve Vigdor will arrive as the new Associate Lab Director for Nuclear and Particle Physics (Sept) • Michael Ernst has been in place as the Head of RHIC/ATLAS computing since February. Bruce Gibbard did a wonderful job in building the organization and facility • 100-teraflops Blue Gene computer is in place courtesy of New York State – called New York Blue • The User Office and user check-in have move to the new RSB !
Priorities, Vision, Outlook The #1 priority for Nuclear Physics at BNL, present and future centers on RHIC • Over the years RHIC has delivered wonderfully for both for HI and for polarized p – although this year was more difficult than in previous years
Budget and Run Issues • Planning regular runs at RHIC have been difficult the last two years. • In FY2006 it took a grant from Renaissance Technologies and we started late • This year Congress did not act until March and thus the run was shortened • FY08 is starting out promising again – stay tuned
Results from last year’s p-p run (Run 6)
Luminosity and Polarization at s = 200 GeV for Run-6 0 30 Ave. Luminosity: 20 x 1030 cm-2 s-1 Luminosity 1030 cm-2 s-1 20 10 Run 5 7.0 x 1030 0 Ave. Polarization 60 % 60 40 Run 5 45% % Polarization 20 0 19:00 21:00 23:00 01:00 03:00 AND 45 % polarization on first acceleration to 250 GeV beam energy!
From ALL to G (PHENIX) Calc. by W.Vogelsang and M.Stratmann • “std” scenario, G(Q2=1GeV2)=0.4, is excluded by data on >3 sigma level: 2(std)2(std)>9 • Theoretical uncertainties are not included • Experimental syst. uncertainties are not included (the effect is expected to be small in the final results) from A. Bazilevsky User’s Meeting talk
STAR Run 6 di-jet Sivers effect measurementarXiv:0705.4629, Submitted to PRL May 27 Blue beam asymmetry Yellow beam asymmetry This data would take too long to explain, but the measurements are sensitive to the contribution to the proton spin from orbital motion of quarks and gluons.
Results from Au-Au run Run 7
as of 6/18/07 Run 4
NSRL Status for Run 07A Run 07A (13 March - 21 May) followed immediately by Run 07B (21 May - 29 June) for a total of 16 weeks. All running has been concurrent with RHIC operations, causing - longer access times (+5 minutes per access) - waiting during RHIC fills, (~90 minutes down every 6 hours) - occasional downtimes associated with RHIC problems. 45 Experiments completed by 151 users from 45 institutions(57% cells, 26% physics, 16% animals, 1% plants) 5 Different Ions (H, C, Si, Ti, Fe) at energies from 200-1000 MeV per nucleon. 417 hours of operation:(66% science, 22% set-up, 5% wrap-up, 3% beam development, 4% down time)
Progress this year on other issues • Test of how low in energy RHIC can run – in a very short run were able to see some collisions at 4.6 GeV/A per beam • Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) has CD-3 and DOE funding ! NASA funding was already in place so moving ahead for FY2010 operation (looking for ways to “catch up” time due to funding delays)
With EBIS the operation (and RHIC photo) will change(2 experiments, no tandems nor 1800 ft transfer line)
Near term Plans Exploit the scientific opportunities at RHIC • Enormous gains in knowledge will continue to be made (in A+A and Spin) with near term upgrades and incremental improvements • Luminosity, polarization, 500 GeV p-p, 10 GeV Au-Au • DAQ, particle ID, h coverage • Optimized operations continually being evaluated • Running time vs. investment (for efficiency and the future)
Mid term plan and status • RHIC II • EBIS to increase the range of ion species available and improve operations efficiency – under way ! • e-cooling to be constructed to increase the HI luminosity by a factor of 10 – R&D ongoing • Science case for RHIC II has been made in working group white papers led by user community – external validation early FY08 ? • Detector upgrades to take advantage of these capabilities ongoing • Theory , including lattice gauge, are key to progress
Longer Term Plan Evolve RHIC into “QCD Laboratory” • Address the compelling questions in QCD revealed by the discoveries at RHIC • Involve the RHI, Spin and DIS communities in articulating the future science of RHIC and eRHIC • R&D/investments the tools and techniques needed to address the scientific questions
What is QCDLab ? • e-cooling is implemented, detectors are upgraded • A 10 GeV electron injector and polarized electron source is added to RHIC • Computing power (e.g. BlueGene–L) is added to allow more powerful theory calculations • The result – all possible a phenomenal facility for study of QCD
RHIC RHIC II/eRHIC (QCDLab) Brookhaven Science Associates • RHIC II • An additional order of magnitude in average luminosity (beyond near term incremental increases) • Detector enhancements • eRHIC • Electron ring or linac • New detector • Critical technologies (principally electron cooling and Energy Recovery Linac) enable both RHIC II and eRHIC Higher integrated luminosity through longer luminosity lifetime
Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan and RHIC • As most of you know every 5-6 years NSAC puts together a LRP that lays out priorities in the field • The 2007 NSAC LRP resolution committee met in early May and has made its highest level recommendations • What were the results of the resolution meeting ? • Do we have to change our vision of the future ?
NSAC LRP Recommendations • We recommend completion of the 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab. The Upgrade will enable new insights into the structure of the nucleon, the transition between the hadronic and quark/gluon descriptions of nuclei, and the nature of confinement. • We recommend construction of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, FRIB, a world-leading facility for the study of nuclear structure, reactions and astrophysics. Experiments with the new isotopes produced at FRIB will lead toa comprehensive description of nuclei, elucidate the origin of the elements in the cosmos, provide an understanding of matter in the crust of neutron stars, and establish the scientific foundation for innovative applications of nuclear science to society. • We recommend a targeted program of experiments to investigate neutrino properties and fundamental symmetries. These experiments aim to discover the nature of the neutrino, yet unseen violations of time-reversal symmetry, and other key ingredients of the new standard model of fundamental interactions. Construction of a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory is vital to US leadership in core aspects of this initiative. • The experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have discovered a new state of matter at extreme temperature and density—a quark-gluon plasma that exhibits unexpected, almost perfect liquid dynamical behavior. We recommend implementation of the RHIC II luminosity upgrade, together with detector improvements, to determine the properties of this new state of matter.
EIC Recommendation (unbulleted) We recommend the allocation of resources to develop accelerator and detector technology necessary to lay the foundation for a polarized Electron Ion Collider. The EIC would explore the new QCD frontier of strong color fields in nuclei and precisely image the gluons in the proton. Without gluons there are no protons, no neutrons, and no atomic nuclei. Interactions among gluons determine the unique features of strong interactions. However, gluon properties in matter remain largely unexplored. Recent theoretical breakthroughs and experimental results suggest that both nucleons and nuclei when viewed at high energies appear as dense systems of gluons, creating the strongest fields in nature. The emerging science of this universal gluonic matter drives the development of a next generation high luminosity electron ion collider. Polarized beams in the EIC will give unprecedented access to the spatial and spin structure of gluons in the proton. The EIC embodies our vision for reaching the next QCD frontier. Realization of an EIC will require advancements in accelerator science and technology, detector R&D, and continued theoretical development.
A Long Term View of RHIC 2007 2010 2015 2020 RHIC II physics runs RHIC physics runs Detector Upgrades: $35M eRHIC physics runs EBIS: $15M RHIC II: $95M [FY07$] CD0 e-cooling of ion beams eRHIC: ~$700M [FY07$] CD0 e beam + new detector Legend: R&D Construction Multiple small projects CD0: DOE Critical Decision, mission need The start is too optimistic
What are the hurdles to be overcome ? • The technical and science hurdles are the “easy” ones • Issues • TJLAB (12 GeV), FRIB, other DOE offices for funding • Continuing to make the HI science case once LHC begins • Need to convince the NP community on science case for eRHIC • Cost • Must also make the case to other audiences • DOE, OMB, and Congress These audiences may require less detail, but need compelling reasons and each audience is vital to success
NP Summary • RHIC’s success has made BNL a world center for • Heavy Ion Physics • Spin Physics • Nuclear Theory (high T, high e, high E, low x) • Accelerator science • A clear (non-trivial!) path leading to a QCD Lab • New detector capabilities, higher luminosity and polarization This path has discovery potential every step of the way!
The state of BNL Particle Physics • Major redirection of program following cancellation of RSVP • No AGS program currently – but some new ideas have arisen • Collider physics • ATLAS, D0 • Mike Harrison is now the ILC America’s Regional Director • ILC Detector R&D (with Instrumentation Div.) • Fixed target (neutrino) & non-accelerator based physics • Neutrinos: MINOS, Daya Bay reactor q13, very long baseline • Cosmology, astrophysics: LSST (beginning) • Strong theory & accelerator groups • Advanced Accelerator R&D (key to Muon Collaboration) • Accelerator Test Facility (HEP, BES) • Superconducting Magnet Division (NP, HEP, WFO)
Collider Physics - ATLAS • Construction at LHC is completing and BNL’s leading role in this has been a big success • U.S. is playing a vital role under leadership of Howard Gordon and David Lissauer • M&O: Pre-operation testing of detector components including calibration/cosmic rays Looking forward to Physics in 2008 !!!
ATLAS • Physics Analysis • BNL Tier 1 Computing Center performing at world class level • BNL computer professionals making important contributions to the ATLAS software • Many tutorials, meetings and visitors in the last year • Vital support for US ATLAS community in analysis • Future Plans • D0 effort has been decreasing and effort will gradually transition to ATLAS - planned for end of 2008 • Analysis Support Center will continue vital support to Users • Emphasis on Tier 1 and core software • R&D on ATLAS upgrade • Work with Instrumentation Division on Liquid Argon devices to handle higher luminosity
Neutrino Effort – Daya Bay (China) Reactor Experiment Large-amplitude oscillation due to 12 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 Sin22q13 = 0.1 Dm231 = 2.5 x 10-3 eV2 Sin22q12 = 0.825 Dm221 = 8.2 x 10-5 eV2 no_osc 0.7 /N 0.6 osc N 0.5 0.4 far detector 0.3 0.1 1 10 100 near detector Baseline (km) • BNL has joined Daya Bay Experiment CD-0, seeking CD-1 • Precision measurement of sin2213 - the last unknown neutrino mixing angle 3 yrs running
BNL role in Daya Bay • BNL is a U.S. host lab, along with LBNL. • BNL provides the Chief Scientist (S. Kettell) and Chief Engineer (R. Brown) • BNL has the L2 Subsystem Managers for Muon System, Installation, and Integration • BNL Chemistry department will provide Gd loaded liquid scintillator • BNL ALD sits on the Laboratory Oversight Group along with LBNL and IHEP • BNL will host the Research Program Office (we are defining this)
Accelerator Based Neutrino Efforts • MINOS – measure Δm223 and sin22Θ23 • First result • Δm223 = 2.74 +.44 -.26 x 10-3 eV2 • sin22Θ23 > 0.87 (68% C.L.) • BNL leads search for e appearance in far detector • Should finish circa 2010 (?) • Neutrinos from FNAL to DUSEL • National Effort • Recent BNL/FNAL White Paper of very long baseline experiments completed • What are physics trade-offs of various detector/beam options? • Construction of large detector 20XX ?
Conclusion • In both NPP programs the future for BNL is focused on national priorities. • The exciting science for Nuclear Physics is concentrated around RHIC and its evolution to RHIC II and eRHIC • BNL Particle Physics focused on collider and neutrino experiments elsewhere with a U.S. ATLAS analysis focus at BNL Tier 1 • In both NPP areas there are exciting accelerator R&D projects ongoing • The next decade will be an exciting one for both programs and we all need to work to make the vision real