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Article attack! Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary .

Article attack! Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 1. ______ time is ______ money. Article attack! Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 1. ______ time is ______ money. 1. Time is - money.

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Article attack! Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary .

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  1. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 1. ______ time is ______ money.

  2. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 1. ______ time is ______ money. 1. Time is - money.

  3. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 2. I love living in ______ country. I love ______ peace and quiet you find there.

  4. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 2. I love living in ______ country. I love ______ peace and quiet you find there. 2. I love living in the country. I love the peace and quiet you find there.

  5. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 3. I like eating ______ Italian food but I can't stand going to Caligula’s, ______ Italian restaurant near my house. . .

  6. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 3. I like eating ______ Italian food but I can't stand going to Caligula’s, ______ Italian restaurant near my house. 3. I like eating - Italian food but I can't stand going to Caligula’s, the Italian restaurant near my house.

  7. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 4. I like ______ music in general and I really like ______ music in _____ film "The Beach".

  8. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 4. I like ______ music in general and I really like ______ music in _____ film "The Beach". 4. I like - music in general and I really like the music in the film "The Beach".

  9. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 5. I'm studying ______ history and I wish I could have lived in ______ 19th ce

  10. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 5. I'm studying ______ history and I wish I could have lived in ______ 19th ce 5. I'm studying - history and I wish I could have lived in the 19th century. ntury.

  11. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 6. Who invented ______ computer? I don't know who ______ inventor was but I think he was _____ genius.

  12. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 6. Who invented ______ computer? I don't know who ______ inventor was but I think he was _____ genius. 6. Who invented the computer? I don't know who the inventor was but I think he was a genius.

  13. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 8. How on earth did we manage before ______ invention of ______ internet? 8

  14. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 8. How on earth did we manage before ______ invention of ______ internet? 8. How on earth did we manage before the invention of the internet?

  15. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 9. I must escape from ______ city for a while. I need to get back to ______ nature.

  16. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 9. I must escape from ______ city for a while. I need to get back to ______ nature. 9. I must escape from the city for a while. I need to get back to - nature.

  17. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 10. I think ______ wheel was ______ greatest invention ever.

  18. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 10. I think ______ wheel was ______ greatest invention ever. 10. I think the wheel was the greatest invention ever.

  19. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 11. We need to save ______ tiger. It is under attack by ______ man.

  20. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 11. We need to save ______ tiger. It is under attack by ______ man. 11. We need to save the tiger. It is under attack by - man.

  21. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 12. She's always on ______ telephone. She loves ______ talking.

  22. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 12. She's always on ______ telephone. She loves ______ talking. 12. She's always on the telephone. She loves - talking.

  23. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 13. I'm pretty good at ______ word-processing. I learnt it when I was in ______ Army. 13. I'm pretty good at - word-processing. I learnt it when I was in the Army.

  24. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 13. I'm pretty good at ______ word-processing. I learnt it when I was in ______ Army. 13. I'm pretty good at - word-processing. I learnt it when I was in the Army.

  25. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 14. I think ______ small businesses should get more help from ______ Government.

  26. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 14. I think ______ small businesses should get more help from ______ Government. 14. I think - small businesses should get more help from theGovernment.

  27. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 15. ______ Euro is doing badly against ______ pound.

  28. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 15. ______ Euro is doing badly against ______ pound. 15. The Euro is doing badly against the pound.

  29. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 16. I heard about _____ death of _____ Pope on ______ BBC. It was on ______ 6.00 o’clock news.

  30. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 16. I heard about _____ death of _____ Pope on ______ BBC. It was on ______ 6.00 o’clock news. 16. I heard about the death of the Pope on the BBC. It was on the 6.00 o’clock news.

  31. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 17. I work in ______ banking in ______ City of London.

  32. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 17. I work in ______ banking in ______ City of London. 17. I work in - banking in the City of London.

  33. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 18. It's not easy to raise ______ venture capital in ______ Europe.

  34. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 18. It's not easy to raise ______ venture capital in ______ Europe. 18. It's not easy to raise - venture capital in - Europe.

  35. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 19. I'm just popping to ______ bank – _____ Lloyd's Bank actually.

  36. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 19. I'm just popping to ______ bank – _____ Lloyd's Bank actually. 19. I'm just popping to the bank – - Lloyd's Bank actually.

  37. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 20. He hopes to float his company on ______ London Stock Exchange in ______ New Year.

  38. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 20. He hopes to float his company on ______ London Stock Exchange in ______ New Year. 20. He hopes to float his company on the London Stock Exchange in the New Year.

  39. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 21. Harold is ______ most stubborn person I know. He’s as stubborn as _____ mule.

  40. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 21. Harold is ______ most stubborn person I know. He’s as stubborn as _____ mule. 21. Harold is the most stubborn person I know. He’s as stubborn as a mule.

  41. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 22. Diana is ______ very nice person. It’s _____ shame she’s married to Harold _____ mule!

  42. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 22. Diana is ______ very nice person. It’s _____ shame she’s married to Harold _____ mule! 22. Diana is a very nice person. It’s a shame she’s married to Harold the mule!.

  43. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 23. Last night we went out for ______ meal. My girlfriend paid _____ bill and I left ____ waiter _____ tip.

  44. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 23. Last night we went out for ______ meal. My girlfriend paid _____ bill and I left ____ waiter _____ tip. 23. Last night we went out for a meal. My girlfriend paid the bill and I left the waiter a tip.

  45. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 24. Tonight I am probably going to eat in ______ hotel restaurant and then go to _____ bed early. I hate living out of ______ suitcase but it's unavoidable when you work as _____ travelling salesman.

  46. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 24. Tonight I am probably going to eat in ______ hotel restaurant and then go to _____ bed early. I hate living out of ______ suitcase but it's unavoidable when you work as _____ travelling salesman. 24. Tonight I am probably going to eat in the hotel restaurant and then go to - bed early. I hate living out of a suitcase, but it’s unavoidable when you work as a travelling salesman.

  47. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 25. She spends _____ whole day looking at herself in _____ mirror on ____ bedroom wall.

  48. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 25. She spends _____ whole day looking at herself in _____ mirror on ____ bedroom wall. 25. She spends the whole day looking at herself in the mirror on the bedroom wall.

  49. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 26. Make sure you put your name at ______ end of the report.

  50. Article attack!Fill in the missing articles – a, an, the – where necessary. 26. Make sure you put your name at ______ end of the report. 26. Make sure you put your name at the end of the report.

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