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3 Be’s to

3 Be’s to. Be Aware -. Be Aware - Be Adaptable -. Be Aware - Be Adaptable - Be Assertive -. Be Aware -. "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” (& ears) Marcel Proust. First Seek To ___________

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3 Be’s to

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 3 Be’s to

  2. Be Aware -

  3. Be Aware - • Be Adaptable -

  4. Be Aware - • Be Adaptable - • Be Assertive -

  5. Be Aware -

  6. "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” (& ears) Marcel Proust

  7. First Seek To ___________ Then Be ____________

  8. First Seek To UnderstandThen Be Understood Stephen Covey

  9. Be Aware -

  10. My Way Direct Decisive Dominant “D” Problems

  11. Fun Way Inspiring Interacting Influencing “I” People

  12. Steady Way Safe Sure Stable “S” Pace

  13. Right Way Cautious Correct Conservative “C” Proceedures

  14. Fun Way My Way Steady Way Right Way

  15. Outgoing Fun Way My Way Right Way Steady Way Reserved

  16. Outgoing Fun Way “I” My Way “D” People Task Right Way “C” Steady Way “S” Reserved

  17. Round 1 - Question 1 • Your boss referred you to another manager for information you need to complete a report. On first meeting him, he appears to be quiet and not very sociable. You would establish rapport by: • a. Showing warmth,openness and humor. • b. Explain the specific reasons why you are seeking his expertise. • c. Jumpng right in by telling him what you need. • d. Being informal, low pressure but methodical.

  18. Round 1 - Question 2 • When asking a quick-paced,results orientated colleague to become the team leader of a new project you have been assigned, you would: • a. Emphasise how this project will save effort and costs, making her look good to others. • b. Focus on the logic of picking her as team lead. • c. Be direct about the bottom line results this project will achieve. • d. State how much you need her help and depend on her.

  19. Round 1 - Question 3 • You’re boss has asked to ensure that a team member, who is positive, people orientated and outgoing but regularly late for meetings, be on time. It is important to: • a. Discuss the boss’s need for punctuality emphasising how much he and the other team members appreciate it. • b. Keep a cool, professional manner. • c. Tell him what the boss wants without any further discussion. • d. Maintain a slow, calm pace throughout the discussion with him.

  20. Be Aware - Listen! 1.

  21. 2.

  22. 3.

  23. 4.

  24. 5.

  25. 6.

  26. 7.

  27. 8.

  28. 9.

  29. 10.

  30. 11.

  31. Be Aware - • Be Adaptable -

  32. Be Assertive -

  33. Deletes

  34. I didn’t say he bit my dog

  35. Be Assertive -

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