Located alongside a quaint brick street in Guthrie, Capital City Photographics(CCP) specializes in the processing of the traditional 35mm negative film, a once dominant photographic medium now in decline due to the popularity of digital photography. CCP offers three packages to their customers. With the standard package, the customer gets a set of 6”x4” prints for $19.99. The deluxe package adds to the standard package a CD-ROM of high resolution scans of the pictures for $29.99. Finally, the $39.99 pro package is similar to the deluxe package in that it comes with a CD-ROM, although the customer gets a contact print rather than a set of prints. (A contact print is an 8”x10” sheet of photographic paper that has all pictures on the roll of film printed next to each other at reduced dimensions and is used as an index.)
Regardless of order type, all orders must go through a film processing step, which is staffed by one worker and takes 2 minutes/unit. Standard orders then proceed directly to the 6x4 printing step, which takes 4 minutes/unit. After this step, standard orders are done. Deluxe and professional orders finish film processing and are scanned at 5 minutes per unit (one worker operates the scanner). Deluxe orders then proceed to the 6x4 step and are completed once this step is done. Professional orders leave scanning and are sent to a contact print step, which takes 10 minutes per unit, after which they are done. One worker operates the contact print step. On average, CCP receive 13 jobs per hour consisting of 44% standard, 37% deluxe and 19% pro. What currently limits the process? Where’s the bottleneck? What is the highest output attainable with this mix? If you hired one worker, where would you put them and how would your last three answers change?