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This paper discusses the principles and recommendations for implementing the Leipzig Charter, focusing on integrated urban development policies, attention to deprived neighborhoods, and strategies for action. It also explores the Green Paper on territorial cohesion and the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth.
The political framework The Leipzig Charter The Green Paper on territorial cohesion Europe 2020 The Toledo declaration
Implementing the Leipzig Charter • Principles / Recommendations • Making greater use of integrated urban development policy approaches • That special attention is paid to deprived neighbourhoods within the context of the city as a whole • Among key related issues… need for 4 types of cooperation: • Transversal (across sectoral departments) • Vertical (multilevel) • Horizontal: multi-territorial (between cities, urban/rural, metropolitan) • Horizontal: multi-actors (involving citizens and all actors concerned)
Strategies for action / integrated urban development policy approaches • Creating and ensuring high quality public spaces reference to Baukultur needed for the whole city • Modernizing infrastructure networks • Improving energy efficiency • Proactive innovation and education policies
Strategies for action / focus on deprived neighbourhoods • Pursuing strategies for upgrading the physicalenvironmentReference to healthy, suitable and affordable housing • Strengthening the local and social economy and local labour market policy / citizen-friendly services • Proactiveeducation and training policies for children and young people • Promotion of efficient and affordable urban transport… to better integrate these neighbourhoods into the city and the region as a whole
Sub-themes and issues • A sustainable city should be complex in terms of functions • A sustainable city should be socially cohesive • Promote the relevant use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in different fields • Improve the technical infrastructure (e.g. for water supply, waste-water treatment, waste management) • Foster the economic use of natural resources • Exploit the city’s knowledge potential, inter alia,social and intercultural dialogue & social and democratic participation
Territorial Cohesion is in the Lisbon Treaty What is it about? • ensuring harmonious, sustainable and polycentric development • enabling citizens and enterprises • to make the most of the inherent features of different territories • to benefit from and contribute to European integration + the Single Market • wherever they happen to live or operate --> 4 Key areas for fostering Territorial Cohesion
1. Cooperation between territories Integrated strategies in cross-border regions and macro-regions: cities are concerned! Possible options • Cooperation in strategic policy documents • Better coordination across borders, within multi-level governance • EGTC, e.g. for cross border agglomerations • Focus on external dimension Interregional cooperation: • Linking network activities to mainstream in OPs ("Regions for Economic Change" approach) • Enhancing networking on territorial and urban issues
2. Territorial programming Necessity to increase support • for integrated local development initiatives in diverse contexts (urban, rural, urban-rural …) • at the appropriate geographical level, preferably functional areas (e.g.: metropolitan) Possible options • Mandatory territorial dimension in NSRFs and OPs • Providing greater flexibility in designing programmes (multi regional) • Improving the partnership approach - direct involvement of local authorities
3. Coordination of policies with territorial impact Need for horizontal coordination at each level; vertical coordination between levels Possible options: • Greater territorial dimension in the EU2020 Strategy • Improved coordination of funds; describing coordination procedures in EU Strategic Guidelines and National Strategic Reference Frameworks • Territorial and urban monitoring within the strategic follow-up • Integrated methodological framework to analyse territorial impacts (ESPON, Territorial Agenda)
4. Evidence-based policy making • Ability to measure diverse assets as well as constraints of territories • Need to go below NUTS 2 Possible options: • Encouraging use of existing data and analysis: Urban Audit, Urban Atlas, ESPON • Refined data sets and new territorial indicators, in close cooperation with national Statistical Offices.
The Europe 2020 Strategy Three interlocking and mutually reinforcing priority areas: • Smart growth, developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation; • Sustainable growth, promoting a low-carbon, resource-efficient and competitive economy; • Inclusive growth, fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion
Five EU-level targets Progress to be measured against EU targets, to be translated into national targets by Member States: • 75% of the population aged 20-64 should be employed • 3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D • The "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be met • The share of early school leavers should be <10% (currently 15%) and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree (currently 31%; US 40% and Japan 50%) • 20 million people less at risk of poverty
A series of flagship initiatives (1) • Innovation union - re-focussing R&D and innovation policy on major challenges • Youth on the move - enhancing the quality and international attractiveness of Europe's higher education system by promoting student and young professional mobility. • A digital agenda for Europe. All Europeans should have access to high speed internet by 2013.
A series of flagship initiatives (2) • An agenda for new skills and jobs – creating the conditions for modernising labour markets, with a view to raising employment levels and ensuring the sustainability of our social models • European platform against poverty - ensuring economic, social and territorial cohesion by helping the poor and socially excluded and enabling them to play an active part in society. • Resource-efficient Europe - supporting the shift towards a resource efficient and low-carbon economy (2020 targets). An industrial policy for green growth
Foster / Achieve / Use / Implement • Smarter, more sustainable and socially inclusive urban development • Common understanding of the integrated approach • The strategic potential of integrated urban regeneration • Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities • Strengthening the urban dimension of cohesion policy • Greater coherence between territorial and urban issues • Better coordination of urban research and exchange • Sustainable urban development at all levels • Address climate change and demographic change as major urban challenges.
The Ministers welcomed … • “Considering the most important challenges that European cities will face in the future, • The Ministers welcomed the European Commission’s initiative for a reflection process on the challenges and models for the cities of tomorrow. • The Ministers also supported Hungary’s initiative, to open a topic-based discussion on two of the major challenges that Europe’s cities will face in the future: climate change […] and the impact of demographic changes.”