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Xiaoyan Hong Office: 3412 SEC (Science and Engineering Complex)

CS351-002, Programming III: C++ 11:00am-12:15pm TR, Hardaway Hall 286 Two Credit Hours http://cs351.cs.ua.edu, or, http://cs351.cs.ua.edu/F2013/SEC002/. Xiaoyan Hong Office: 3412 SEC (Science and Engineering Complex) Phone:  348-4042; Email:  hxy AT cs.ua.edu 

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Xiaoyan Hong Office: 3412 SEC (Science and Engineering Complex)

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  1. CS351-002, Programming III: C++11:00am-12:15pm TR, Hardaway Hall 286 Two Credit Hours http://cs351.cs.ua.edu, or, http://cs351.cs.ua.edu/F2013/SEC002/ Xiaoyan Hong Office: 3412 SEC (Science and Engineering Complex) Phone:  348-4042; Email:  hxy AT cs.ua.edu  Home Page: http://hong.cs.ua.edu Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00-5:00pm

  2. What is in a language? • Grammar • Library • Tools

  3. What will be taught? • Basic Data Types and Operations • Control Structures • Methods/Functions • Object-oriented Programming • Event-driven Programming • Graphics • GUI Components • Multithreading • Networking

  4. How it will be taught? • Basics/Principles • Examples • Exercises/Assignments • Exams

  5. How to succeed? • Attend every class meeting • Digest every example code after class • Do with me if possible • Complete every assignment/project • Learn by example • Learn from web

  6. Grading Policy • Mid-term (24%), and final (40%) • About 6 assignments and projects (36%) • Quizzes and class participation (5%) • Attendance sheet

  7. Textbooks • CS351: Fraser, Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Apress (not required).

  8. Misc • Course home page: http://cs351.cs.ua.edu Or, http://cs351.cs.ua.edu/F2013/SEC002/ • Syllabus • Make sure you have a place to use MS Visual Studio • Own laptop/desktop • Houser 107 (MS Visual Studio 2012)

  9. Resources • Microsoft Visual Studio Software Resources for CS students about the MSDN Academic Alliance program • .NET Framework Class Library

  10. Additional tutor for 300 level courses (course material) Dustin Heaton • Office hours w schedulable slots, URL TBA • Locations (SEC 3433) course info

  11. Microsoft on campus next week, Wednesday August 28 • résumé review, noon - 1:00 in room 313 Ferguson Center • provide pizza • meet one-on-one with interested students 1:00 - 3:00 p.m in room 330 Ferguson Center

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