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What Kind of Canada Should We Pray For?. On The Deepest Level, What Makes a Great Nation? Psalm 72 John MacArthur breaks it into 5 sections. 1 . The Righteous and Just Reign of Christ ( Psalm 72:1-4) 2. The Universal Reign of Christ (Psalm 72:5-11)
What Kind of Canada Should We Pray For? • On The Deepest Level, What Makes a Great Nation? • Psalm 72 • John MacArthur breaks it into 5 sections. • 1. The Righteous and Just Reign of Christ (Psalm 72:1-4) • 2. The Universal Reign of Christ (Psalm 72:5-11) • 3. The Compassionate Reign of Christ (Psalm 72:12-14) • 4. The Prosperous Reign of Christ (Psalm 72:15-17) • 5. The Glorious Reign of Christ (Psalm 72:18-20)
As the Psalm relates to leaders of all times that God will use to build great nations, it focuses on themes like: • God being the ultimate sovereign ruler • Justice • Righteousness • Peace and compassion • Prayer • Prosperity • Etc.
FayteneKryskow, a young Canadian Christian writer said: • “Every generation and every nation has had righteous radicals for God. These were mighty men and women who laid down their lives to see righteousness established in their generation, and, in their nation. Canada is no different. Our history is full of heroes of the faith who forged rough terrain, persevered long voyages, endured brutal persecution and overcame intense spiritual warfare for the sake of the Kingdom of God in this land. These ones sacrificed to see the gospel of Jesus Christ advanced and His name honoured at various stages of the nation’s growth ... It’s (time) to (reclaim) the righteous foundations laid by generations past.”
Leaders must have a Passion for Justice and Righteousness (Ps. 72:1-4, 12-15) • Justice = right and equal (fair) treatment of all people • Righteousness = Personal moral goodness before God. • Isaiah 9:7 “Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.”
Psalm 106:3 “Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right.” • A leader’s righteousness and justice come from God (v.1) • A leader’s righteousness and justice must be passed on to the people (v.2-4, 12-14)
2. Leaders must understand that Prosperity is the Result of Righteousness and Justice, Not a Cause In Itself. (Ps. 72:3, 16-19) • Prosperity understood from God’s point of view is: • Rooted in God Who owns all things and loves to bless His people on every level, given they seek Him and His righteousness and justice above all things.
Matt.6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Justice), and all these things will be given to you as well”. • The context that Jesus has been speaking about is worrying what we have to eat, what we have to wear, what tomorrow might bring, etc. These things, including our prosperity, are all things He cares for. • Prosperity comes from God, we need to recognize and praise God for His provision (v.16-19)
Righteous and Just Leaders must understand they need the Prayer of God’s People(Ps. 72:15,19) • I Chronicles 18:14 “David reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for all his people.” • 1 Timothy 2:1-4 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.”
A Prayer for Our Country and Its Leaders based on Psalm 72 and 1 Timothy 2:1-4 • “Lord, help those who are in authority to understand that You alone can give them true righteousness and justice through Your Son. Having received Your righteousness and just ways, give our leaders a burning desire to rule amongst us on those principles. May we as God’s people encourage them to govern in righteousness and justice as we pray for, and support them.
Lord, may those who rule over us trust in You as their sovereign God. May they be gentle, rule in peace, and may their office be long and enduring. May they see the value of encouraging righteousness, so that peace and stability may result.
Lord, we pray not only for Canada, but for the many war-prone countries that spend more on war machinery, than on helping the land and people produce food. Thank you for the commitment of our country to make our land productive and to feed the people. May our leaders become increasingly concerned about helping the needy countries to make their land produce and feed the hungry.
Lord, we express concern for those who are misusing their positions of authority. Especially for those who ignore You as the sovereign God. Lord, may they repent, or be removed from office. Deliver us from evil rulers who see themselves as god, and refuse to submit to the Living and True God. • Lord, keep me from apathy towards the evil and injustice around me. May I be totally committed to righteousness and justice. In Jesus’ name, Amen.