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NFPA 1600. Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs. What is NFPA 1600?. A standard that establishes a common set of criteria to: assess current disaster and emergency management and business continuity programs or; to develop, implement, and maintain new programs.
NFPA 1600 Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs
What is NFPA 1600? • A standard that establishes a common set of criteria to: • assess current disaster and emergency management and business continuity programs or; • to develop, implement, and maintain new programs
Program Management • Program Coordinator-appointed by the organization and administers the plan and keeps it up to date • Advisory Committee-made up of the program coordinator and others who have expertise and knowledge of the business
Advisory Committee • Identify resources from key areas within the organization • Solicit appropriate external representation
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Laws and Authorities • The program should be compliant with applicable regulations, legislation, directives, policies, and industry codes of practice • The plan should include a strategy for making revisions as legislation changes
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Hazard identification, risk assessment, and impact analysis • Hazards should be identified along with their likelihood of occurrence and the vulnerability of the people, property, environment and business to those hazards • Natural and human caused events should be considered • Impact analysis should be conducted to determine the potential negative impact of all hazards
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Hazard Mitigation • Action should be taken to eliminate hazards or to reduce the damaging effects of hazards that cannot be eliminated
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Resource Management • Resources for the program administration and as well as disaster and emergency operations should be specifically identified
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Mutual Aid • The need for mutual aid should be referenced in the appropriate part of the program.
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Planning • Strategic Plan-contains the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the program • Emergency Operations Response Plan-assigns responsibilities to organizations and individuals to carry out specific tasks at a specific time during a disaster • Mitigation Plan-contains actions to eliminate hazards or reduce the impact of hazards that cannot be eliminated
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Recovery Plan-the recovery plan is developed using strategies developed based on priorities, processes, vital resources, and time frames for restoration of services and facilities • Continuity Plan-Identifies critical and time-sensitive applications, vital records, processes, and functions that need to be maintained as well as personnel and procedures necessary to do so during recovery.
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Common Plan Elements • Functional roles of internal/external agencies, organizations, departments, and individuals should be identified • Lines of authority for agencies, organizations, departments, and individuals should be established and identified
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Direction, Control, and Coordination • The capability to direct, control, and coordinate response and recovery operations should be developed • This includes the incident management system and the specific organizational roles, titles, and responsibilities for each incident management function specified in the emergency operations and response plan
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Communications and Warning • There should be reliable means to notify officials and alert emergency response personnel • Communications needed to execute the response and recovery plan and the inter-operability of multiple responding organizations and personnel should be addressed • Communications procedures should be established and tested regularly
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Operations and Procedures • Operational procedures should be developed and implemented to support the program • Procedures should be established and implemented for response and recovery for hazards that were identified during hazard identification • A situation analysis that includes a damage assessment and the identification of resources should be conducted to support response and recovery operations
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Logistics and Facilities • Primary and alternate facilities capable of supporting continuity, response, and recovery operations should be established, equipped, and periodically tested and maintained • Logistical procedures to acquire, store, maintain, test and account for services, personnel, resources, materials, and facilities should be established
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Training • Training needs should be assessed and training that complies with all applicable regulatory requirements should be implemented • Training should create awareness and enhance the skills required to develop, maintain, and execute the program • The frequency of training should be identified in the program, and training records need to be maintained
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Exercises, Evaluations, and Corrective Actions • All parts of the program should be evaluated periodically • Corrective action should be taken on any deficiency identified in the evaluation process
What Should Be Included In the Program? • Crisis Communication and Public Information • Procedures to distribute and respond to requests for pre-disaster and post disaster information need to be developed • Includes procedures to provide information to internal/external audiences and the media
What Should Be Included in the Program? • Finance and Administration • Financial and administrative procedures need to be established to support the program before, during, and after a disaster.
Table of Contents Purpose Plan Management Lines of Authority Hazard Analysis Communications Mitigation Program Evaluation How to Use the Program Resource Management Changes I Made to Our Current Emergency Action Plan