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教學上應用資訊科技的優秀案例. 香港資訊博覽 如何應用資訊科技提升教學質素講座 18.3.2000. 香港大學教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心主任 陸慧英. 優秀案例的判別標準. 主觀 ? 客觀 ?. 使用資訊科技的目的 在指定目的下的效度評比. 下列那個案例你認為較為優秀 ?. 小二作文 - 類比句 月亮像 ____ ? 小三作文 - 描寫文 你較喜歡那一組的句子 ? 為什麼 ?. 下列那個案例你認為較為優秀 ?. 中二數學 - 統計 到底麥當奴還是家鄉雞服務效率高 ? 中二數學 - 統計
教學上應用資訊科技的優秀案例 香港資訊博覽 如何應用資訊科技提升教學質素講座 18.3.2000 香港大學教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心主任 陸慧英
優秀案例的判別標準 • 主觀? • 客觀? 使用資訊科技的目的 在指定目的下的效度評比
下列那個案例你認為較為優秀? • 小二作文 - 類比句 • 月亮像 ____ ? • 小三作文 - 描寫文 • 你較喜歡那一組的句子? 為什麼?
下列那個案例你認為較為優秀? • 中二數學 - 統計 • 到底麥當奴還是家鄉雞服務效率高? • 中二數學 - 統計 • 試算表有很多統計功能, 讓我來示範一下
教學上應用資訊科技已經好一陣子, 到底學生的學習效果起了甚麼變化? 現在老師的工作量越來越大,做教材、跟進校內網絡及各設施的購置和安裝、參加校外培訓、組織校內培訓、…。到頭來備課的時間都沒有了,總覺得對不起學生 ... 最花時間的是要重新組織教材,設計新的教學活動,但每當見到學生身上起的變化,對學習變得主動,更投入而不厭倦,便覺得非常值得。
教育上應用資訊科技, 為的是甚麼? 提高資訊科技技術水平? 利用多媒體提高學習興趣? 使學生更快掌握現時課程的要求? 使學生懂得在日常學習生活中使用資訊科技作為工具?
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? The rise of Asia's computer industry is viewed by some as a threat to U.S. interests. This book shows that there are threats and opportunities for both the U.S. and Asia.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? While U.S. companies remain the leaders in most segments of the computer industry, the actual production of computer equipment has shifted away from the U.S., mostly to Asia, from 50% in 1985 to 28% in 1995.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? Why were Asia's countries so successful in developing computer industries? What are the implications of Asia's computer industry for the U.S.? What measures should the U.S. government take to assist U.S. companies?
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? Asia's strengths and weaknesses The strengths of Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong are in speed, flexibility and strong ties to U.S. companies, which have made them leaders in products with short product cycles such as hard-disk drives, motherboards, PCs and add-on cards.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? Asia's strengths and weaknesses Despite their remarkable success in hardware, Asian companies remain non-factors in software and services outside of their own markets. Asia's companies are increasingly engaged in intensive competition with one another throughout the hardware industry ...
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? Asia's strengths and weaknesses …. Even tiny Singapore is now gearing up to compete in DRAMs. Profit margins are being cut to the bone by excess capacity and resultant price competition.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? U.S. strengths and weaknesses PC makers such as Compaq and Dell bring innovations in design, marketing and distribution. Hewlett-Packard and IBM provide the full-service solutions that large businesses desire. U.S. companies are also leaders in peripherals such as printers and hard drives (HDD) that are marked by short product cycles and rapid technological change.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? U.S. strengths and weaknesses The most important ingredients of U.S. competitive advantage are its continued control over the architectural standards that define the industry, the dynam-ism of the American market, and the extraordinary entrepreneurial capabilities of the U.S. industry. While the U.S. has lost lower-skill manufacturing jobs to Asia, it has created a large number of high-skill jobs.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? Strategic responses for U.S. companies Competing against Asian companies requires innovative approaches that apply knowledge-intensive, increasing returns strategies to what appear to be commodity product segments.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? Strategic responses for U.S. companies PC companies have mastered just-in-time manufacturing, but have also expanded the concept of lean production throughout the company. Their innovative approaches to marketing, customer service, finance, and inventory control have enabled them to withstand repeated challenges from Japan and Asia.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? The U.S. government's role Sustaining the U.S. advantage requires continual government effort to promote adoption and implementation of intellectual property laws globally. Also, while the computer and information industries will rely on intellectual capital more than ever before, the U.S. is in danger of losing its key competitive advantage in this critical resource.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? The U.S. government's role U.S. government action is urgently required to increase the nation's human resources for both the computer and information-intensive user industries. The U.S. government can do so through education and training of engineers, technicians, computer scientists, and business professionals.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? Network Era: New Competition Emerges The Internet has brought about the long-expected convergence of computing and communications, expanding the competitive arena beyond the boundaries of the computer industry.
教育上用好IT為甚麼是美國國策的頭等大事? Network Era: New Competition Emerges But to move beyond decreasing returns businesses, the Asian countries and companies will require a change of perspective in order to value software, services and computer use as much as they now value hardware production.
Margaret Riel, AERA 1999 : Technology in the Classroom:Tools for Doing Things Differentlyor Doing Different Things Contents Rationale for School Reform Building Learning Communities Power Tools for Building Learning Communities
Margaret Riel, AERA 1999 : Technology in the Classroom:Tools for Doing Things Differentlyor Doing Different Things Rationale for School Reform …… we are shifting from an industrial age to an information or communication age. In our high performance workplaces, an increasing number of jobs are found in the service sector, requiring broader intellectual and interpersonal skills.
Margaret Riel, AERA 1999 : Technology in the Classroom:Tools for Doing Things Differentlyor Doing Different Things Rationale for School Reform Therefore, this argument for school reform is grounded in the need to change the education we provide to match the changes taking place in the global economy and the society to which students will be contributing.
Margaret Riel, AERA 1999 : Technology in the Classroom:Tools for Doing Things Differentlyor Doing Different Things Shortcomings of formal education Therefore, this argument for school reform is grounded in the need to change the education we provide to match the changes taking place in the global economy and the society to which students will be contributing.
Margaret Riel, AERA 1999 : Technology in the Classroom:Tools for Doing Things Differentlyor Doing Different Things Rationale for School Reform Therefore, this argument for school reform is grounded in the need to change the education we provide to match the changes taking place in the global economy and the society to which students will be contributing.
香港教育的明天:如何建立及推廣使我們的學生成為樂善勇敢新一代的優秀案例香港教育的明天:如何建立及推廣使我們的學生成為樂善勇敢新一代的優秀案例 • IT 在這些案例發生甚麼作用? • 老師需要達到怎麼樣的專業及技術水平? • 課程、教材、評核應有甚麼變化才能配套? • 對課程、教材、教法進行有系統研究,以協助不同能力和特點的學生有效學習。 2014/9/15