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Welcome to the R.E. Mountain Grade 12 Parent/Student Night

Welcome to the R.E. Mountain Grade 12 Parent/Student Night. Wednesday, September 25th. Agenda for the Evening. Position to Graduate Graduation Transitions Secondary School Apprenticeship University/College Requirements and Application Process Scholarships and Financial Aid Email.

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Welcome to the R.E. Mountain Grade 12 Parent/Student Night

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  1. Welcome to the R.E. MountainGrade 12 Parent/Student Night Wednesday, September 25th

  2. Agenda for the Evening • Position to Graduate • Graduation Transitions • Secondary School Apprenticeship • University/College Requirements and Application Process • Scholarships and Financial Aid • Email

  3. What You Need to Graduate • 48 credits from required courses • 28 credits from elective courses • 4 credits from your Graduation Transitions Program • 80 credits minimum total – but no wiggle room • Study Blocks – one only in gr. 12 • 84 min. in the building

  4. Required Courses Include • Planning 10 (4 credits) • English 10, Communications/English 11 and 12 (12 credits) • A Mathematics 10 and 11 (8 credits) • A Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 (4 credits) • Social Studies 10 and 11 (8 credits) • Science 10 and 11 (8 credits) • Physical Education 10 (4 credits) • Graduation Transitions (4 credits)

  5. Elective Courses • Courses at REMSS = 4 credits each • 3 electives must be in Grade 12 • + English 12 and Grad. Transitions

  6. Graduation TransitionsMr. Carroll • Personal Health - 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity in Grade 11 and 12 • Community Connections - participate in at least 30 hours of work experience and/or community service • Career and Life - complete a transition plan and present significant accomplishments • Grade 12 Exit Interview • Edmodo

  7. Creativity, Action and Service(CAS) CAS Manager - Mr. Yorgason • Replaces Grad Transitions for Diploma students • Certificate students must complete Grad Transitions • CAS - Students complete 50 hours each of • 1. Creativity, • 2. Action and • 3. Service over the two year diploma

  8. Secondary School ApprenticeshipMr. Hantke • Who is eligible? • 480 hours towards apprenticeship • Over 100 trades • 16 credits available towards graduation • Scholarship Opportunity

  9. University/College Admission Requirements There are always TWO TYPES of admission requirements 1. General University Admission Requirements UBC, UVIC, SFU – Percentage will fluctuate year to year • English 12 (new – higher of the school or blended mark) • 3 academic gr. 12 subjects (Geography, History, Physics, French, Chemistry, Biology, Law, Math, Calculus, Mandarin) • Note: Gr. 12 Provincial exams gone EXCEPT for English 12 • Not Psychology 12 • A language at the grade 11 level (Challenge Exams) Kwantlen and UFV 2 grade 12 academics with a B, English 12

  10. Admission Requirements 2. Specific Program Admission Requirements Example: UBC, SFU and UVIC Faculty of Science (% will fluctuate & available on university websites) • Physics 11 and sometimes Chemistry 11 • 2 Gr. 12 Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography) • Pre-Calculus Math 12

  11. University Application Proceedures 1. APPLY ONLINE 2. Receive University Student # 3. Self Report Grades 4. Transcripts – electronic transmission 5. Housing 6. Acceptance – Rolling Acceptance

  12. University Requirements for IB • Diploma - Total Points in 6 subjects • plus additional points from • TOK and • Extended Essay • IB Diplomas – Min. 24 points. • Most Canadian universities admit with: • Arts Faculties with 28 or more • Business Faculties with 30-32 points • Science and Engineering with 32 points American universities and Ivy League schools will differ

  13. University Application for IB • Predicted grades: “anticipated grades” end of January • Mountain submit predicted grades (rather than having students use the “self-report” option) • Offers of admission, scholarship, residence, admission priority etc. based on Predicted Grades • If students do not yet meet admission requirements, their applications will be reviewed when IB marks are sent in July. If the Points Total is still not high enough, the university will look at transcript percentages.

  14. University Application Process Deadlines • UBC – January 31st, 2013 • SFU. UVIC, TWU – end of February • Trade Schools – limited spaces • Kwantlan and UFV - Ongoing until spaces are filled (June 30) • Please confirm with your chosen post secondary institution When can students apply? • UVIC, UBC - now • Most Universities – November 1st • UFV - October 1st

  15. Personal Education Number • Nine digit number • Assigned by BC Ministry of Education • Located on Report Cards (top right hand side) Needed For: • University Applications • Accessing Provincial Exam Marks • Ordering extra Dogwood Certificates/Transcripts • Applying for online courses • LearnNowBC – offers online courses, online tutoring, etc.

  16. 3 Great Resources Apply BC LearnNowBc Education Planner

  17. PASBC https://applybc.ca Post Secondary Application Service of BC How does PASBC work? Create an account Two Part Application Part 1 – Common form Part 2 – Institutional Form Application is done electronically PEN and SIN needed

  18. Ontario University Application Centerwww.ouac.on.ca/

  19. Self Reporting Grades • Post Secondary Institutions send confirmation of application by letter or email • Applicant is given a student number for that school • Use this for all communication Self Reporting Grades • Most Post Secondary Schools Use this method • Don’t Cheat • Respect Due Dates – usually March • What happens to courses that are in progress?

  20. Provincial Examininationswww.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/

  21. US University Application • American universities have an earlier application deadline – Common Applications website • IB - MSS will process an “anticipated grade” early to meet a specific deadline. • Students encouraged to do the research for US schools • find out when application deadlines are • let Mrs. Pickering know and she can help with the application process. • Many US schools will require SAT scores as well as the IB Diploma.

  22. Post Secondary Education Formwww.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/ Electronic Post Secondary Institutions Selections Form • Counsellors attend GT/TOK in January to teach students process • March 1st/May 30- Early Admission Transfer of grades to selected Universities across Canada and the World • June 30 – Last day for students to register for the PSI • July - Transfer of final grades to selected universities globally • Please Note: Not for Self Reporting Grades

  23. Scholarships and Financial Aid • Scholarships – Monetary awards for academic excellence. Other criteria such as leadership, community involvement and athletics considered • Awards – Monetary awards made in recognition of achievement and significant individual contributions • Bursaries – Grants made to students who demonstrate need. A financial statement must be included. • Loans – Money borrowed by a student demonstrating financial need and must be repaid. • All usually require a transcript and letter(s) of reference

  24. Scholarships and Financial Aid • 1. Provincial Scholarship – English 10 &12, Socials 11, Found.&Prec. Math 10, Science 10 (July) • 2. Passport to Education – 2/3rds achievement, 1/3rdin school service, citizenship and effort • 3. Post-Secondary School Entrance Scholarships and Awards – Administered by Post-Secondary Institutions

  25. Scholarships and Financial Aid • 4. Scholarships Sponsored by Private Organizations – Information and application deadlines are ongoing • 5. District Scholarship – Technology Education, Visual and Performing Arts, Athletics (School Application in March) • 6. Locally Sponsored Scholarhips, Awards and Bursaries – applied for in February of your grade 12 year (one application) Note: Make sure you have a Social Insurance Number

  26. Counselling – Grade 12www.sd35.bc.ca/mss/ • Our website will have the following available by Oct. 10th: • Personal Letter Format For Scholarship and/or University Application • Monthly Grad Update Information • Web Addresses for all major Post Secondary Institutions • Checklist for Scholarship Applications • Financial Aid Information • Personal Student Record • And more!

  27. Email Contact • Grad Parents • Grade 12’s • Security Why? • Monthly Grad Updates from Counselling • Student Graduation Council Information • Mrs. McKinnon – Grad Sponsor Teacher

  28. IMPORTANT DATES • Sept 26th: Study Go Abroad Fair – Vancouver • Sept. 30 to Oct. 7th: Canadian Universities Event (see handout • Oct. 7th, 8:30 – 10:00 am: Mini Fair of 10 different universities and colleges at Mountain • Oct.15th: UFV application workshop @ lunch, rm. 209 • Oct. 16th: PSAT exam, Cost: $36 – at MSS • Oct. 22nd: Kwantlen application workshop @ lunch rm. 209 • Oct.23rd: UBC admissions workshop @lunch, rm.209

  29. Graduation Mrs. Debbi McKinnon (Staff Sponsor) Important Dates R.E. Mountain plans and supervises two year end grad events. • Grad Ceremony – Monday, June 16th, 2014 at the Chandos Pattison Auditorium • Dinner Dance – Saturday, June 21 st, 2014 at the Langley Coast Hotel (Price to be announced)

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