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Buy Fempro 2.5 mg are used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women and are used as first line therapy for breast cancer that has been detected in an advanced or metastatic (spread outside the breast tissue) state. Fempro tablets 2.5 mg are also used as additional or adjuvant treatment for early breast cancer in conjunction with other breast cancer treatment with tamoxifen, or if tamoxifen therapy has not helped prevent progression of the tumour.
5/29/2018 Buy Fempro 2.5 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store My Account (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Checkout (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/checkout/) Contact Us (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/contact-us/) Track Order (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/track-my-order/) My Cart (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/cart/) Order Status (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Support (h?p://support.alldaygeneric.com/) Type Keyword... (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) SHOPPING CART 0 items - $0.00 (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/CART/) Equivalent Brand Generic Name HOME (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM) CATEGORY/ANTI-CANCER/) ANTI CANCER (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/PRODUCT- FEMPRO 2.5 MG https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/fempro-2-5-mg/ 1/7
5/29/2018 Buy Fempro 2.5 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/fempro-1-600x600.jpg) FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS ABOVE $250 (On Cart Value) FEMPRO 2.5 MG $36.00–$64.00 https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/fempro-2-5-mg/ 2/7
5/29/2018 Buy Fempro 2.5 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Buy Fempro 2.5 mg (Letrozole), Letrozole is used to treat breast cancer in women who have gone through menopause (?me in life when a woman ceases to have a menstrual period). It is also used to prevent cancer reoccurrence or spreading to other parts of the body or a?er 5 years of tamoxifen therapy… Pack Size Price Quan?ty 30 Tablet/s $36.00 ADD TO CART 1 60 Tablet/s $52.00 ADD TO CART 1 90 Tablet/s $64.00 ADD TO CART 1 Compare (/Product/Fempro-2-5-Mg/?Ac?on=Yith-Woocompare-Add-Product&Id=9504) Add To Wishlist (/Product/Fempro-2-5-Mg/?Add_to_wishlist=9504) (h?ps://www.mcafeesecure.com/verify?host=alldaygeneric.com) DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REVIEWS (0) Fempro 2.5 mg (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com) (Letrozole) Uses Letrozole is used to treat breast cancer in women who have gone through menopause (?me in life when a woman ceases to have a menstrual period). It is also used to prevent cancer reoccurrence or spreading to other parts of the body or a?er 5 years of tamoxifen therapy. How it works Letrozole belongs to class of medica?ons called non-st**dal aromatase inhibitors. Letrozole reduces the amount of estrogen (female s** hormone) by blocking an enzyme (aromatase), thereby stopping the growth of breast cancer or its spreading to other parts of the body. Common side effects https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/fempro-2-5-mg/ 3/7
5/29/2018 Buy Fempro 2.5 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store inflamma?on of mouth and lips, increased urinary frequency, dizziness, hair loss, muscle, increased blood pressure, breathlessness, stroke, indiges?on, diarrhea, increased hepa?c enzyme, dry mouth, breast-pain, memory impairment, thirst, sleepiness, inability to sleep, palpita?on, joint, vaginal dryness, eye irrita?on, irritability, itching of skin, low white blood cell count, fever, vomi?ng, depression, bone pain or s?ffness, weight loss., increased swea?ng, vaginal bleeding, swelling, abnormal sensa?on of skin, cataract, Very common: High cholesterol level, chest pain, change in in appe?te, bri?le bones, dry skin, fa?gue, bone fracture, cough, urge to vomit, rash, weight gain, hot flushes, pale red raised itchy skin rash, urinary tract infec?on, blurred vision, abdominal pain, taste disturbance, inflamma?on of a vein caused by a blood clot, inflamma?on of joint, anxiety, headache, vaginal discharge, cons?pa?on Expert advice • Letrozole should not be given to children and adolescents up to 17 years of age. • Do not drive or operate heavy machinery as you feel dizzy, ?red, drowsy or unwell while taking letrozole. • Do not take letrozole if you are allergic to letrozole or any other ingredient of tablet or intolerance to some sugars (lactose). • Do not take letrozole if you s?ll have menstrual periods; severe liver or kidney disease; history of or are suscep?ble to bri?le bones (osteoporosis) or bone fracture. • Avoid using letrozole if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Frequently asked ques?ons Letrozole Q. Is letrozole a st**d, a hormone, a selec?ve estrogen receptor modulator, or cytotoxic? Letrozole is not a st**d, hormone, selec?ve estrogen receptor modulator or cytotoxic. Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor. Q. Is letrozole banned in India? Letrozole is banned in India for ovarian s?mula?on (s?mula?ng ovula?on). Q. Is letrozole used for infer?lity, make you ovulate, increase testosterone and used for post cycle therapy? Letrozole is not approved for trea?ng infer?lity or ovula?on, but it has been used off-label by doctors to treat infer?lity in women with polycys?c ovarian syndrome, to assist ovula?on, or to increase testosterone, and as post cycle therapy. Do not take letrozole without consul?ng your doctor. Q. Is letrozole be?er than anastrozole? Both drugs have shown similar effec?veness and choice of drug depends on many factors. Consult your doctor before taking any drugs. Q. Can I take letrozole with ibuprofen/Advil, vitamins, paracetamol, glucosamine, magnesium, zinc? Letrozole can be taken with ibuprofen/Advil, vitamins, paracetamol, glucosamine, magnesium, and zinc. Please consult your doctor before use. Q. Does letrozole cause hair loss, headache, insomnia, water reten?on, high blood pressure, bloa?ng, and acne? https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/fempro-2-5-mg/ 4/7
5/29/2018 Buy Fempro 2.5 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Letrozole may cause hair loss, headache, insomnia, bloa?ng, and high blood pressure. Letrozole does not cause water reten?on and acne. Related Products (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/erlonat- 150-mg/) (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/erlocip- 150-mg/) (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/a 1mg/) (h?p Erlonat 150 Mg (H?ps://Www.Alldaygeneric.Com/Product/Erlonat- 150-Mg/) Erlocip 150 Mg (H?ps://Www.Alldaygeneric.Com/Product/Erlocip- 150-Mg/) Anabrez 1mg (H?ps://Www.Alldaygeneric.Com 1mg/) A (H? Generic Name : Erlo?nib Generic for : Tarceva Manufactured By : Natco Pharma, India Generic Name : Erlo?nib Generic for : Tarceva Manufactured By : Cipla Pharma, India Generic Name : Anastrozole Generic for : Arimidex Manufactured By : Sun Pharma, India Gen Gen Man Phar 30 Tablet/s 30 Tablet/s 30 Tablet/s $200.00 $52.00 $227.00 NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBE! Sign Up for Our Newsle?er (h?ps://www.facebook.com/alldaygeneric) (h?ps://twi?er.com/alldaygeneric) (h?ps://www.instagram.com/ (h?ps://www.pinteres (h?ps://plus.g https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/fempro-2-5-mg/ 5/7
5/29/2018 Buy Fempro 2.5 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) OUR SERVICES About Us About Indian Pharmacy Contact Us OUR SUPPORT Guarantee Cancella?on Policy Refunds & Returns An? Spam Policy MY ACCOUNT My Account My Cart Checkout Login PAGE FAQ https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/fempro-2-5-mg/ 6/7
5/29/2018 Buy Fempro 2.5 mg | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Important disclaimer Please note that not all medica?ons, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Indian pharmacy. The medica?ons in your order may be filled and shipped from an approved Interna?onal fulfillment center located in a country other than India. In addi?on to dispensing medica?ons from our Indian pharmacy, medica?on orders are also filled and shipped from interna?onal fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Medica?on orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Mauri?us and the United States. The items in your order may be filled and shipped from any one of the above jurisdic?ons. The products are sourced from various countries as well as those listed above. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Copyright (C) 2018 alldaygeneric.com (h?ps://alldaygeneric.com). All Rights Reserved. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/fempro-2-5-mg/ 7/7