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تاريخ العمارة الاسلامية. تاريخ العمارة الاسلامية. Islamic Architecture History. Mustansiriya Madrasa, Baghdad, Iraq. Madrasa in Islamic periods. typical Islamic school usually offers two courses of study: 1. a hifz course: that is memorisation of the Qur'an
تاريخ العمارة الاسلامية تاريخ العمارة الاسلامية Islamic Architecture History
Madrasa in Islamic periods • typical Islamic school usually offers two courses of study: 1. a hifz course: that is memorisation of the Qur'an 2. alim course leading the candidate to become an accepted scholar in the community. A regular curriculum includes courses in Arabic, Tafsir (Qur'anic interpretation), shari'ah (Islamic law), Hadith (recorded sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad), Mantiq (logic), and Muslim History. In the Ottoman Empire, during the Early Modern Period, the learning of the Hadith was introduced by Suleyman I. Depending on the educational demands, some madrasahs also offer additional advanced courses in Arabic literature, English and other foreign languages, as well as science and world history. Ottoman madrasahs along with religious teachings also taught "styles of writing, grammar, syntaxالنحو, poetryالشعر, compositionالانشاء, natural sciences, political sciences, and etiquette اداب ."
Madrasa in Islamic periods • Early History of Madrasahs • Maracas did not exist in the early beginnings of Islam. Their formation can be traced to the early Islamic custom of meeting in mosques to discuss religious issues. • At this early stage, people seeking religious knowledge tended to gather around certain more knowledgable Muslims. These informal teachers later became known as shaykhs; and these shaykhs began to hold regular religious education sessions called majalis. • the oldest madrasah in the Muslim world Established in 859, Jami'at al-Qarawiyyin (located in Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque) in the city of Fas, Morocco. It was founded by Fatima al-Fihri, the daughter of a wealthy merchant named Mohammed Al-Fihri • This was later followed by Al-Azhar University, established in 959 in Cairo, Egypt.
Mustansiriya Madrasa, Baghdad, Iraq المدرسة المستنصرية في بغداد • It was Constructed on the Tigris River in 1227 by the Abbasid Caliph Abu Jaaffar Al-Mansour (Al-Mustansir) and is regarded as one of the oldest centers of learning in history. • Students journeyed from all over the Islamic world to come and study theology عقيدة, literatureاداب , medicineطب, mathematicsرياضيات , jurisprudenceقانون, and the Quranقران, • it was the first effort at one site to unify the four Sunni law schools, Hanbali, Shafii, Maliki, and Hanifi; each school occupied a corner of the madrasa. • It consists of a two-story with two hundred room between large and small in addition to Iwans ,constructed with brick, two-story, rectangular shape measures 106 by 48 meters and is organized around a central courtyard and the total area is 4836m2.
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية
Mustansiriya Madrasa, Baghdad, Iraq • It consist of large court surrounded by Rewaqs and at the middle of each rewaq Iwan 6m Wide surrounded by two halls for teaching and the student classes distributed at both sides of the iwans with two stories • Lecturing halls at the southern side hight two stories • The halls and the library was full of large numbers of volumes of precious and rare books reached 450 thousand is a reference for the students • the Caliphs it support with 80 thousand of valuables various volume and books of science, knowledge,
Mustansiriya Madrasa, Baghdad, Iraq • Three iwans open onto the court while the fourth side leads down a long corridor off of which are three open spaces that functioned as an oratory تعليم فن الخطابة. • Other hallways and rooms extend from the court through pointed-arched entrances served student needs, including a kitchen, prayer hall, living quarters, and baths. • Both the iwans and the arched doorways were framed with plain brick vertical and horizontal strips. • The madrasa entered through a triple-door opening on one of its long sides while directly across from it another triple-doorway led from the courtyard into the musalla, or prayer hall. • The entrances exhibited arabesque-sculpted terracotta and geometric patterned masonry work, featuring vegetal themes that recall earlier Abbasid and even Umayyad motifs.
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية • Mohammed Bin AL ALqami –The Teacher of Dar Al-Khilafah supervise the construction which cost 700,000 Dinar and the school openned in 1945 in great ceremony • The school was later model for other schools where the king Najim AL-Deen Ayyoub 1255Ac construct the Salhiyyah school in Cairo,then Clifs Muatasim Wife Bab Sheer construct Al Basheeriyah school in Baghdad and so on. • In front of the school, on the river, a large yard and high buildings on both sides to protected it from the dangers flood and the main door decorated with beautiful thouloth calligraphy • The Madrasa and the library were not saved from the destruction and burning by Tatar Mongols leader "Holako" who overrun Baghdad in 656 e -1258 m, and threw thousands of books and folders in the Tigris River, that turn its color blue
Mustansiriya Madrasa, Baghdad, Iraq • The brick façade of the features rose decorated square plugs designed in a geometric pattern. In addition, an inscribed band restoration by Ottoman Sultan 'Abd al-'Aziz stretches the length of the river façade, replacing the original. • After the fifteenth century, the building was neglected and was subsequently used as a khan, a hospital and eventually army barracksثكنة عسكرية. • By 1945, the Iraqi Directorate of Antiquities restored this historic monument. • Today, the immediate commercial district around the madrasa has been demolished to return the site to its original borders.
ساعة المستنصرية العجيبة تكامل بناء الايوان الذي انشيء قبالة المدرسة المستنصرية. وركب في صدره صندوق الساعات على وضع عجيب تعرف به اوقات الصلوات، وانقضاء الساعات الزمانية نهارا وليلا، والصندوق عبارة عن دائرة فيها صورة الفلك.وجعل فيها طاقات لطاف لها ابواب لطيفة . وفي طرفي الدائرة بازان من ذهب في طاستين من ذهب، وورائهما بندقتان من شبـه لايدركهما الناظر،فعند مضي كل ساعة ينفتح فـمـا البازين وتقع منهما البندقتان،وكلما سقطت بندقة انفتح باب من ابواب تلك الطاقات. والباب مذهب فيصير حينئذ مفضضا،وحينئذ تمضي ساعة زمانية. واذا وقعت البندقتان في الطاستين فأنهما تذهبان الى مواضعهما من نفسيهما اي بصورة((تلقائية)).ثم تطلع شموس من ذهب في سماء لازوردية في ذلك الفلك مع طلوع الشمس الحقيقية.وتدور مع دورانها، وتغيب مع غيوبتها. فاذا غابت الشمس وجاء الليل فهناك اقمار طالعة من ضوء خلفها، كلما تكاملت ساعة تكامل ذلك الضوء في دائرة القمر. ثم تبتديء في الدائرة الاخرى الى انقضاء الليل وطلوع الشمس فيعلم بذلك اوقات الصلوات......ولعل في ذكر السماء والشمس والقمر والكواكب والبروج في ساعة المستنصرية مايدل على علاقة ذلك كله بالحركة الفلكية من رصد النجوم والكواكب وبيان حركة الشمس، وحركة القمر،واوجهه المختلفة
حركة الهواء يتصل الدهليز بالصحن الخارجي عن طريق فجوتين جانبيتين في مواجهة الريح السائدة، وهكذا يندفع الهواء بضغط من الرياح الخارجية، ليملأ فراغ الدهليز ، وبهذه المعالجة يكون تصميم المبنى وكأنه ملقف هواء أفقي كاشف عن مدى إدراك المعماري المسلم لمبادئ علم (الإيروديناميكا) قبل أن يصل العلم الحديث إلى تفاصيله
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية
Northeast entrance façade, Inscription at roofline, left-hand section
Courtyard before restoration, Northeast side at left and southeast iwan at right
Courtyard before restoration, Northeast side at left and southeast iwan at right
Courtyard before restoration, Northeast side at left and southeast iwan at right
Courtyard before restoration, View of southwest side from roof, Triple arch of prayer hall in center
Courtyard before restoration, Southwest side, detail of right-hand arched entrance to prayer hall treated as entry from Tigris side
Courtyard before restoration, Southwest side, detail of triple arch of prayer hall viewed from roof
Courtyard before restoration, Detail of original molded terracotta decoration in spandrels of arch at far right of gallery
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية
تطــــــور المسجد في العمارة الإسلامية