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Section 6-2

Section 6-2. Urbanization. Urban Opportunities. Urbanization - growth of cities, mostly in the regions of the Northeast and Midwest. Americanization Movement- designed to assimilate people of wide-ranging cultures into the dominant culture. Americans Migrate to the Cities.

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Section 6-2

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  1. Section 6-2 Urbanization

  2. Urban Opportunities • Urbanization- growth of cities, mostly in the regions of the Northeast and Midwest. • Americanization Movement- designed to assimilate people of wide-ranging cultures into the dominant culture.

  3. Americans Migrate to the Cities • Skyscrapers- Tall steel framed buildings. The Home Insurance Building in Chicago was built in 1885 (ten stories). First Skyscraper in America. • Louis Sullivan- No one contributed more to the design of skyscrapers. (Chicago)

  4. Urban Problems Six Major Urban Problems • Housing • Transportation • Water • Sanitation • Crime • Fire

  5. Urban Problems • Housing: -row houses- single family dwellings that shared side walls with other similar houses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu9A7zUE_fU -Tenements- multi-family urban dwellings.

  6. Urban Problems • Transportation: -Mass Transit- Transportation systems designed to move large numbers of people along fixed routes. -Streetcars-San Francisco (1873) -Subway-Boston (1897)

  7. Urban Problem • Water: -As late as the 1860’s many cities had grossly inadequate piped water. -Disease- Typhoid Fever, Cholera -Filtration (1870’s) -Chlorination (1908)

  8. Urban Problems • Sanitation: -Manure piled up on the streets -Sewage flowed through open gutters -Factories polluted the air and water -Scavengers- private contractors hired to sweep the streets. -Sewer lines and sanitation departments (By 1900)

  9. Urban Problems Crime: -First full-time police force- NYC (1844) -To small to impact crime. Fire: -First paid fire department- Cincinnati (1853). -Automatic sprinkler (1874).

  10. Machine Politics • Political Machine- an informal political group designed to gain and keep power in the cities. Came about partly because cities had grown much faster than their governments. • Party bosses- (City Boss) Those in charge of their respected political machine.

  11. Machine Politics • Graft- getting money through dishonest or questionable means. • George Plunkitt- One of NYC’s most powerful party bosses; defended honest graft. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bnN9SZlLkg • William “Boss” Tweed- Leader of Tammany Hall, the NYC Democratic political machine. Very corrupt!

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