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Unit 4: CHANGE

Unit 4: CHANGE. Business Brief (1/2).

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Unit 4: CHANGE

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  1. Unit 4: CHANGE

  2. Business Brief (1/2) The 1990s saw massive restructuring. Companies downsized and delayered, getting rid of levels of middle management in order to become leaner, flatter supposedly more efficient organizations.With fewer organizational layers, top managers say they can communicate more directly with front-line employees. With less direct supervision, employees have often been encouraged to make more decisions for themselves in a process of empowerment.

  3. Business Brief (2/2) Another trend was re-engineering, the idea that an organization should not change incrementally, but should start again from scratch with no preconceptions about how things should be done, not just in manufacturing but in all the processes that contribute to what an organization does, hence business process re-engineering or BPR. A company’s accumulated knowledge and experience is part of company culture and this is increasingly seen as a key to success. Some companies have appointed a chief knowledge officer to create systems to make this intellectual capital available to all employees via the company intranet.

  4. Starting Up (A) Which of these situations would you find the most difficult to deal with? Losing a lot of money Moving house Moving to another country Losing your job A new boss New neighbors Driving abroad Getting married What has been the most significant change in your life?

  5. Starting Up (B) Which of these business situations would you worry the most? Why? You read in the paper that your company will probably be merging with another company You keep your job after a merger, but you are in a less powerful position. Your company has to relocate to the other side of the city You are asked to relocate to a dangerous foreign country. You are promoted but are now in charge of a hostile workforce. You have to move from an open plan office to sharing your boss’s office. You have to work with a completely new computer system. You have to decide to make redundant in you new department after merger.

  6. Reading- Change in Retailing(1/4) Discuss these questions. Which department stores have you visited in your own country or abroad? What were your impressions? What in your view should a 21st century department store look like? What should it offer its customers? Now read the article “US department stores launch counter-attack” . What are the names of the two US department stores mentioned in the article?

  7. Reading- Change in Retailing (2/4) Match these people to their views. This is not the end of department stores but in the future they will be different. American department stores are not different enough from each other. Selfridges has changed into an up-to-date store. Department stores need to recognize their problems and have to change. Selfridge’s new approach works Britt Beemer Wendy Liebmann Peter Williams Arnold Aronson Robert Tamilia

  8. Reading- Change in Retailing (3/4) What changes have taken place at: a) Selfridges? b) Macy’s c) Bloomingdale’s? Which of these groups of people are mentioned in the article? Agents Clients Consumers Customers Discounters Manufacturers Retailers Shoppers Vendors Wholesalers

  9. Reading- Change in Retailing (4/4) Which of the groups in people in Exercise E: Are buyers? ………. Are sellers? ………. Are intermediaries? ......... Offer goods at reduced prices? ……… Sell directly to the public? ……… What are the differences between the types of retail outlet in the box? Consider the following factors: size, prices, product range, length and frequency of shopping visits, customer service level.

  10. Vocabulary (1/2) Write the verbs from the box under the correct prefix to make words connected with change. Use a good dictionary to help you. Some of the words can be used with more than one prefix. Centralize Size Organize Develop Launch Train Grade Locate Regulate Structure

  11. Vocabulary (2/2) Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box in Exercise A. Use a good dictionary to help you. It is now so expensive to rent offices in the city centre that many companies are _______ to the suburbs. The company has recently had to down_______ its workforce. Reducing the number of employees is the best way to stay profitable in the current economic climate. Excellent customer service is vital to keep up with the competition. The company has introduced new working practices and is re_______ to accommodate new staff. The seating plan in our office has been re_______ to accommodate new staff. Our product hasn’t been selling well recently. Themarketing team has decided to re_______ the product with a more up-to-date image. The company has noticed that too many decisions are made at Head Office. It is de_______ the decision-making process so that branch managers are more involved at an earlier stage. The company has finalized the plans to re_______ the disused car park site. It is going to become a modern three-storey office block. The most successful change in our company was the decision to re_______ the company hierarchy. Now there is more opportunity for promotion.

  12. Language Review Past simple and present perfect We use the past simple for actions at a particular point in the past. Last year only 18% of US consumers visited a leading department store. We use the present perfect for actions linking the present to a point in the past. We have made a lot of changes since 2003.

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