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Consistency and Replication. Reasons for Replication Reliability Performance Scaling with respect to size of geographic area Negative Points Having multiple copies around does not help with consistency of data (i.e.,local cache of http browsers). Object Replication.
Consistency and Replication Reasons for Replication Reliability Performance Scaling with respect to size of geographic area Negative Points Having multiple copies around does not help with consistency of data (i.e.,local cache of http browsers)
Object Replication • Organization of a single distributed remote object shared by two different clients. • Before replicating an object one has to solve the problem of how to protect this against simultaneous accesses?
Concurrent Access of Remote Objects • A remote object capable of handling concurrent invocations on its own (ala Java – object methods can be synchronized). • The object is completely unprotected against concurrent invocations. • An object adapter is needed to handle concurrent invocations. • This adaptor ensures that the object will not be left in an inconsistent/corrupted state.
Methods for Replicating Objects • Make object aware of the replication • No special support required • Only objects must be replication-aware… • Make the distributed computing environment responsible for the replication • The Distributed System ensures that concurrent invocations are passed to the correct replicas in the right order/sequence! • Such layers can be used for fault-tolerance as well.
Object Replication • A distributed system for replication-aware distributed objects. • A distributed system responsible for replica management
Replication vs. Scaling • Replication and Caching are widely used as mechanisms for improved performance. • There is a trade-off between replication and network bandwidth required to maintain absolute consistency. • Consider a process P that accesses a local replica N times per second • The object gets modified M times per second • If N<<M then it is likely that many updated versions of the data may never get accessed by P!! • In this case, it would be advisable if there would be no local copy of the object near P. • There are numerous consistency and replication models (each catering for different applications).
Data-Centric Consistency Models • A store may be physically distributed across multiple machines. • Data segments may be replicated across multiple processes. • Consistency models are needed (set of rules that is between processes and data store) • Model (a contract): if processes obey the rules the store will work/behave correctly.
Rule: Any read on a data item X returns a value corresponding to the • result of the most recent write on X • strict consistency relies on absolute global time.. • Behavior of two processes, operating on the same data item. • A strictly consistent store (changes become obvious instantly).. • A store that is not strictly consistent (at different moments in time after the W(x)a takes place two different results may come out).
Sequential Consistency Model(weaker than strict) • Rule: The results of any execution is the same as if the R/W operations • by all processes on the data-store were executed in some sequential • order and the operations of each individual process appear in this • sequence in the order specified by its program. • time does not play any role • all processes “see” the same interleaving of operations • sequential consistency is similar to serializability in the the case of xactions. • A sequentially consistent data store. • A data store that is not sequentially consistent.
Linearizability Model • Less restrictive than “strict coherence” but stronger than sequential consistency • Operations are assumed to receive a timestamp using a globally available clock. • Definition: the result of any execution is the same as if the R/W operations by all processes on the data store were executed in some sequential order AND the operations of each individual process appear in this sequence in the order specified by its program • IN ADDITION: if TSOP1(x) < TSOP2(y), then OP1(x) should precede OP2(y) in this sequence. • A linearizable data store is also sequentially consistent. • A set of synchronized clocks are used • Much more expensive to implement than sequential [AttWelch94]. • Linearizability used in the formal verification of distributed programs and is of theoretical interest.
Sequential Consistency Example • Initially all variables are set to 0 • Assignments are essentially the Write operations • Prints are the Read operations. • Consider the following three concurrently executing processes.
Sequential Consistency Example time • Four valid (interleaved) execution sequences for the processes of the previous slide. • Signature 000000 is not possible • Is 001001 a valid signature? Why? • Problem: how does one formally express sequential consistency?
History • Each process Pi has an execution Ei • Ei= sequence of Reads/Writes performed by Pi on the data-store. • History H is a sequence of operations that appear in all Pi • A history H is valid when • Program order is maintained • Data coherence is respected (a read(x) must return the value most recently written to x). Consider Ei (page 9) E1= W1(x)b E2=W2(x)a E3=R3(x)b, R3(x)a E4=R4(x)b, R4(x)a H=W1(x)b, R3(x)b, R4(x)b, W2(x)a, R3(x)a, R4(x)a is a valid one (in terms of sequential consistency).
Causal Consistency Model • Necessary conditions: • Writes that are potentially causally related must be seen by all processes in the same order. • Concurrent writes may be seen in a different order on different machines. • Notes: • Causal is a weakening of the sequential consistency model. • It makes distinction between events that are potentially causally related (and those that are not). • Operations that are not causally related are said to be concurrent.
Casual Consistency Model • W1(x)c and W2(x)c are concurrent. • This means that processes are not required to “see” them in the same order. • This sequence is allowed with a causally-consistent store, but not with sequentially or strictly consistent store.
Casual Consistency • A violation of a casually-consistent store. • A correct sequence of events in a casually-consistent store. • Implementing Causal Consistency requires keeping track of which processes have seen which writes.
FIFO (PRAM) Consistency • The causally-related requirement is dropped. • Definition: • Writes done by a single process are seen by all other processes in the order in which they were issued, • but writes done by different processes may be seen in a different order by different processes. • FIFO Consistency is interesting as it is easy to implement • No guarantees how different processes see writes except that two or more writes from the same source (process) must arrive in order.
FIFO Consistency Example • A valid sequence of events of FIFO consistency • Some unexpected results may yield using FIFO: • Process P1Process P2 • x=1 y=1; • if (y==0) kill (P2); if (x==0) kill (P1); • Using FIFO both P1 and P2 may get killed!
Weak Consistency • Properties: • Accesses to synchronization variables associated with a data store are sequentially consistent • No operation on a synchronization variable is allowed to be performed until all previous writes have been completed everywhere • No read or write operation on data items is allowed to be performed until all previous operations to synchronization variables have been performed.
Weak Consistency • A valid sequence of events for weak consistency. • S synchronizes all local copies (a, b) to the data store. • P2 and P3 have not synchronized yet (S comes after their reads) • An invalid sequence for weak consistency.
Release Consistency • Avoids the explicit Synchronization (S) operation of Weak Consistency by using two operations: • Acquire: tell the data store that a critical region is about to be entered. • All the local data copies will be brought up to date with the remote ones if needed. • Doing an acquire does not mean that local changes will be sent out to other copies • Release: indicate that a critical region has just been exited. • When a release occurs, protected data that have been updated are other local copies of the data store. • A release does not import changes from other copies.
Release Consistency • A valid event sequence for release consistency.
Release Consistency • Rules: • Before a read or write operation on shared data is performed, all previous acquires done by the process must have completed successfully. • Before a release is allowed to be performed, all previous reads and writes by the process must have completed • Accesses to synchronization variables are FIFO consistent (sequential consistency is not required).
Entry Consistency • Requires programmers to use acquire/release at the start and the end of a critical sections • Unlike the previous two, it does call for each data item to be acquired/released individually!
Entry Consistency • Conditions: • An acquire access of a synchronization variable is not allowed to perform with respect to a process until all updates to the guarded shared data have been performed with respect to that process. • Before an exclusive mode access to a synchronization variable by a process is allowed to perform with respect to that process, no other process may hold the synchronization variable, not even in nonexclusive mode. • After an exclusive mode access to a synchronization variable has been performed, any other process's next nonexclusive mode access to that synchronization variable may not be performed until it has performed with respect to that variable's owner.
Entry Consistency • A valid event sequence for entry consistency.
Summary of Consistency Models • Consistency models not using synchronization operations. • Models with synchronization operations.
Client-Centric Consistency Models • Models described thus far deal with system-wide consistency • Basic assumption: concurrent processes may simultaneously update the data store and it is required to provide concurrency in the light of such concurrency. • Client-centric models deal with environments where updates can “easily” be resolved. • Most operations involved reading data.
Eventual Consistency • Principle: if no updates take place for a long time, it means that • all replicas will have gradually become consistent. • Write/write conflicts are easy to resolve (since only a small number • of processes can perform updates). • The principle of a mobile user accessing different replicas of a distributed database (the mobile computer is unaware of which replica is using).
Monotonic Reads • Principle: if a process reads the value of a data item x, any • successive read operation on x by that process will always • return that same value or a more recent value • A process that has seen a value x at time t will never see an older • version of x at a later time • Used in managing mailboxes • WS(x1, x2): means that write operation on x2 is preceded by a write on x1 (on • the site where the second update takes place). • The read operations performed by a single process P at two different local copies of the same data store. • A monotonic-read consistent data store • A data store that does not provide monotonic reads.
Monotonic Writes • Principle: a write operation by a process on a data item x is • completed before any successive write operation on x by the • same process. • Completing a write operation means that the copy on which a • successive write operation is performed, reflects the effects • of a previous write operation by the same process. • Resembles FIFO-consistency • The write operations performed by a single process P at two different local copies of the same data store • A monotonic-write consistent data store. • A data store that does not provide monotonic-write consistency.
Read Your Writes • Principle: the effect of a write operation by a process on data • item x will always be seen by a successive read operation on x • by the same process. • A write operation is always complete before a successive read operation • HTML pages do not usually adhere to this consistency model. • A data store that provides read-your-writes consistency. • A data store that does not (W(x1) effect has not be propagated to L2).
Writes Follow Reads • Principle: a write operation by a process on a data item x following • a previous read operation on x by the same process, is guaranteed to • take place on the same or a more recent value of x that was read. • Updates are propagated as a result of previous read operations • Any successive write operation by a process on a data item x will be performed on • a copy of x that is up to date with the value most recently read by that process. • A writes-follow-reads consistent data store • A data store that does not provide writes-follow-reads consistency
Client-Centric • These consistency models are derived from Bayou [Terry94] • Database system developed for a mobile computing environment. • Network connectivity is assumed unreliable. • Wireless networks and large-geographic area systems are such.
Replica Placement • The logical organization of different kinds of copies of a data store into three concentric rings.
Permanent Replicas • Small in number • Mirroring (as the main/initial tool for populating the sites – especially in the World Wide Web). • Similar organizations appear in (static) Data Architectures in COWs (shared-nothing-environments).
Server-Initiated Replicas • In a number of instances, temporary replicas may be established in various geographic regions (especially for the content of WWW). • Such replicas are also knows as push-caches. • Problem: to dynamically place replicas of files close to user-sites [Rabi99] • Replicate WWW file to reduce load on the server site • Specific file has to be located/migrated close to clients that issue requests for it (proximity clients)
Server-Initiated Replicas • Counting access requests from different clients. • When rep(S,F) > threshold’-> initiate migration • Degree of replication is increased • When del(S,F) < threshold -> reverse migration • degree of replication is decreased • P can be selected with the help of routingdatabases. • After the file F migrates to P’ the cntQ(P’, F) is maintained at P’.
Server-Initiated Replicas • A server deletes a replica of data if access requests for an object F drop below del(Q,F) (unless it is the last copy!) • If for some server P, cntQ(P, F) exceeds more than half of total requests for F at Q, server P takes over the copy of F. • Server Q will attempt to migrate object F to P. • Server-Initiated Replication: • if migration of F to P is not possible (for any reason) • Q will attempt to replicate file F to another server. • Server may start checking server that are located to furtherst away (for selecting a potential hosting site).
Client-Initiated Replicas • Client-initiated replicas are known as client-caches. • Client-caches are used to improve access time to data. • Data are kept in clients for a limited time (after which they may become stale). • Cache-hits can help in performance. • Proxies further help (as they group access from multiple parties in the same organization) • Caches can be put at various level of an organization..
Update Propagation • Three fundamental options: • Send a notification of the update (invalidation-copies might not be valid) • Ship data from one copy to the other • Propagate the update operations to other copies. • + for Invalidation-based protocols: • Little network bandwidth is used • Only information that needs to be transferred is which data is not valid any more. • Useful when write-to-read ratio is large (and replicas are rendered useless). • + for transferring of modified data among copies: • Useful when write-to-read ratio is small • + for transferring the update operations (aka active replication): • Small patches of the description of updates are shipped • CPU requirements may be increased especially when update operations are complex.
Push vs. Pull Protocols for Update Propagation • Push-based (Server-based) protocol • Updates are sent over to other replicas without the latter to ask for such updates • Replicas need to be kept identical • Ratio of read-to-write must be large • Pull-based (client-based) protocols • Effective when read-to-write is low • Web caches mostly use this approach. • The response time increases if cache misses appear.
Comparison of Pull vs. Push Protocols • A comparison between push-based and pull-based protocols in the case of multiple client, single server systems.
Leases + • A compromise between the two schemes above is the use of leases: • Lease is a promise by the server that it will push updates within a pre-specified time period. • When a lease expires, the client is forced to poll and pull possible updates • Otherwise, the client requests a new lease for pushing updates • Leases can be of various types: • Age-based leases • How often a client demands that its cache is updated • State-space overhead at the server: the server goes from a state-conscious oriented approach to a more stateless one. • Finally, related to pushing is the unicast/multicast mechanism of the underlying network (ie, use multicast whenever possible).
Epidemic Protocols • Update propagation in eventual-consistent environments is implemented by a class of algorithms called epidemic algorithms: • Propagate updates using the least number of messages • Follow the ideas in the spreading of infectious diseases (the reverse!) • Health Organizations try to prevent spreading of diseases, epidemic algorithms try to spread updates (infection) as fast as possible. • Server Classification • A server is infective when it holds an update and is willing to spread it to other servers. • A server that has not received the update yet is called susceptible. • An updated server that is not willing to able to spread the update is said to be removed.
Propagation Model: Anti-entropy • A server P picks another server Q at random and exchanges updates with Q. • The exchange is done with either one of the three approaches: • P only pushes its own updates to Q • P only pulls-in new updates from Q • P and Q send updates to each other (pull-push approach) • Push-based protocols are not good for spreading the changes rapidly (infective servers are many making the probability of “finding” randomly a susceptible server small) • Pull-based protocols are a much better option when many servers are infective.
Rumor Spreading • If server P has just been updated for data item x, it contacts an arbitrary server Q and tries to push the update to Q. • It is possible that Q has already “seen” the update. • In this case, P may loose its interest in spreading the update further and my become removed (with probability 1/k) • It can be shown that if a distributed data store consists of a number of servers, their fraction s that will remain ignorant of the update can be found by solving the equation: • s=e-(k+1)(1-s) • If k=3, the s<=0.02
Removing Data using Epidemic Algorithms • Epidemic algorithms have an undesirable side-effect: • They cannot easily spread the deletion of data items. • Deletion destroys all information about an item • When a data item is removed from a server, the server may eventually receive old copies of the data item and think that these are updates! (or something that it did not have before). • Idea: keep the items around but circulate death-certificates (that will ultimately need to be cleaned up). • Death certificates are timestamped and are allowed to exist for a long-enough period of time (until it is certain that the data item is certainly dead!)
Consistency Protocols • A consistency protocol describes the implementation of a consistency model • More commonly implemented models are: • Sequential consistency • Weak consistency with synchronization • Atomic Transactions • Primary-based protocols: each data item has an associated primary, which is responsible for coordinating write operations on item x • The simplest such model is the one in which all read and write operations are carried out at a remote single server (traditional CS model).
Remote-Write Protocol (Client-Server) • Primary-based remote-write protocol with a fixed server to which all read and write operations are forwarded.