1. Some Notes Afterlife & Demeter
2. What happens When You Die
3. Homers Vision Nekuia (Odyssey xi) Most dead in same ghostly state in sunless land
Cf. Achilles statement
Life is where its at
Some exceptional sinners punished
4. Platos Vision Myth of Er from Republic X Dead are judged
1000 years of punishment or reward
Return to judgment place
Choice made of future life, in order determined by lot
Spirits drink of River Lethe forget past life
5. Consider Context What is the reason for these visions appearing in these books?
Not necessarily theologically sound
6. Eleusinian Mysteries Mystery Religion deals with life/death issues
Known only to initiates
Ritual held once a year (Fall) with preliminary ritual held in Spring
55 Day Truce
7. Eleusinian Mysteries Image of Demeter as great mother to whom (in form of daughter) initiate returned at death
Blessed are those who know these rites
Ritual possibly based on Homeric Hymn # 2 (To Demeter)
8. Vegetation as Metaphor Cycle of birth, death, rebirth
Image popular for those who believe in reincarnation or
In a paradise in the afterlife