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Platinum. By: Julia Giannopoulos. Physical Properties. Platinum is silvery-gray in colour. It is malleable and ductile. -malleable meaning it can be hammered into sheets thinner than aluminum foil, about 100 atoms thick. -ductile meaning thin wire can be made of it.

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  1. Platinum By: Julia Giannopoulos

  2. Physical Properties • Platinum is silvery-gray in colour. • It is malleable and ductile. -malleable meaning it can be hammered into sheets thinner than aluminum foil, about 100 atoms thick.-ductile meaning thin wire can be made of it. • Melts at 1,773˚C and boils at 3,827˚C.

  3. Chemical Properties • An inactive metal. • Is not affected by most acids but will dissolve if comes in contact with aqua regia. • Something unusual is platinum absorbs hydrogen gas at high temperatures.

  4. Main Chemicals • Platinum (Pt)

  5. Product Picture

  6. Refrences • http://www.chemistryexplained.com/elements/L-P/Platinum.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum

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