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Application of satellite observations for timely updates to global anthropogenic NO x emission inventories. Lok Lamsal, Randall Martin, Akhila Padmanbhan, Aaron van Donkelaar, Qiang Zhang, Chris Sioris, Kelly Chance, Thomas Kurosu, Mike Newchurch. EOS AURA Science Team Meeting, Boulder, CO USA.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Application of satellite observations for timely updates to global anthropogenic NOx emission inventories Lok Lamsal, Randall Martin, Akhila Padmanbhan, Aaron van Donkelaar, Qiang Zhang, Chris Sioris, Kelly Chance, Thomas Kurosu, Mike Newchurch EOS AURA Science Team Meeting, Boulder, CO USA 27.09.2010

  2. 1996 - 2002 Changes in tropospheric NO2 columns reflect the changes in NOx emissions • GOME annual changes in tropospheric NO2 Richter et al., 2005

  3. Inventory compilation is a huge undertaking, frequent updates not feasible Emission factor Emission [species, region, fuel, sector] Fuel consumption [region, fuel, sector] Emission control Available NOx emissions inventory implemented in GEOS-Chem

  4. Overlap of satellite observations to historical bottom-up NOx emission inventories helpful for method validation Bottom-up NOx emission inventories ~70% SCIAMACHY OMI Satellite observations of tropospheric NO2

  5. Applying GEOS-Chem high resolution capability to SCIAMACHY and OMI tropospheric NO2 SCIAMACHY Dalhousie product OMI DOMINO product (DP) with stripes correction and GEOS-Chem profiles GEOS-Chem Version: v8-01-04 Resolution: 1°x1.25° (GEOS-4) Comparison of DP and DP_GC with in situ surface measurements Lamsal et al., 2010

  6. Sensitivity of changes in NO2 columns to changes in NOx Area with annual mean trop. NO2 < 1x1015 molec.cm-2 and with anthr. contribution <50% excluded Lamsal et al., GRL, submitted

  7. Significant agreement between SCIAMACHY-derived hindcast and bottom-up inventories Ω03 Ω04 Ω05 Ω06 E ? 2006 2003 r2 = 0.9 Lamsal et al., GRL, submitted

  8. Significant agreement between SCIAMACHY-derived hindcast and bottom-up inventories Emission changes from 2003 to 2006 Bottom-up SCIAMACHY Lamsal et al., GRL, submitted

  9. Discrepancy in satellite NO2 and bottom-up NOx trends in China Part of differences for not accounting for β • See Poster by Sicong Kang et al Zhang et al., 2007

  10. Inventory forecast for 2009 using SCIAMACHY and OMI observations are consistent Ω08 Ω09 Ω06 Ω07 E ? 2006 2009

  11. Conclusions • Bottom-up inventory requires years to compile and becomes quickly outdated. • Developed a method to update bottom-up NOx inventory using satellite observations of tropospheric NO2 column • Emission changes consistent in bottom-up inventory and satellite observations. • Forecast inventory for 2009 similar from SCIAMACHY and OMI: Chinese NOx emissions increase by ~6%/year and North American NOx emissions decrase by ~2%/year during 2006-2009.

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