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Composition 1302 Midterm Review. Grammar, Readings, and Writing Skills #1& #2. Sentence Fragments. Part I : True or False 1. Fragments are incomplete sentences.____ 2. Fragments are only missing a verb.______ 3. Fragments may also be missing a subject and complete thought._____
Composition 1302 Midterm Review Grammar, Readings, and Writing Skills #1& #2
Sentence Fragments • Part I: True or False • 1. Fragments are incomplete sentences.____ • 2. Fragments are only missing a verb.______ • 3. Fragments may also be missing a subject and complete thought._____ • 4. Fragments rarely contain the words also, therefore, however, consequently, although, because, if, and since
Sentence Fragments • Part II: Mark “F” for fragment or “CS” for complete sentence. • 5. If we were so inclined. We could have several teams.______ • 6. The team failed to win the championship, however, they were proud of their accomplishments.______ • 7. We haven’t completed all of our work; therefore, we should continue on._____ • 8. Although the rain has dampened our mood, we should remain positive.______
Sentence Fragments • Part III: Fix the following fragments by adding words and proper punctuation. • 9. If we hadn’t received the phone call. We might have missed the tournament. • 10. We were outraged by the tragedy, therefore, we decided to form a political action committee to fight injustice. Which has worked very well
“Dear Michael, Love Pam” • Part IV: “Dear Michael, Love Pam” • 11. Pam is on a ______hour break when she decides to write her brother. • 12. Pam explains that she feels “______________.” • 13. Pam works as a______________________. • 14. We can infer from the poem that Pam is (single/divorced). • 15. There are hints in the poem that she drowns her sorrows in (cigarettes, food, alcohol). • 16. At the bar, Pam refuses to date the man she meets because he is (obnoxious, immature, slow-minded)
“Dear Michael, Love Pam” • Part V: True or False • 17. Pam is writing her brother as response to the poetry he sent her.______ • 18. Pam was emotionally shaken after Charlie’s death._______ • 19. Finding moments to relax and get away from the stresses of life seems to be a major idea in this poem.________ • 20.The setting of the poem, or where it takes place, is in Iowa._____
Run-On Sentences • Part I: Mark “T” for true, “F” for false. • A run-on sentence contains two main clauses separated by correct punctuation._________ • The simplest way to fix a run-on sentence is with a period. • Use a semicolon to fix a run-on sentence when the two main clauses are related to each other.________ • Inserting only a comma between main clauses is sufficient for correcting a run-on sentence._______
Run-On Sentences • The conjunctions for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so must be used together with a comma to fix a run-on sentence.______ • Part II: Mark “CS” for complete sentence or “RO” for run-on. • The speaker in the poem “Hard Work” reflects on the summer he spent working in the bottling factory, he has few fond memories.______ • Although he assumes the responsibilities of adulthood, the speaker seems disheartened by the way his life turned out.____
Run-on Sentences • Although he assumes the responsibilities of adulthood, the speaker seems disheartened by the way his life turned out.____ • The symbolism of the mechanical eye in the office casts a gloomy shadow over the work, leaving the reader with a deep sense of dread.________
Run-on Sentences • Baseball and free time with his girlfriend offer the speaker an immediate sense of escape from his responsibilities, however, in the end, everything catches up with him • The reader is left somewhat torn after finishing the poem, we are left feeling uncertain whether we should mock the speaker’s reflection of his bygone past as indulgent and wishful, or sympathize with someone who has seen the best part of his years disappear.___________
“Hard Work” • Part III: Completion • The poet’s name is Stephen_________ • The speaker in the poem is actually an adult recalling an experience about a job he had one summer at a________ • The speaker totes__________ • The name of the speaker’s girlfriend is________
“Hard Work” • One of the workers (defecates/urinates) in a bottle. • The speaker takes the job to please his (mother/father) • The speaker (keeps/quits) his job that summer. • The speaker plays (baseball/football) in his free time. • As an adult, the speaker works in an________ • Most likely, the speaker wrote the poem because_______
Subject-Verb Agreement • Part I: Mark “T” for true and “F” for false. • When your verb is in the present tense, agreement is based in number.________ • When two subjects are joined by and, treat them as a singular subject._______ • Nouns linked by every and each are treated as singular subjects______ • If a subject is joined by or, either…or, or neither…nor, make sure the verb agrees with the subject closest to the verb._______ • Subjects that are linked with a phrase like as well as, along with, or alongside always become plural.________
Subject-Verb Agreement • Part II: Mark “C” for correct or “I” for incorrect. • Teachers at inner-city Washington High have eight classes._________ • The grizzly bear, the largest of all bears, feed on berries._______ • Tantrums and runny noses is the reality of living with toddlers._______ • Tim as well as Martha need to complete their assignment._______ • Each of the football players were exhausted.________ • Neither my brothers nor my sister was a doctor._______ • In addition to the plaster, the supplies were destroyed._________
Literary Terms • Part III: Mark “T” for true or “F” for false • Imagery appeals to the 5 senses.________ • A metaphor is an attempt to make something non-human human.______ • We can use a symbol to represent ideas, emotions, and feelings.______ • Tone is the way something or someone sounds.________ • Personification is an abstract comparison between two things._______
Literary Terms • Part IV: Mark “C” for correct or “I” for incorrect. • Dunn’s use of imagery revolves around dark and light colors.________ • Imagastically, Lohre’s poetry tends to concentrate on small towns in rural settings.______ • Dunn attempts to metaphorize his experience through his speaker._____ • Metaphorically, the clock in Dunn’s poem could suggest that we are all slaves to time as we grow older.__________
Literary Terms • Some people tend to take their poetry to metaphoric extremes._______ • One could infer that at least at a symbolic level, the bottle represents two stages of the speaker’s life: one that was full of life and one that is now empty._________ • At a subconscious level, Dunn’s poetry personifies the machinery at the plant.___________ • Although one can only speculate, the tone that resonates at the end of Dunn’s work is of a whimper, not a cry.___________
“The Chimney Sweeper” • Part V: Completion • The poet who wrote the “Chimney Sweeper” was__________. • The main speaker is the (master/apprentice). • The name of the apprentice is ______________ • The master became a sweeper when he was young because________ • At the beginning of the poem, Tom Dacre has his__________shaved. • Tom Dacre has a_____________in which he sees all of his friends in coffins. • At the end of the poem, the poet seems to (accept/condemn) the sweeper’s difficult work situation.
Subject-Verb Agreement • Part I: Mark “T” for true or “F” for false • Words such as anybody, everybody, everything, and something are always singular._______ • Words such as both, many, few, and several are always plural.______ • Words such as all, any, half, more, most, none, and some are always plural.________ • The pronoun each is always singular in college writing. ________ • When members of a group are considered a unit, use plural verbs and plural pronouns._________ • When members of a group are considered as individuals, use plural verbs and plural pronouns._________
Subject-Verb Agreement • Part II: Mark “C” for correct or “I” for incorrect. • Each of us are going to Astroworld.________ • Everyone is expected to attend class on time.________ • All of the students were ready to start class._______ • Half of the cake were eaten.________ • None of the football players tested positive for steroids._______ • Both Steven and Mark was implicated in the crime.________
Literary Terms • Part III: Label each sentence with the correct literary term. • The fact that Bugs Bunny talks is an example of_______________ • “I’m furious!” he screamed.___________ • “But soft what light through yonder window breaks. It is the east and Juliet is the sun.”__________
Literary Terms • She stared at her wedding ring and knew that their relationship was based on cherished beliefs._______ • Diving into the pool, a cool, refreshing sensation raced through the pores of his skin._________ • “Dear Michael, Love Pam” has a rhythm that meanders._________ • In difficult situations, always do your best and listen to your elders.______
Literary Terms • In the end, Cinderella gave the prince his sneaker.________ • We presume that the speaker in “The Chimney Sweeper” is someone who holds power over his apprentice._______ • The doorbell buzzed like a wasp circling the hive._________
“The Use of Force” • Part IV: Completion • The name of the girl in the poem is________________ • The author’s name is___________________ • The illness the girl has is_____________________ • The girl’s last name is________________________ • If the girl doesn’t cooperate, the parents will have to take her to the____________ • At the beginning of the story, the doctor’s tone seems__________
“The Use of Force” • When the girl refuses to open her mouth, the tone changes to_______________ • The father refuses to grab his daughter’s wrists because_____________ • The doctor tries to place a _______________between her teeth. • The girl’s mouth begins to__________during the examination. • In the end, the doctor discovers that the girl has infected
Commas • Unlike conjunctive adverbs, introductory elements such as of course, above all, and for example do not require commas._______ • Conjunctive adverbs that appear in the middle of the sentence usually require commas._______ • Very short main clauses joined by coordinating conjunction do not need commas.________ • Two main clauses separated by coordinating conjunction require a comma between the two clauses._______
Commas • Do not use a comma before the coordinating conjunction if there is only one main clause._______ • Do not use a comma to separate a main clause from a restrictive clause or phrase.________
Commas • Part II: Mark “C” for correct or “I” for incorrect. • In addition to the hail damage, the statue has been vandalized several times._______ • We lost in the second round. Therefore we will not play in the finals this year._________ • In conclusion I would like us all to take a moment to remember our fallen comrades._________
Commas • Samantha cleaned the kitchen and returned to the living room.______ • We listened carefully to the speaker, in order to understand his message.________ • The deli served submarine sandwiches, and offered desserts.______
“The Love of My Life” • Part V: Complete the following sentences. • 19. The author’s name is T.C.__________ • 20 The main characters are__________and__________ • 21. We can tell from the story that both of the characters are (lower, middle, upper) class. • 22. Both students plan to attend_________after graduating from high school.
“The Love of My Life” • They both love to watch___________movies inside a___________. • 24. Their favorite type of dessert is ___________________. • 25. They also like to eat hamburgers from_________________.
Commas • Part I: Mark “T” for true, “F” for false. • Nonrestrictive modifiers can be placed at the beginning, middle, and end of a sentence.______ • Nonrestrictive appositive phrases should not be set off with commas._____ • If a word or phrase is a nonessential element in an appositive phrase, set off that part of the sentence with commas.______
Commas • Use commas around nonrestrictive clauses within a that clause.______ • Parenthetical expressions, which add commentary to a sentence, do not require commas.______ • Use commas to mark off absolute phrases._____ • A restrictive sentence using that does not require commas._______
Commas • A nonrestrictive sentence using which usually requires commas._____ • For all restrictive clauses, a writer should usually use that instead of which._____
Commas • Part II: Mark “C” for correct, “I” for incorrect. • A team which plays together wins together.____ • Our homework completed we closed our books and listened to music._____ • The most fuel-efficient vehicle on the road the Toyota Camry has received our highest roadside award rating.______
Commas • Having opted for a new hybrid vehicle, which gave us better fuel efficiency, we decided to sell our old car._______ • We instilled a sense of trust in our employees, giving them a feeling of ownership in the company._____
“The Love of My Life” • Part IV: Completion • The name of the prison that Jeremy is sent to is___________ • The charges against Jeremy are that he________________________________________ • Jeremy sees the baby as (a child, an “it”). • To escape charges, China begins referring to the baby as ______________ • In court testimony, China says she had a____________.
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations • List at least 5 introductory words. • 1. Says • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5.
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations • What is the formula for adding a quotation? • _________+_________+__________
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations • What type of punctuation does this introductory sentence need? • Pam admits she’s tired
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations When we only need individual words to form a quotation, what type of punctuation do we use? • Pam calls herself the ____ _____
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations • What type of punctuation do we need for this introductory sentence? • Pam admits that she isn’t a poet
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations • The boy reveals his romantic nature as he describes his fascination with Mangan’s sister and the world of Araby: What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts after that evening! I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days. I chafed against the work of school. At night in my bedroom and by day in the classroom her image came between me and the page I strove to read. The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated and cast an Eastern enchantment over me. (Joyce 207)
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations • To use a block quotation, my individual quotation must be at least_________lines in length. • The punctuation used for a block quotation is a_________. • The actual quotation has no_______________marks. • All of the lines are____________. • The parenthesis appear after the___________
Writing Skills #1: Adding Quotations • Shortened: • In surveying various responses to plagues in the Middle Ages, Barbara W. Tuchman writes,"Medical thinking [...] stresses air as the communicator of disease, ignoring sanitation or visible carriers" (101-102).
Writing Skills #1: Adding Quotations • The__________ and the__________represent the words we deleted from the quotation. • The quotation must still make_________________when the added words are deleted.
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations • Revised: • The boy tells us that "while she [Mangan's sister] spoke she turned a silver bracelet round and round her wrist" (Joyce 207). • To add material, use______________only. • Add material only for the purpose of__________________.
Writing Skill #1: Adding Quotations • Smith realizes his folly when he says, "I cant [sic] believe I just said that!" (39). • To indicate a mistake in grammar, use _______and the word_________in the quotation
Writing Skill #2: Paraphrase • 17. Original: “They were together at his house one night when the rain froze on the streets and sheathed the trees in glass” (613) • Paraphrase:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Writing Skill #2: Paraphrase • 18. Original: “They wore each other like a pair of socks” (612). • Paraphrase:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________