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The Body, Mind, and Senses. The Body - Heads and Shoulders. C hin. Th e part of the face below the mouth and above the neck A woman resting her chin in her hands. Cheek. E ither side of the face below the eye and above the jaw .
Chin • The part of the face below the mouth and above the neck • A woman resting her chin in her hands.
Cheek • Either side of the face below the eye and above the jaw. • An example of a cheek is the part of your face to which you apply blush. • A baby with bright pink cheeks.
Ear • Ear is defined as the part of the body for hearing. • An example of an ear is how people listen to music.
Eye • Noun. the organ that gives sight in humans and animals, or the iris. • An example of an eye is the pair of visible organs that humans use to see. • Verb. to eye is defined as to look at or observe. • An example of to eye is to check out a jacket in a department store window, you eye the jacket.
Eyebrow • Noun. the bony arch over each eye • The arch of hair growing over each eye • A woman plucking her eyebrow.
Eyelash • Any of the hairs on the edge of the eyelid • A woman with long eyelashes.
Forehead • Noun • The forehead is defined as the upper part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hair line. • The part of your face above your eyebrows that hurts when you get a headache is an example of your forehead. • A man wrinkling his forehead.
Hairy (hair) • Covered with hair or hair like projections • A rather hairy young man.
Head • Noun. Head is the part of the body that comes out of your neck and that contains the eyes, nose, mouth and brains. • An example of head is the part of your body that helps you to see, hear, smell and think. • Adjective. The definition of head is the person who is in charge. • An example of head is the librarian in charge of the other librarians. • Verb. To head means to take the lead or be in charge of. • An example of head is when you are the president of a company. • A little boy holding his head.
Lip • The definition of a lip is either the top or bottom edges of the mouth, something that resembles these, or an outer or upper edge or rim. • An example of a lip is the edge of a glass. • A pair of red lips
Mouth • Noun. • The definition of a mouth is the opening of something, particularly the opening through which a person talks and eats. • An example of a mouth is how a person takes in food. • An example of a mouth is where a river empties into a larger body of water. • Verb. • To mouth is defined as to speak without sound or in an insincere manner. • An example of to mouth is for a child to talk back to his parents. • The human mouth.
Neck • Thepart of a human or animal joining the head to the body, including the part of the backbone between the skull and the shoulders
Nose • Noun. • Nose is the part of the face used for breathing and smelling, or the ability to detect something. • An example of the nose is how people smell freshly baked bread. • An example of a nose is the ability to sniff out the best steaks. • Slang: Adj. • Nosey • The definition of nosey is someone who is overly curious and who gets too involved in other people's business. • An example of nosey is a nosey person who reads someone else's mail because he is curious about what the person received.
Nostril • Either of the external openings of the nose
Jaw • The definition of jaw is the two hinged bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth. • An example of the jaw is the hinged body part at the bottom of the face used for chewing.
Shoulder • Noun • The shoulder is the joint that connects the arm with the body, or the part of body that includes this joint and the muscles up to the base of the neck. • An example of a shoulder is where a person hangs the strap on a purse.
Tooth (Teeth) • Noun • Teeth are the hard, small, white enamel-covered structures set into a jaw. • An example of teeth are the white structures used to bite into something.
Tongue • The definition of a tongue is the muscular organ attached to the floor of the mouth in most animals, or something that resembles a tongue's shape. • Question: What are Taste Buds?
Throat • Noun • The definition of a throat is the front of the neck, the passage that leads from the mouth and nose to the stomach and lungs, or the entrance to something. • An example of the throat is the area just under the chin. • An example of the throat is the space where food goes just after you swallow it.
Elbow • The definition of an elbow is the joint that bends between the top and bottom parts of the arm, or anything bend in a 45° or 90° angle. • An example of an elbow is the part of the arm that bends when swinging a tennis racket.
Finger • Noun. • The definition of a finger is a digit on your hand or anything that looks like or functions like a finger. • A red ribbon tied around a woman's finger.
Finger nail • transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a finger
Fist • Noun. • Fist is defined as your hand when you bunch up your fingers so they touch your palm. • When you have balled up your fingers as you are about to punch someone, this is an example of a fist.
Forearm • The part of the arm between the elbow and the wrist
Palm • Noun • The definition of a palm is the inner surface of the hand between the fingers and wrist, or the part of a glove that covers this part of the hand. • An example of a palm is the part of the hand that fortune tellers look at in order to tell your fortune. • Palm is defined as a tropical tree or shrub with a branch-free trunk and long feather-shaped leaves at the top. • An example of a palm is the kind of tall skinny trees that you see a lot of in Hawaii.
Thumb • Noun • The thumb is the short finger on your hand that is nearest your wrist. • The short finger on your hand that is opposable to your other fingers is an example of a thumb. • Verb • To thumb is to use the short finger of your hand to touch something or to turn the pages of a book. • When you turn the pages of a book using the short finger on your hand, this is an example of a time when you thumb through the book
Wrist • Noun • The wrist is the part of the arm between the hand and forearm, or the part of a shirt that covers this area of the body. • An example of the wrist is where a bracelet or a watch is worn.
Ankle • Noun • The joint that connects the foot and the leg • The area of the leg between the foot and calf
Calf • Calf means the back part of the lower leg. • The part of the body accentuated by high heels is an example of calf. • Noun. Calf means a baby cow. • The small cow nursing from the mother cow is an example of a calf.
Foot (feet) • Noun. The definition of a foot is the end or last of something or 12 inches. • An example of foot is the part of the body that goes in a shoe. • An example of foot is the bottom of a bed. • An example of foot is the length of a ruler. • Verb. Foot is defined as to walk, dance or go via the feet, or to pay for something. • An example of foot is to hike up a mountain. • An example of foot is to pay the entire dinner bill for a group of people.
Heel • Noun • The definition of a heel is the part of the foot on the opposite end from the toes, under the ankle, or the part of a shoe that supports the heel. • An example of a heel is the back part of the foot. • The heel is defined as the outside bottom of a shoe, opposite of where the toes would be inside of the shoe. • An example of a heel is the part of a shoe that can be made thicker to make a person appear taller. • Telling your dog to walk next to you. • Heel Rex!
Hips • Noun • Hip means the part of the body from the waist to the top of the leg • An example of the hip is the joint at the top of the leg. • Adjective • The definition of hip is up-to-date on the latest trends. • An example of a hip person is someone with all of the latest clothes and fashions
Knee • Noun. • The definition of knee is the joint between the thigh and lower leg. • An example of a knee is the part of the body on which a person kneels. • Verb. • Knee is defined as to hit or strike using the joint between the thigh and lower leg. • An example of knee is to hit a soccer ball with this joint.
Shin • Noun. • The front part of the leg between the knee and the ankle
Thigh • Noun. • The thigh is defined as the part of the leg right below the hip. • An example of the thigh is the part of the chicken attached to the drumstick.
Toe • Noun. • The definition of a toe is one of the jointed parts at the front of the foot, or the part of a sock or shoe that covers the toe. • An example of a toe is the body part on which the nail is painted during a pedicure. • Big toe, little toe
Toenail • Nail of your toe
Bottom (Butt) • Your buttocks • Adjective. The definition of bottom is the lowest, last or underside of something. • An example of bottom is the lowest drawer in a file cabinet; the bottom drawer. • Noun. The bottom is defined as the underside or lowest position. • An example of bottom is the last person on a waiting list. • An example of bottom is the underside of an office chair. • An example of bottom is an entry level position at a company. • Eggs are at the bottom of this list.
Chest • The part of the body enclosed by the ribs, breastbone, and diaphragm; • Noun. a box with a lid and, often, a lock, for storing or shipping things
Back • Adjective. • The definition of back is in the rear. • An example of back used as an adjective is a back yard which means a yard situated behind the house. • Noun. • Back means the rear of something. • An example of a back is the tail of an animal.
Stomach • Noun. • The definition of a stomach is the part of the body that stores and digests food. • Verb. • To stomach is defined as to bear or deal with something. • An example of to stomach is to constantly put up with listening to complainers.
Waist • Noun. • The waist is the part of the body between the ribs and hips, or the part of the clothes that cover this part of the body. • An example of the waist is where a belt is usually worn.
Blood • Noun. • The definition of blood is the fluid that carries oxygen and other elements to the tissues and carbon dioxide away from the tissues through the heart and vascular system of humans and other animals. • An example of blood is the red fluid that comes out of a person when he gets cut.